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View Full Version : Elite timers

01-12-2015, 02:48 AM
Any word on when timers will be put back on elite Tindirin and Planar maps (tombs and arena)?

01-12-2015, 08:56 AM

01-12-2015, 09:38 AM
I hope never

01-12-2015, 10:27 AM
I hope that the time they do come back is also when we get a chance to choose whether to run a closed timed map or an open map the way it is right now.

01-12-2015, 11:42 AM
Absolutely No just no timer for tombs /Arena

Dex Scene
01-12-2015, 01:15 PM
I love no timer trindin and plannar :(

01-13-2015, 02:09 AM
Yes, people like it without timer because everyone cheats in planar tombs by scaling the maps to a solo player. That's not how elite is intended to be played.

However, I was actually asking in regards to the devs saying there is an expansion coming. That means end of leaderboard season, which means timers are necessary for anyone hoping to compete for speed leaderboards.

01-13-2015, 02:36 AM
ssshh....no scaling on thread

01-13-2015, 03:52 AM
Remove all timers. Lb is just for bragging rights anyways so no point lol

Dex Scene
01-13-2015, 03:58 AM
Yes, people like it without timer because everyone cheats in planar tombs by scaling the maps to a solo player. That's not how elite is intended to be played.

However, I was actually asking in regards to the devs saying there is an expansion coming. That means end of leaderboard season, which means timers are necessary for anyone hoping to compete for speed leaderboards.

Maybe they can fix it by scaling up the difficulty again when other people joins and hit the boss!!
people should get an option maybe, to play
i- Classic style (timers on, chase LB)
ii- Casual Style (no timers, no hurrying ups, people can join leave join back etc)

people can play whatever they like at the moment!

01-13-2015, 04:18 AM
Yes, people like it without timer because everyone cheats in planar tombs by scaling the maps to a solo player. That's not how elite is intended to be played.

Yes, that's not how is intended to be, but that's the only way to undergeared player like me and maybe more can grind and enjoying the tombs and make some living from there.

Sent from my XT1022 using Tapatalk

Sir Lubo Penev
01-13-2015, 05:21 AM
I don't want timers, because people still lag, freeze, disconnect. Fix the scaling loophole et voilą.

Running elite content hasn't been more fun for a long time. No stress, no pvp-like comments from the 'pros' that you're slowing them down, no drama. You don't remove that, because a handful of people want to be on a leaderboard. Make them a separate map entrance with timers - problem solved.

01-13-2015, 06:03 AM
Add arcane elite mode @@ no pots or revives so we can make our tanks useful

01-13-2015, 10:52 AM
Add arcane elite mode @@ no pots or revives so we can make our tanks useful
woooooottss thats something!! O.o

01-13-2015, 12:11 PM
Yes, people like it without timer because everyone cheats in planar tombs by scaling the maps to a solo player. That's not how elite is intended to be played.

However, I was actually asking in regards to the devs saying there is an expansion coming. That means end of leaderboard season, which means timers are necessary for anyone hoping to compete for speed leaderboards.

Hello Sera,

since you directly bring up the topic of scaling, which for some unknown reason many think has been unnoticed by sts, I can reassure you that I know of several people, who have reported this to the mods/devs and have even gotten replies that it will be looked into. So no worries :-). Btw funny thing is, that even when scaled you still can get oneshot by the dogs, giants, mages (necros) and the boss (the boss i actually survive barely).

A think they should make it optional and like in other games such as Diablo III, where mobs scale up and down every time a player joins or respectively leaves the zone. Getting to the boss, especially in the tombs, and losing half of your party and having to remap because of the timer is highly disheartening and should never happen.

P.S. I have another theory why this has not been changed so far. You know total ankh usage per day as compared to before timers were removed and the respective revenue ;-)

01-13-2015, 12:39 PM
Also I have to add that before returning any timers there are other issues that need to be address. The second tombs boss is quite bugged:

1. The are of effect of his curse is wider that the red zone shows and due to some potential additional bug the area of effect seems to vary
2. Its charge is longer than its arrow shows
3. Sometimes his skeletons just do not die and similar to the skeletons of Syrillax just stay there and absorb your shots forever.
4. The shielded skeleton mobs sometimes do not lose there shield when standing near a statue, so you have to park them
5. The dogs have sudden one-shots.
I do not think one can expect people to pay real money, because that's what ankhs are no matter whether you buy them with gold or plat, for bugged content.
Also the general difficulty of the bosses in the tombs might have to be addressed again, because no matter how skilled you are, in a full party of people with mid-class gear ( rogues 530+ damage and mages 650+) the second boss takes 20+ minutes to kill alone due to its heavy armour, which just makes the whole tomb way too time consuming.

I personally have successfully tried to solo planar tomb 2 several times and think that if the timers return I will just have to solo, although not dying on the boss is a matter of luck sometimes, because it just takes less time than in a full pt.

01-13-2015, 01:14 PM
I hope that the time they do come back is also when we get a chance to choose whether to run a closed timed map or an open map the way it is right now.

I agree with this, but I'm just not sure from a developer's standpoint how this would be implemented. IF the scaling can be fixed, I really think that taking out the timers would be a great idea. At the least I think we should be able to minimize the timer just like we minimized the energy timer during events. Since I do timed runs it's useful, but for the other 99% of players who just want to farm a map, it's useless.

Also, what's this I hear about a new expansion, Sera??

01-13-2015, 01:18 PM
Also, what's this I hear about a new expansion, Sera??They've released the new teaser arcane pet in the insider's section, this is usually the herald for the new expansion and the end of the season.

