View Full Version : A slightly unusual nerf/buff request thread

01-15-2015, 07:37 PM
So i am a big believer in the fact that the rings, (especially the 3pc ring), can make or break pvp. I've read a lot of threads about bears being op because of their dodge and armor. Now that i've amassed almost 30k pvp fights, i just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I've read an older thread that just wanted to remove dodge out of the equation. Personally, i do not think dodge or high armor is a problem. Or should i say...that isn't the real problem. Dodge and armor have nothing to do with it, imo. But i have another idea...what if we removed the 3pc ring effects from some classes?

It would go something like this:

1. BIRDS: any bird that has Dragon Ring or 2pc ring should act as a bird that HAS THE 3PC RING ON. Basically if u either spent 200 plat or have reached l77 (which means grabbing 300k xp, which is no easy task), your ring would act like a 3pc ring. I've fought enough birds to come to the conclusion that birds that have 3pc, no matter how bad they are, have a real chance of defeating any class. And they usually do.

2. INT MAGES: similar to birds, int mages that have Drag or 2pc ring should act like they would wear 3pc ring.

3. PALLIES: I think 3pc lust pallies are OP. Pallies that wear lust str set should be limited to the effects of wearing 2 pc ring and savage wearing pallies that have either drag ring or 2pc ring should get the benefit of wearing 3pc ring. This way, the choice is theirs, either have increased armor or increased damage. Both good.

4. BEARS: I think this is the most OP class and they should be hit the hardest. The best ring they could wear is the 10 plat, 2 dodge 10 dmg ring. Possibly, minus the 10 damage part, since their attack debuff is already so powerful.

5. FOX: fox shouldnt be able to equip anything else other than 2 pc ring.

6. RHINO: 3pc ring stats for every 2pc ring or dragon ring that rhyno wears.

Notice that founders helm and egg are completely taken out of the equation. These are just my thoughts bases on my experiences with pvp. But seriously, if this does not fix pvp balance, i don't know what will.

01-15-2015, 08:01 PM
This kind of update would take as much as time, effort and money as just nerfing bears would. Be happy with what STS gives, and if they do plan on nerfing, it should be more skills than gear/class specific limitations. Also, this type of nerf would affect some 61/66 pvpers, and taking dragon rings away from bears would be like taking away the hard earned money and plat used to get a dragon set.

01-15-2015, 08:20 PM
So give 3piece to everyone except pallies and bears? Lol.

01-16-2015, 01:38 AM
So i am a big believer in the fact that the rings, (especially the 3pc ring), can make or break pvp. I've read a lot of threads about bears being op because of their dodge and armor. Now that i've amassed almost 30k pvp fights, i just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I've read an older thread that just wanted to remove dodge out of the equation. Personally, i do not think dodge or high armor is a problem. Or should i say...that isn't the real problem. Dodge and armor have nothing to do with it, imo. But i have another idea...what if we removed the 3pc ring effects from some classes?

It would go something like this:

1. BIRDS: any bird that has Dragon Ring or 2pc ring should act as a bird that HAS THE 3PC RING ON. Basically if u either spent 200 plat or have reached l77 (which means grabbing 300k xp, which is no easy task), your ring would act like a 3pc ring. I've fought enough birds to come to the conclusion that birds that have 3pc, no matter how bad they are, have a real chance of defeating any class. And they usually do.

2. INT MAGES: similar to birds, int mages that have Drag or 2pc ring should act like they would wear 3pc ring.

3. PALLIES: I think 3pc lust pallies are OP. Pallies that wear lust str set should be limited to the effects of wearing 2 pc ring and savage wearing pallies that have either drag ring or 2pc ring should get the benefit of wearing 3pc ring. This way, the choice is theirs, either have increased armor or increased damage. Both good.

4. BEARS: I think this is the most OP class and they should be hit the hardest. The best ring they could wear is the 10 plat, 2 dodge 10 dmg ring. Possibly, minus the 10 damage part, since their attack debuff is already so powerful.

5. FOX: fox shouldnt be able to equip anything else other than 2 pc ring.

6. RHINO: 3pc ring stats for every 2pc ring or dragon ring that rhyno wears.

Notice that founders helm and egg are completely taken out of the equation. These are just my thoughts bases on my experiences with pvp. But seriously, if this does not fix pvp balance, i don't know what will.
Ignore this

01-16-2015, 04:22 AM
Not necessarily give or take away the rings, but give or take the ability to the respective classes. So, for instance, the 3pc ring on bears has +10 damage, +1 crit etc, +5 dodge. Take away everything but +2 dodge. You can keep the 3pc ring lol, but it just wont do much. I dont quite understand what other kind of update you would want when this does it all.

