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02-28-2011, 01:43 AM
This is a suggestion regarding fire traps in the Balefort Sewers dungeon, not a petition for their removal! Now you may continue reading. ;)

"Omg fire trap..." "Stupid traps!!" "Wow, just wow."

I'm sure you've heard the above statements many times since the new campaign was released, and most likely made these exclamations yourselves.

Right off the bat, I would like to say, as annoying as they are, they are an excellent addition to the new dungeon and help eliminate skilless dependent players! (a.k.a. Mynas Gens) However, I do believe there is a line between challenging and strengthening your teamwork and adaptability, and being a downright pain in the butt.


I will now procede to make a suggestion and provide logical reasons why it is a good idea! I have two similar ideas, and I will compare them.

1. Eliminate the ability to target fire traps so we cannot set them off accidentally.
2. Eliminate targeting ability, but have them set off by certain AOE skills.

The reasoning for eliminating the ability to target fire traps is because... well, look. This is a mobile game and targeting when there are many Mobs in a dungeon isn't extremely precise. Too many times people accidentally hit auto-attack and kill their whole team. It happens to the best of us, because it's quite easy to make the mistake of doing so.

As I stated in the introduction, fire traps help build survival skills and strategy, and having them still present and exploding in their natural rhythm accomplishes these two things, making it challenging. But with the ease of triggering them with any offensive skill, there should be a limit.

The reason I suggested two courses of action is due to the fact that the traps may lose some of their original inteded purpose with the removal of targeting. To compensate, they could be sensative to the classes' most logical skills that would set off traps. Blast Shot, Firestorm, and Stomp. Therefor, you would still have to watch your skills around traps, but could rest assured you cand accidentally target one and start a nuclear holocaust. ;)


In conclusion, in case you skipped everything important, I want fire traps to stay in the Sewers! I just don't think shooting an arrow from my bow at a metal grate should nuke the whole map. Constructive feedback/criticism is appreciated; no flaming or pretzel spamming. :D

(I would like to see this considered!)

02-28-2011, 02:00 AM
Oh, and also: these strange random points on the floor that you can target, particularly the one at the start of the Hideout, are irritating. Are they they there for a reason, or...?


02-28-2011, 02:18 AM
All really good points would like this as well...love fire traps cant stand faulty auto target

02-28-2011, 07:35 AM
I do like the old Fire trap however I hate someone in the party getting bored and blowing us all up

02-28-2011, 08:02 AM
LOL, i had a bear that did a stomp and killed everyone in a blow... "Amazing" traps! Yes, the auto target on nothingness must go...

02-28-2011, 09:56 AM
I think they should simply not be able to be autotargeted. That way if someone wants to strategically fire to set them off they could, but people would not accidentally set them off because they just tapped their attack button.

02-28-2011, 10:21 AM
I think they should simply not be able to be autotargeted. That way if someone wants to strategically fire to set them off they could, but people would not accidentally set them off because they just tapped their attack button.

and plz fix this non existing targets...

02-28-2011, 10:21 AM
I think they should simply not be able to be autotargeted. That way if someone wants to strategically fire to set them off they could, but people would not accidentally set them off because they just tapped their attack button.

Would have to agree with Royce...as usual haha. As for fire traps themselves I think it sucks they do so much dmg but it just adds another obstacle to the game rather than just enemies. Makes you pay more attention rather than just following the group, for some lol.

02-28-2011, 10:53 AM
Honestly, I don't mind if they stayed the way they are.
/me ducks

The long hall in Swill Pitz is probably the best example of a chain of what I like to call "pot busters" :)

Time your walk right, and you can get to the end without dying. (You might want to kill the first set of green goblins though).

I suppose, if you have a long range weapon equipped, you can set them off before your reach each one. But that's just too much trouble imo.

02-28-2011, 12:46 PM
Still its just a pain in the butt and ruins All of our fun because ppl like dieing wheb theres a challange like hard bosses but not by accidently toching the wrobg part of a tiny screen and then dieing. It drives me crazy cause i wasted lots of gold abd sometimes mage dies or there isbt a mage in party.

02-28-2011, 02:31 PM
My one suggestion:

When you get hit by one fire trap that flings you towards another fire trap and are immediately hit, you need a big "COMBO!" animation above your poor, ceiling-staring body.


02-28-2011, 02:42 PM
I agree with Ricctis, this needs 2 be fixed.

02-28-2011, 03:32 PM
Yes the non existent targets are annoying but not as annoying as fire traps, its killing my kill/death ratio on my bird!!

03-01-2011, 03:54 PM
I would like to point out that you actually can not set off a fire trap. You can hit it and it does make the explosion animation - but there is no damage from it except for the main explosion which is on a timer.

Test it and see... As soon as a trap explodes, run over and stand on it - so you have it as fresh as possible. Now, as soon as you can, target the grate and keep attacking it - and watch the grate's health bar. You will only be hit by one blast - when the health bar goes from full to none. You attacking it does nothing to speed up that process.

The reason people do die from players targeting grates, however, is because you can confuse a faux explosion (done by a player hitting the grate, although the grate will do no damage to the player) with it's timed real explosion. It's very easy to see the grate explode by someone targeting it and think it is okay to cross.

Always watch for the fire trap health bars... when it goes black, it has truly gone off and you can cross.

03-01-2011, 03:58 PM
You can absolutely set off fire traps by firing at them at the right time.

03-01-2011, 04:03 PM
Someone else attacking the trap will knock it down to zero "health"/black prematurely before the normal timed blast, regardless of the faux animation. I believe this is what Nightarcher is referring too. I believe your "You attacking it does nothing to speed up that process" is totally 100% inaccurate, but note I say "believe". I have been near traps that have gone off on normal timed rounds, then as I was running by shortly thereafter - but long before the timer cycle counted down again - someone targeted the trap and knocked it to black/zero BEFORE the timer normally would have, and boompow I am staring at the ceiling on the other side of the map.

I could be wrong, always a possibilty, and I/others can double-check. As it stands, I disagree.

03-01-2011, 07:00 PM
Setting off the trap, making it's timer go down and explode, whatever you call it. I just don't think a metal grate on the ground should be able to be auto-targeted or set off with any skills besides a powerful AOE, if even that.

And I will double check that Uimacaz, but I'm pretty sure attacking it sets it off one way or another. I'll test different skills and weapons to see if I notice a difference when I get around to it :)

03-02-2011, 11:03 AM
Attacking the firetraps seem to "mistime" them. If you can "kill" them, then they are "dead" for a bit. However, sometimes attacking them just makes them explode repeatedly and thereby kill everyone in the party. It takes a bit to "kill" a trap. Some of the "got killed by a firetrap from the other side of the map" could be a lag issue.

And I really hate that they are auto-targeted when your previous target dies. I walk away from traps I target if any of my party members are on/near it, and of course, de-target ASAP, but I walk away to try to make sure I'm not firing on the trap while any group members are within range of it. That seems to mostly work.

03-03-2011, 10:33 AM
Honestly, I don't like the fire traps, even though I'm not a "skilless dependent player (aka Mynas Gen)". ;) But they're there and I have to deal with them--fine. It would be nice, however, if they had some use. The barrels can at least damage enemies....what about the fire traps? Make them useful and I'd like them more even though they tend to toast my tail-feathers.

03-03-2011, 10:49 AM
Agree, taking the auto-target off of fire traps would fix the issue! Devs, please consider.