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05-19-2010, 01:38 AM
You Hit The Ancient Swamps Foist Thing in the Morning [After your done brushing your teeth and stuff - of Course] -

Your Character: Gooooood Morning Vietnam!!!

Just an in-game funny I made as I hit the swamps early this morning.

Other Situational Moments:

In the Fathom Crypts -
This is madness.
Madness. No.

After Being Mobbed (ONLY If Someone - other than you - Needed A Revive) -
Palyer 1 (to mage): Rev / Revive / Rev Please / Revive Plz . . .
Mage: [Revives Player as Requested]
Meh: Alright which one of youse is the sissy girl wot needed to be revived bkk there??

Followed By a Quick: Kidding [So as not to unintentionally cause offense].

Hmmmm. . . cant think of any others. Tho I’m sure there were a few more of those. Standard stuff - someone dies and you say - Noooooooo. [Can add players name real quick for instance - Achh Magewilly Noooooooooo].

Then there was the Mage (another enchantress, not Magewilly the Magnificent) dying on us today - Squirrelmage. Got mobbed. Re-spawned. Made it Back to the rest of the party.
Meh: Guys. . .don’t look now but I think squirrelmage been turned into one-a-dem zombies. . . .

Ummm . . .true that my camera was not oriented quite right and I didn’t happen to notice my party getting hit by a boss. And then another boss. But I was all over the situation as soon as I sawr it. Not the one clicked a quick help as I was busy typing out my funnies. . . else could have responded sooner. More professional like. Anyway. Was profusely apologetic to the party after for not being more alert as it were. Was wayy to early in the morning where I was for a serious run. Which is what started the free association session to begin with as I hit the Olde Ancient Swamps with a resounding - Gooooooooood Morning Vietnam.

And am gonna be doing that quite often methinks. At least until the Oasis is out. . . . OOoooo . . .whn . . . whnnnn. . . !?!

05-19-2010, 01:42 PM
tl; dr

Alright, this could be good. I think it was Akota who said this as we approached Frogmar the Burninator (before she done got moved on us):

Akota: Leeerrroooyyyy Jeeenkkinnnssss!!!!

For those who don't know: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCNJRfSZBU

(Bill is such a good number-cruncher)

05-19-2010, 11:00 PM
WoW TCG Ay!! Nice . . nice. . . wrks for meh!

05-20-2010, 12:13 AM
WoW TCG? hmm...didn't know that existed. Never played WoW before.

05-20-2010, 12:42 AM
Haaar... thts where i thought it was from . . . used to have time for it. No anymore.

OOot checked out your linkk. . . I gets it noww.. . . the MMO. . crazy video . . . mobbed.

06-14-2010, 01:50 PM
My personal fav was tehmastero's "My milkshake brings all the pinks to the yard!"

06-14-2010, 01:58 PM
GD Leeroy GD........ Leeroy you moron.....

06-14-2010, 02:00 PM
I love the Leroy Jenkins video! Haha!

"You're stupid as hell Leroy!"
"Atleast I have chicken"

06-14-2010, 03:03 PM
Dude, I have been saying "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!" Since the very begging as level 2!

06-14-2010, 03:22 PM
Dude, I have been saying "THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!" Since the very begging as level 2!

Who Hasn't ??