By the way these changes i proposed are exclusively for end game pvp. Not for l61-66. Ive no idea what is happening there.

I came up with this thread because honest, i got tired of...lets call them 'players'...who have 3pc birds and int mages, that dont even know their ranges to call me or others OP just because i use bear or pally. Thats nonsense. If you cannot beat even dragon ring pally or bear with 3pc bird or int mage, then its your fault. I mean, i guess i should just auto put them on ignore list next time.

01-16-2015, 11:06 AM
Endgame PvP is fine. Two different classes of the same level have equal chances of beating each other. The fact that people have 3pc / 2pc is because they have earned it by leveling up. Although I do agree that there is a huge difference in one level when it comes to endgame whereas a 56 can still beat a 61. You just need to know how to play your class properly.

01-16-2015, 11:10 AM
Endgame PvP is fine.


01-16-2015, 09:42 PM
Endgame PvP is fine. Two different classes of the same level have equal chances of beating each other. The fact that people have 3pc / 2pc is because they have earned it by leveling up. Although I do agree that there is a huge difference in one level when it comes to endgame whereas a 56 can still beat a 61. You just need to know how to play your class properly.

You clearly don't endgame.

01-17-2015, 12:11 AM
Its an idea but then it would take out the people that have done hard work by capping 3 or more caps to have the 3pc the poeple that have the 3pc should have the 3pc not poeple that just hit l77 2pc acting as a 3pc

01-18-2015, 12:51 PM
So i am a big believer in the fact that the rings, (especially the 3pc ring), can make or break pvp. I've read a lot of threads about bears being op because of their dodge and armor. Now that i've amassed almost 30k pvp fights, i just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I've read an older thread that just wanted to remove dodge out of the equation. Personally, i do not think dodge or high armor is a problem. Or should i say...that isn't the real problem. Dodge and armor have nothing to do with it, imo. But i have another idea...what if we removed the 3pc ring effects from some classes?

It would go something like this:

1. BIRDS: any bird that has Dragon Ring or 2pc ring should act as a bird that HAS THE 3PC RING ON. Basically if u either spent 200 plat or have reached l77 (which means grabbing 300k xp, which is no easy task), your ring would act like a 3pc ring. I've fought enough birds to come to the conclusion that birds that have 3pc, no matter how bad they are, have a real chance of defeating any class. And they usually do.

2. INT MAGES: similar to birds, int mages that have Drag or 2pc ring should act like they would wear 3pc ring.

3. PALLIES: I think 3pc lust pallies are OP. Pallies that wear lust str set should be limited to the effects of wearing 2 pc ring and savage wearing pallies that have either drag ring or 2pc ring should get the benefit of wearing 3pc ring. This way, the choice is theirs, either have increased armor or increased damage. Both good.

4. BEARS: I think this is the most OP class and they should be hit the hardest. The best ring they could wear is the 10 plat, 2 dodge 10 dmg ring. Possibly, minus the 10 damage part, since their attack debuff is already so powerful.

5. FOX: fox shouldnt be able to equip anything else other than 2 pc ring.

6. RHINO: 3pc ring stats for every 2pc ring or dragon ring that rhyno wears.

Notice that founders helm and egg are completely taken out of the equation. These are just my thoughts bases on my experiences with pvp. But seriously, if this does not fix pvp balance, i don't know what will.

Not necessarily give or take away the rings, but give or take the ability to the respective classes. So, for instance, the 3pc ring on bears has +10 damage, +1 crit etc, +5 dodge. Take away everything but +2 dodge. You can keep the 3pc ring lol, but it just wont do much. I dont quite understand what other kind of update you would want when this does it all.

By the way these changes i proposed are exclusively for end game pvp. Not for l61-66. Ive no idea what is happening there.

