View Full Version : I am so tired of scammers, so how about this................

05-19-2010, 12:11 AM
In the game you should be able to view a players items, that way a scammer can't lie and say he has an item, and scam you when he really never had it. I know what your thinking, he could have the item and not give it to you, correct? If you are asking for a rare item (as most people are) most scammers don't have too great of stuff. This idea is not mainly for preventing scammers but for trading items. I know secure trade is coming out, but this will make it easier on the players because instead of listing the items the other person can view what the other player has!

What do you guys think, horrible and pointless, or can be useful, or great idea?


05-19-2010, 12:54 AM
Already been suggested and I hope the devs are looking into this and most of the suggestions as well.

My guess and based on a few posts is that they are working on "more important" things for the game right now.

05-19-2010, 02:57 AM
Hi mystical I've played with you several times your a good player. Now on topic, I like your idea i assume they will fix it with secure trading but it would be nice to have this option even before opening a possible trade exchange.

05-20-2010, 02:34 PM
but it would be nice to have this option even before opening a possible trade exchange.

NO. no. Would you want people to just go snooping around in your items ALL THE TIME? i wouldnt not that it makes a huge deal. but think about it. U hav this super rare item. Ur wanting to keep,(not trade/sale) but since everyone is going around checking other peoples pockets. They will see that u have it. and start bagging to trade for something they hav. along with everyone else in the towne once they know u have it. Simple solution would be, in order to "view" another persons inventory would be when u make a request, (possibly could show up ina window like when u accept friends) and you would then need to go and accept the request allowing them to access the "viewing" of your inv. I think that some sorta access request would need to be added to this to make it a good addition. Just my opinion, Oh and good suggestions people.

05-20-2010, 02:59 PM
This is all a moot point because of secure trade.

05-20-2010, 03:04 PM
I'm soooooooooooo happy that these threads will become extinct come next week, at the latest. Stupid people scam. Never trust anyone in the Towne.... Unless you recognize them from these forums, but even then.. I stick to the forums for my trading and have yet to be scammed.

So yeah, umm, no need to implement anything anymore. What you suggested would be nice, but I'd rather see guilds, grouping, and an auction house well before your idea.

So.. It would be nice eventually, but there are more important things to add right now.

05-20-2010, 03:36 PM
Secure trade should be coming any day now (soon as 1.2 is approved), and no, we don't want you seeing other people's items if they are not equipped.