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View Full Version : L56 mage help!!

01-14-2015, 10:35 PM
Been awhile since i pvped at 56 just wondering if anyone would help me out with a build and possibly help me with a combo :)

01-15-2015, 12:21 AM
Just few tips. Heal after bears use Hell storm. Birds usually repulse first so don't MS right away. Mages honestly is about timing heals(obviously more stuff like combos and stuff etc). If you waste a heal on being iced, you risk them debuffing you and prone to being dead before your 2nd heal is ready.

01-15-2015, 01:37 PM
Thanks that tip is greatly appreciated 56 is so much different than 35 pvp lol any advice on combos? Still pretty lost there becides ice light fire combos lol

01-15-2015, 02:23 PM
Just few tips. Heal after bears use Hell storm. Birds usually repulse first so don't MS right away. Mages honestly is about timing heals(obviously more stuff like combos and stuff etc). If you waste a heal on being iced, you risk them debuffing you and prone to being dead before your 2nd heal is ready.

Ms'ing right away vs a bird doesnt work. I tend to step in win train, quick heal then ms after that you can combo whatever you want. :)
Works vs all bird up to 61 :)

01-15-2015, 02:49 PM
Thanks that tip is greatly appreciated 56 is so much different than 35 pvp lol any advice on combos? Still pretty lost there becides ice light fire combos lol

You needing a build?

01-15-2015, 03:01 PM
Ms'ing right away vs a bird doesnt work. I tend to step in win train, quick heal then ms after that you can combo whatever you want. :)
Works vs all bird up to 61 :)

i said dont ms right away

01-15-2015, 03:03 PM
Thanks that tip is greatly appreciated 56 is so much different than 35 pvp lol any advice on combos? Still pretty lost there becides ice light fire combos lol

i love the drain-lightning-fire combo. It is really strong! Tap those in quick succession to maximum effect!

01-15-2015, 03:12 PM
Birds can't nuke you as hard here as they can at endgame, so you can tank slightly even without ms. Charmin has pretty nice crit too. Fire at the start to kite, does quite a lot of damage. Do it a second time if you want, then just charge and ms, won't take much to kill em at this stage. Not saying this is the way but it works for me. Bears, just time your debuffs and heal. Vs other mages, heal timing again is important, I heal when I am frosted so the ice fire combo can't hit, and I save my drain a lot to nuke unexpectantly.

You only need 1 point in ms. 6 buffs, 5 on both debuffs, 6 heal 1 rev 6 drain 6 light 6 frost 6 fire 1 ice storm. Gl:)

01-15-2015, 05:58 PM
Thanks guys!! Cant wait to try these tips out in pvp

01-15-2015, 06:59 PM
Swear to god I can't find my old L56 Enchantress guide, wondering if it got deleted

EDIT: NVM, here it is. http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?152380-L56-Pure-Int-Mage-Guide!