I came up with this thread because honest, i got tired of...lets call them 'players'...who have 3pc birds and int mages, that dont even know their ranges to call me or others OP just because i use bear or pally. Thats nonsense. If you cannot beat even dragon ring pally or bear with 3pc bird or int mage, then its your fault. I mean, i guess i should just auto put them on ignore list next time.

i see
players that have played for 2-3yrs plus are nub
love that logic

01-18-2015, 02:25 PM
So i am a big believer in the fact that the rings, (especially the 3pc ring), can make or break pvp. I've read a lot of threads about bears being op because of their dodge and armor. Now that i've amassed almost 30k pvp fights, i just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I've read an older thread that just wanted to remove dodge out of the equation. Personally, i do not think dodge or high armor is a problem. Or should i say...that isn't the real problem. Dodge and armor have nothing to do with it, imo. But i have another idea...what if we removed the 3pc ring effects from some classes?

It would go something like this:

1. BIRDS: any bird that has Dragon Ring or 2pc ring should act as a bird that HAS THE 3PC RING ON. Basically if u either spent 200 plat or have reached l77 (which means grabbing 300k xp, which is no easy task), your ring would act like a 3pc ring. I've fought enough birds to come to the conclusion that birds that have 3pc, no matter how bad they are, have a real chance of defeating any class. And they usually do.

2. INT MAGES: similar to birds, int mages that have Drag or 2pc ring should act like they would wear 3pc ring.

3. PALLIES: I think 3pc lust pallies are OP. Pallies that wear lust str set should be limited to the effects of wearing 2 pc ring and savage wearing pallies that have either drag ring or 2pc ring should get the benefit of wearing 3pc ring. This way, the choice is theirs, either have increased armor or increased damage. Both good.

4. BEARS: I think this is the most OP class and they should be hit the hardest. The best ring they could wear is the 10 plat, 2 dodge 10 dmg ring. Possibly, minus the 10 damage part, since their attack debuff is already so powerful.

5. FOX: fox shouldnt be able to equip anything else other than 2 pc ring.

6. RHINO: 3pc ring stats for every 2pc ring or dragon ring that rhyno wears.

Notice that founders helm and egg are completely taken out of the equation. These are just my thoughts bases on my experiences with pvp. But seriously, if this does not fix pvp balance, i don't know what will.
Im a so called new gen player with a 77 pure dex 2pc lust bird. I dont care how long are you playing this game and i dont even know you neither ig or irl, but id like to call you a noob, and i will do it so.
The reason is obvious; your thread. Im doing fine in endgame pvp.
Ofc im not a pro or not even a veteran. But there are cases when im able to beat even 3pc bears, when they dont have that "magic dodge coat" on. Not to mention pallies. Birds are the funniest opponents at all, cuz thats just all about speed, mainly.
You just have to know your tactics vs each class and how to play your chosen one. I was one of those newbies in the beginnings, but ive asked for help, and i met some really cool and helpful veterans.
I totally disagree with your idea, if you loose, deal with it - its just a game. Practice and learn how to be better than u were last time. But i know, asking for changes to make yourself more comfortable is always easier..
Ps.: Sorry for my english, you will find my message anyways between the lines written above.

01-18-2015, 02:45 PM
Epw, i think you are missing the point. Im fine with endgame pvp. Not great, but fine. I was great until i made a l76 bird that only has dragon ring. From there things turned to fine. But i really am still a beginner with bird.

But periodically, threads appear suggesting to nerf str sets. And i just suggested that, if you want real balance, dodge and str sets arent the real problem. It is the additional damage rings give to some classes that's the real threat. Its just my opinion, nothing more nothing less. I think the rings are OP, but i wont quit the game just because of the fact that they are there. Many birds, even after 2-3 years of playing, are still bad, 3pc or not. And then they make threads about nerfing str sets, almost threating that they will leave if their suggestions are not met. All i can say to them...bai bai, nobody will miss you.

01-18-2015, 04:50 PM
lol at this new gen logic. thanks for the great laugh

there is one thing I agree though...lust str classes are op, nerf those sets!

01-18-2015, 06:43 PM
Epw, i think you are missing the point. Im fine with endgame pvp. Not great, but fine. I was great until i made a l76 bird that only has dragon ring. From there things turned to fine. But i really am still a beginner with bird.

But periodically, threads appear suggesting to nerf str sets. And i just suggested that, if you want real balance, dodge and str sets arent the real problem. It is the additional damage rings give to some classes that's the real threat. Its just my opinion, nothing more nothing less. I think the rings are OP, but i wont quit the game just because of the fact that they are there. Many birds, even after 2-3 years of playing, are still bad, 3pc or not. And then they make threads about nerfing str sets, almost threating that they will leave if their suggestions are not met. All i can say to them...bai bai, nobody will miss you.