01-13-2015, 02:03 PM
Actually, I wouldn't ever assume a pet teaser meant an expansion. I was referring to the Introducing Productor thread in announcements, which contained the following statement

We're already in the planning stages of our next expansion. I can’t talk too much about it just yet, other than it’s in the works, raises the level cap and I can’t wait to tell you more! We’ll keep you posted on progress by dropping teasers, info and more as we go along. New expansion means new items, pets and more!

As for the timer issue, someone said LB should be eliminated, which is just ridiculous since that is all end game players have to use as a goal. There are no new or long term achievements to gain, so if there is no timed leaderboard, the only thing we would have to work at is 10k flags? Give me a break.

Personally I find this whole scaling nonsense so annoying that I now refuse to run tombs at all. There is nothing at all fun about standing around waiting for someone to make it easy (it's elite, it's supposed to be challenging) then killing a couple of dozen easy mobs and going out waiting for someone to call you back once the boss is made easy too. It's stupid, boring, and a huge waste of time.

If they want to make a timerless option, that is fine, but they need to fix this exploit first.

01-13-2015, 03:29 PM
I like the elites without the timers, and I posted a thread about how much I liked it long before I knew anything about this whole scaling business, so its untrue and unfair to say that anyone for this idea only likes it for that reason.

My reasons then are the same as my reasons now - it makes the whole experience a lot more relaxing and more PUG friendly. It's great being able to go to an elite and start killing and just get on with it rather than having to wait for the map to be full of 4, only to find 2 of them are tanks and then everyone leaves and the whole process starts again. When running with a pre-made party, a disconnecting member can rejoin and even with the major dc issues fixed, working all the way to the boss with your party and then disconnecting and being locked out is still a point of annoyance.

I would love to see timers come back along with an option to chose the timed run or not. I see no reason why the world map couldn't contain three buttons - the current "Elite" and "PVP" options as well as a third "Timed" option which opened world map and sent you to a timed instance when you click on your chosen destination.

01-13-2015, 03:30 PM
I agree on giving a choice whether people want a timer or not. However, if sts does fix the scaling exploit, pve will basically just turn into a pvp-style scenario. Higher geared players will look down upon those lower/middle gear players, and then its back to farming locks for years for us. Middle/lower geared players wont be able to join unless there are 0 higher geared players, considering that the exploit is fixed. Elites are meant to be challenging, but whats the point if one run will take between 1-2 hours, with a chance of people leaving? This will just widen the gap even more between the upper and lower class. Just like life eh? People will also waste all of their gold on pots and ankhs and hardly make a profit, if at all. Then all we have left is the arena, which is basically only rogue and mage teams. Due to this warrior will become useless unless its for pvp. I personally think sts should leave the scaling scenario alone and just give people a choice of whether they want to run with timers or not. It will give middle/lower geared players a chance to farm to become a higher geared player, and give higher geared players an incentive to running tombs.

01-13-2015, 09:09 PM
I like the elites without the timers, and I posted a thread about how much I liked it long before I knew anything about this whole scaling business, so its untrue and unfair to say that anyone for this idea only likes it for that reason.

My reasons then are the same as my reasons now - it makes the whole experience a lot more relaxing and more PUG friendly. It's great being able to go to an elite and start killing and just get on with it rather than having to wait for the map to be full of 4, only to find 2 of them are tanks and then everyone leaves and the whole process starts again. When running with a pre-made party, a disconnecting member can rejoin and even with the major dc issues fixed, working all the way to the boss with your party and then disconnecting and being locked out is still a point of annoyance.

I would love to see timers come back along with an option to chose the timed run or not. I see no reason why the world map couldn't contain three buttons - the current "Elite" and "PVP" options as well as a third "Timed" option which opened world map and sent you to a timed instance when you click on your chosen destination.

I never said that my statement about scaling was all-encompassing, although it is the reason most players don't want it put back. As for the non-timed runs, that is something STS itself proposed several months back. Whether it is implemented or gets forgotten like undead wrathjaw, we shall see.

However, if they do leave an untimed option, this scaling business needs fixing. This is meant to be the most difficult content in the game, and right now you don't even need decent gear to run it. Just lots of time to stand around twiddling your thumbs.

I agree on giving a choice whether people want a timer or not. However, if sts does fix the scaling exploit, pve will basically just turn into a pvp-style scenario. Higher geared players will look down upon those lower/middle gear players, and then its back to farming locks for years for us. Middle/lower geared players wont be able to join unless there are 0 higher geared players, considering that the exploit is fixed. Elites are meant to be challenging, but whats the point if one run will take between 1-2 hours, with a chance of people leaving? This will just widen the gap even more between the upper and lower class. Just like life eh? People will also waste all of their gold on pots and ankhs and hardly make a profit, if at all. Then all we have left is the arena, which is basically only rogue and mage teams. Due to this warrior will become useless unless its for pvp. I personally think sts should leave the scaling scenario alone and just give people a choice of whether they want to run with timers or not. It will give middle/lower geared players a chance to farm to become a higher geared player, and give higher geared players an incentive to running tombs.

If STS believes the maps are appropriate when scaled to 1 person, they can lower the difficulty to that level for 4 people, and still fix the scaling issue. But I don't believe that is what was intended with these particular maps. And sorry to say, Warrior is already useless unless for pvp. With or without timers, runs will always be faster with a straight dps team.

01-13-2015, 09:53 PM
Whats "Pve"? O.o

01-13-2015, 10:44 PM
I agree with you on that, Serancha. Sts can still give the option of doing timed runs for those who want to do lb runs, in which the maps would have elite difficulty(without scaling). This can help mid/lower geared players have an incentive to farm as well as give warriors something to do outside of pvp. This way the gap between the rich and the middle/lower classes can close a little bit. It wouldnt be fair to force someone to pop lets say, a few hundred/thousand locks just so they can run a map now, would it? Just my thoughts though.