View Full Version : Gems and other Shanagons

01-18-2015, 07:42 PM
After looking at a bunch of the current gems, weapon stats and pet stats. Why not make dps builds viable?


Main Stat: Attack speed %
Secondary : Damage % (Not too high otherwise combined with attack speed, would be a bit OP)
Arcane : Could be a stun. Stun % for .x seconds. for x seconds


Attack Speed Gem (Kind of like the para gem. But only a attack speed boost)
Movement Speed Gem with a bit of damage (For those who pvp, and looking for that extra speed)
Damage Reduction (Could help the mages out alot...due to a buff NEVER coming...)

Now main thing that irks me about the gem system as of now..is you can ONLY get specific gems during specific events...Why not make a zone where ALL gem type essences can drop. Some rarer than others obviously. And ONLY gems or essences drop in the area. For bosses you could make actual gems drops. Depending on which difficulty or zone you are currently in. Its quite unfair for newer players to get some of the better gems. When they have to wait so long and hope they come back to get. Gems ARE the next big thing. And the way you obtain them is complete BS.

And give us more crafting slots...Seriously, 5? And you cant get more even if youre willing to pay..Come on STS.

01-19-2015, 01:00 PM
There's been some suggestions of para gem drops from arena chests and Elite Planar Tombs chests, which I personally think is a great idea because, new players have no real way to get para gems which are fairly important if you want high damage in the game nowadays

01-19-2015, 01:01 PM
gems>gear>skills nowdays got owned by a lvl14mage using 1 para 8eyes T.T

01-19-2015, 11:35 PM
There's been some suggestions of para gem drops from arena chests and Elite Planar Tombs chests, which I personally think is a great idea because, new players have no real way to get para gems which are fairly important if you want high damage in the game nowadays
IMO, the idea of Paracelsus Gems was pretty short-term, it wasn't seriously planned.
I think maybe something like 1 gem per toon (any more will just have null bonuses) and then make it actually trade-able OR create a recipe and make it unlimited.
Of course it won't be fair to old players if its done that way but the damage is already done, it could be implemented in the next expansion.
The real problem imo though is that ideas and new stuff to be introduced aren't being thought out properly. The consequences of introducing super powerful items might give an incentive to farm but it breaks the game. Just look at how many times the devs had to fix something because it was semi-broken/underpowered; a lot of planning beforehand could have prevented it @_@
The game is far from destroyed though, keep it going ^^