The damage rings give? You're eithier blind or use 3pc rings as an excuse every time you lose.

01-18-2015, 08:47 PM
The damage rings give? You're eithier blind or use 3pc rings as an excuse every time you lose.

If you have 5 dodge and 10 armor extra, on top of +10 dmg, you survive more to do more damage. So yea, 3pc ring have more damage than dragon rings if this is what you are arguing. If you would stop to think more, good things will happen. Eventually.

01-19-2015, 04:52 AM
Lol you are so oblivious and ignorant, idk why people continue to argue with you.

01-19-2015, 08:03 AM
If you have 5 dodge and 10 armor extra, on top of +10 dmg, you survive more to do more damage. So yea, 3pc ring have more damage than dragon rings if this is what you are arguing. If you would stop to think more, good things will happen. Eventually.

Isn't the point of the ring to give an advantage?

01-19-2015, 08:05 AM
I learned something else today. If u do this >>> see pic attached <<< forum quality improves. As usual, these guys bring no pertinent opinion as to why my suggestions wouldn't work. And IRandom is there, the l73 bird that wants savage nerfed. Haha! Enjoy your stay all!116783

01-19-2015, 09:10 AM
And IRandom is there, the l73 bird that wants savage nerfed. Haha! Enjoy your stay all!116783

i have no 73 bird
but thx for pointing me out!

01-19-2015, 09:13 AM
Many birds, even after 2-3 years of playing, are still bad, 3pc or not. And then they make threads about nerfing str sets, almost threating that they will leave if their suggestions are not met. All i can say to them...bai bai, nobody will miss you.

dollo will be pretty missed
in addition he actually gave extremely solid reasoning as to why and how str sets should be nerfed

01-19-2015, 09:17 AM
Lol you are so oblivious and ignorant, idk why people continue to argue with you.

Isn't the point of the ring to give an advantage?
but even then ive seen people with absolutely no rings (not even the one costing 10 plat)
beat other endgamers with rings!

01-19-2015, 09:37 AM
This sux! I can see the posts of the people i placed on the ignore list if i am not logged in. Ugh...i didn't know it worked like this. :(

Anyway i saw your last post IRandom. And i've read Dolloway's posts on nerfing strength sets before. But not all of it. Now i went back to it and read it all. That post had a lot of info in it and also the dude probably made some very hard thinking coming up with those conclusions. Still, at first glance, i do not think giving bears and extra 300-400 life as opposed to birds would work. 30% dodge to bears, what he suggested is nothing, from my experience. You wont dodge anything so, at first glance, what he proposed was way too severe for bears and that would make int and dex too much to handle. Still, i cannot be sure until someone actually implements these suggestions in and we test them. Maybe the high health regen on bears would work. I've no idea.

However, if you look at the 2nd part of his post, what he talked about was elite rings. He saw this way before me. His opinion was, either make 3pc available for everybody or make the 3pc available only for pve. He recognized it as a possible deal breaker. So i guess i am not the only one that's insane here.

Anyway for anyone who is interested: my results against a 3pc lust bear with him wearing 3pc and my int mage l75 dragon ring were 10-0 for him when he played with the ring, 7-3 and 6-4 for him when he was wearing no ring (none whatsoever) and another 10-0 after he put 3pc back on. So if i had 3pc as well as int lust l77, i would prolly have beaten him if he wouldnt have worn the ring. Anyways it would've been much closer. IF you got friends in pvp, ask them to take off the rings, (fight them with it on first), and compare the results. I feel that nerfing 3pc for some classes would be enough to balance pvp. And i guess i am not completely alone....Even if its half agreed with me.

01-19-2015, 09:59 AM
This sux! I can see the posts of the people i placed on the ignore list if i am not logged in. Ugh...i didn't know it worked like this. :(

Anyway i saw your last post IRandom. And i've read Dolloway's posts on nerfing strength sets before. But not all of it. Now i went back to it and read it all. That post had a lot of info in it and also the dude probably made some very hard thinking coming up with those conclusions. Still, at first glance, i do not think giving bears and extra 300-400 life as opposed to birds would work. 30% dodge to bears, what he suggested is nothing, from my experience. You wont dodge anything so, at first glance, what he proposed was way too severe for bears and that would make int and dex too much to handle. Still, i cannot be sure until someone actually implements these suggestions in and we test them. Maybe the high health regen on bears would work. I've no idea.

However, if you look at the 2nd part of his post, what he talked about was elite rings. He saw this way before me. His opinion was, either make 3pc available for everybody or make the 3pc available only for pve. He recognized it as a possible deal breaker. So i guess i am not the only one that's insane here.

Anyway for anyone who is interested: my results against a 3pc lust bear with him wearing 3pc and my int mage l75 dragon ring were 10-0 for him when he played with the ring, 7-3 and 6-4 for him when he was wearing no ring (none whatsoever) and another 10-0 after he put 3pc back on. So if i had 3pc as well as int lust l77, i would prolly have beaten him if he wouldnt have worn the ring. Anyways it would've been much closer. IF you got friends in pvp, ask them to take off the rings, (fight them with it on first), and compare the results. I feel that nerfing 3pc for some classes would be enough to balance pvp. And i guess i am not alone.

how about u try same class vs same class with same set lol
pls no hypotheticals
they ruin ur argument

and dont overlook what he said

01-19-2015, 10:19 AM
I already did a lot of same class vs same class. Not now but during my pvp experience. But not on int mage, because i am simply just too beginner. I did savage bear against 3pc savage bear. No chance...2 hits from him i was already at half. And i also did savage dragon ring pally against 3pc savage pally...again no chance. His damage was way too much. I also did 2pc lust against 3pc lust pally. Here i was able to win some fights...on occasion :)...but i was never FT10. 3pc pally has a godly nuke. I did 2pc lust vs 3pc savage. This is the most even matchup, except for of course, having exactly the same gear. I also did bird dragon ring against 3pc bird. Here it's actually more equal than in other classes. I was able to win a FT10. But maybe it was my opponent (i've never heard of him before that fight and i've never seen him since), i have no idea. I obviously cannot remember the exact scores, because these happened during my pvp experience. Would you think i'd make a thread about 3pc rings if i hadn't faced them before? :)

I am fairly sure that every player that has a lot of experience in pvp already knows the truth about these rings. They just choose to look the other way.

I have to edit this post and tell everyone that this is based on my experience. For instance, i heard some bears say that they can beat other 3pc bears. I do not know if its true. But i cant do it. However i've never seen a 2pc pally own another good 3pc pally since i started playing. It just isn't happening.

01-19-2015, 10:33 AM
And anyway, why would you like to know 3pc same class against non 3pc same class? I think the results of fighting completely different classes with or without ring is more relevant, no?

01-19-2015, 03:12 PM
Why hasn't thks thread been locked yet?

01-19-2015, 03:48 PM
Why are you here slash? What added value do you bring? Please take your 3pc bear/pally and post in other threads. K bai! Ignored.

01-19-2015, 04:49 PM
Oh dam, you need to sit down apple.

01-19-2015, 05:37 PM
Why are you here slash? What added value do you bring? Please take your 3pc bear/pally and post in other threads. K bai! Ignored.

Oh dear, someone is getting a tude.

01-19-2015, 05:59 PM
Wut:( i neva talk smack :'(

Crai er tym

01-19-2015, 06:28 PM
Liek if yu crai er tyme m8

01-19-2015, 06:36 PM
Why are you here slash? What added value do you bring? Please take your 3pc bear/pally and post in other threads. K bai! Ignored.

What added value do you bring besides complaining about 3pc rings :rolleyes:

01-19-2015, 06:58 PM
Why are you here slash? What added value do you bring? Please take your 3pc bear/pally and post in other threads. K bai! Ignored.
no hate men (or womon). we is one big hapy PL family!

no cry too i know u is big boy (or gerl).

01-19-2015, 07:17 PM
no hate men (or womon). we is one big hapy PL family!

no cry too i know u is big boy (or gerl).

Nope. We got people expressing opinions and we got trolls saying 'its awful' without presenting arguments. But i guess crying 'nerf str set' is easier. Even though, not a single one of these trolls goes into specifics. They just cry nerf str without even presenting an idea, a thought. So yea armor is ignored. For good reason. Btw, if you would look more into it, you would find that the difference in stats between savage and lust set is almost like the difference of wearing 2pc lust vs 3pc lust. Small differences...+16 armor lust vs savage +10 armor lust 2pc vs 3pc. Dodge stays the same. But u get 13 more dps, 2 crit and 5 hit extra.

So yea there u go...oh unless savage is op now too. Crai more 'nerf str sets' please. Maybe do your homework and see what else needs nerf first.

01-19-2015, 07:23 PM
I learned something else today. If u do this >>> see pic attached <<< forum quality improves. As usual, these guys bring no pertinent opinion as to why my suggestions wouldn't work. And IRandom is there, the l73 bird that wants savage nerfed. Haha! Enjoy your stay all!116783

Lol, so you basically refuse to read anything that does not agree with you? Way to be an immature ignorant person then...

Also, Dolloway and those older players with 2/3pc birds are much more valuable to the community than you are...at least they gave solid reasoning whereas you're just here crying about elite rings having an advantage when you can easily beat any non str 3pc by using a str mage or bear...

01-19-2015, 07:39 PM
Nope. We got people expressing opinions and we got trolls saying 'its awful' without presenting arguments. But i guess crying 'nerf str set' is easier. Even though, not a single one of these trolls goes into specifics. They just cry nerf str without even presenting an idea, a thought. So yea armor is ignored. For good reason. Btw, if you would look more into it, you would find that the difference in stats between savage and lust set is almost like the difference of wearing 2pc lust vs 3pc lust. Small differences...+16 armor lust vs savage +10 armor lust 2pc vs 3pc. Dodge stays the same. But u get 13 more dps, 2 crit and 5 hit extra.

So yea there u go...oh unless savage is op now too. Crai more 'nerf str sets' please. Maybe do your homework and see what else needs nerf first.

If you need specifics here is dolloway's thread,


and also Whoisthis's thread


As you can see, they are very extensive and detailed :chuncky:

Also, dolloway was talking about non 3pc ring users compared to 3pc ring users; not 3pc ring users to 2pc ring users. The 2pc and 3pc ring gap does not need any fixing. You on the other hand wanted 2pc rings to equal 3pc rings (in essence) However since dolloway posted otherwise, stating he had the same idea as you before hand is not true and thereby your attempt at throwing him in the same boat fails.

So i am a big believer in the fact that the rings, (especially the 3pc ring), can make or break pvp. I've read a lot of threads about bears being op because of their dodge and armor. Now that i've amassed almost 30k pvp fights, i just wanted to share my thoughts on this. I've read an older thread that just wanted to remove dodge out of the equation. Personally, i do not think dodge or high armor is a problem. Or should i say...that isn't the real problem. Dodge and armor have nothing to do with it, imo. But i have another idea...what if we removed the 3pc ring effects from some classes?

It would go something like this:

1. BIRDS: any bird that has Dragon Ring or 2pc ring should act as a bird that HAS THE 3PC RING ON. Basically if u either spent 200 plat or have reached l77 (which means grabbing 300k xp, which is no easy task), your ring would act like a 3pc ring. I've fought enough birds to come to the conclusion that birds that have 3pc, no matter how bad they are, have a real chance of defeating any class. And they usually do.

2. INT MAGES: similar to birds, int mages that have Drag or 2pc ring should act like they would wear 3pc ring.

3. PALLIES: I think 3pc lust pallies are OP. Pallies that wear lust str set should be limited to the effects of wearing 2 pc ring and savage wearing pallies that have either drag ring or 2pc ring should get the benefit of wearing 3pc ring. This way, the choice is theirs, either have increased armor or increased damage. Both good.

4. BEARS: I think this is the most OP class and they should be hit the hardest. The best ring they could wear is the 10 plat, 2 dodge 10 dmg ring. Possibly, minus the 10 damage part, since their attack debuff is already so powerful.

5. FOX: fox shouldnt be able to equip anything else other than 2 pc ring.

6. RHINO: 3pc ring stats for every 2pc ring or dragon ring that rhyno wears.

Notice that founders helm and egg are completely taken out of the equation. These are just my thoughts bases on my experiences with pvp. But seriously, if this does not fix pvp balance, i don't know what will.

01-19-2015, 08:08 PM
Firstly, thanks for having an opinion Apple.

But like i said, the difference between lust and savage is basically the difference between 2pc and 3pc. And the difference between 2pc and 3pc...is simply amazing, at least in some classes. Especially in bears and pallies. If the gap between drag ring and 3pc is big (this is what dolloway suggested right?) the gap between 2pc and 3pc is almost the same, if not the exact same. Since 2pc+dragon ring is mostly a 3pc. (3pc still has some extra stats ). I think in many cases, a dragon ring is more useful than a 2pc ring. For instance, on my pally, if i would fight another pally or bear that doesn't have 3pc, i would go for the dragon ring for sure to benefit from the extra crit and damage. Against bird, i would prefer 2pc. But against birds that are not 100% dex, dragon ring is again better imo. Etc...

And i am going to sound like a total douche but...if i would have 3pc on pally, there wouldn't be a 2pc pally in the whole game that would beat me FT10. It isn't possible. That for me is a deal breaker. And so, i do not agree that the difference between 2pc and 3pc is small.

01-19-2015, 08:31 PM
Firstly, thanks for having an opinion Apple.

But like i said, the difference between lust and savage is basically the difference between 2pc and 3pc. And the difference between 2pc and 3pc...is simply amazing, at least in some classes. Especially in bears and pallies. If the gap between drag ring and 3pc is big (this is what dolloway suggested right?) the gap between 2pc and 3pc is almost the same, if not the exact same. Since 2pc+dragon ring is mostly a 3pc. (3pc still has some extra stats ). I think in many cases, a dragon ring is more useful than a 2pc ring. For instance, on my pally, if i would fight another pally or bear that doesn't have 3pc, i would go for the dragon ring for sure to benefit from the extra crit and damage. Against bird, i would prefer 2pc. But against birds that are not 100% dex, dragon ring is again better imo. Etc...

And i am going to sound like a total douche but...if i would have 3pc on pally, there wouldn't be a 2pc pally in the whole game that would beat me FT10. It isn't possible. That for me is a deal breaker. And so, i do not agree that the difference between 2pc and 3pc is small.

Hwoever, you can't use dolloway's thread/reform wit out using the other otherwise you just agree with things that you want to work for your argument. Dolloway never argued about the 2pc 3pc gap, he argued about the 3pc non 3pc gap, thereby acknowledging the gap is small for 2pc and 3pc. Apparently, by your standards 2pc 3pc gap is close to or equal to dragon + 3pc gap thereby since 2pc and 3pc gap is small (which is confirmed by dolloway not asking for reform on it) then the gap between 3pc and dragon ring is equally small (by your standards)

This is not my opinion however, I am just stating information that disagrees. with your idea.

THIS is my opinion however; if you are tired of the "opness" of the 3pc, then go to another level that does not involve elite rings.

01-19-2015, 08:41 PM
THIS is my opinion however; if you are tired of the "opness" of the 3pc, then go to another level that does not involve elite rings.

This is actually a great idea and i haven't even considered this. What would be the immediate next level, excluding end game, that doesnt need 3pc? Thanks!

And thanks for the infraction as well. I will cherish it in my heart forever. Apparently, people can say whatever they want to me, i can't even respond to them in a way that is allowed by all the chats in this world. I feel like Jesus right now...Hope i haven't offended anyone by saying this.

01-19-2015, 08:46 PM
This is actually a great idea and i haven't even considered this. What would be the immediate next level, excluding end game, that doesnt need 3pc? Thanks!

And thanks for the infraction as well. I will cherish it in my heart forever.

Quickest level to get to is level 1. Quickest level to get to and most active level would be level 15 through 20.

If you mean close to endgame go 51, 56, 61, 66, and
possibly 71. There will be some people who will have glitched 3pc but they are few and mostly inactive.

01-19-2015, 08:50 PM
No i don't want lvl 1 pvp lol. I meant what is the first level under end game level(s), in which i will find no 3pc whatsoever? Like l71 or 66 or...? The higher the better :)

01-19-2015, 08:58 PM
No i don't want lvl 1 pvp lol. I meant what is the first level under end game level(s), in which i will find no 3pc whatsoever? Like l71 or 66 or...? The higher the better :)

61-66 roughly.

See guys, all you had to do was simply suggest going to another level; no need to get in a big argument! :chuncky:

01-19-2015, 09:01 PM
Ok i will make a char and try. Maybe it will take my mind of things and i will end up settling there. Who knows? Thanks again.

01-20-2015, 12:26 PM
Only need to nerf opest the endgame PvP will be then half balanced.