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03-02-2011, 08:03 PM

ZOMG! I'm buying it!

03-02-2011, 08:05 PM
ZOMG! It loox so cool, but I'm not buying it.
One iPad is enuf.

03-02-2011, 08:06 PM
Saw that. Super cool. :o

03-02-2011, 08:06 PM
I need to check if my warranty covers if I drop it.

03-02-2011, 08:06 PM
ZOMG! It loox so cool, but I'm not buying it.
One iPad is enuf.

This one graphics is NINE times smoother though! I can finally enjoy playing on an ipad now! That's why I didn't use my ipad before! The graphics were too laggy on PL.

03-02-2011, 08:07 PM
This one graphics is NINE times smoother though! I can finally enjoy playing on an ipad now! That's why I didn't use my ipad before! The graphics were too laggy on PL.

Where doez it say nine times smoother?

03-02-2011, 08:08 PM
Where doez it say nine times smoother?

It says it in an icon :). Labeled 9x. It's a black diamond. I'm going to wait for the 3G version one though. I can't live without my 3g Ipad :p .

It is located in the features tab.

03-02-2011, 08:11 PM

Wow! Not to mention it's 33% thinner than the first iPad! DAMN! I want it but i think one ipad is enough >.<

03-02-2011, 08:13 PM
dang..i want one :P

03-02-2011, 08:16 PM
Then again it would be much better for my sweaty *** fingers.

03-02-2011, 08:17 PM
Then again it would be much better for my sweaty *** fingers.


03-02-2011, 08:17 PM
dang..i want one :P

So do I :(. I'm thinking about buying the wifi one and then exchanging it when the 3G version comes out. Or buying both and giving the wifi one as a gift when the Ipad 2 3g comes out. Decisions Decisions....

03-02-2011, 08:18 PM
So do I :(. I'm thinking about buying the wifi one and then exchanging it when the 3G version comes out. Or buying both and giving the wifi one as a gift when the Ipad 2 3g comes out. Decisions Decisions....

That would cost you roughly 1k.
Cash, not gold

03-02-2011, 08:20 PM
That would cost you roughly 1k.
Cash, not gold

1.3k actually :p. (I'm buying the 16gig wifi and 32 gig 3g if I go with this decision). Then again. I always spend A LOT on the new idevices. I GOTZ TO HAVE THEM!

03-02-2011, 09:23 PM
Wow i really want one! If only they did some sort of exchange for the iPad 1, and I'd be happy just to pay a little more even.

When do you reckon 3G ones will come out?

03-02-2011, 09:26 PM
having the 1st gen iPad i cannot justify switching to the iPad 2 just for the extra camera and thiness. I dont use the iPad enough for the change. However, if there is an iPhone 5 coming out, then I would change in a heart beat because the phone i use daily :)

03-02-2011, 09:28 PM
Wow i really want one! If only they did some sort of exchange for the iPad 1, and I'd be happy just to pay a little more even.

When do you reckon 3G ones will come out?

30-31 days after the release of the wifi version as following tradition, since Apple loves to do that.

@Inching, the second gen Ipad has NINE times faster Graphics, I just saw a video of it playing games, and OMG that ipad is ungodly smooth at playing infinity blade and various other graphics intensive games. PL will look better then ever on it.

03-02-2011, 09:29 PM
1.3k actually :p. (I'm buying the 16gig wifi and 32 gig 3g if I go with this decision). Then again. I always spend A LOT on the new idevices. I GOTZ TO HAVE THEM!

How rich are you?! I mean you live in a house ON the beach in California and can afford to buy three iPads! Boy, you better get a better job than McDonalds...

03-02-2011, 09:31 PM
How rich are you?! I mean you live in a house ON the beach in California and can afford to buy three iPads! Boy, you better get a better job than McDonalds...

Well, currently I'm applying for a job as a medical assistant :). So that should pay rather well... For the average student of course. And it's mainly just saved funds and the good old parent's wallet :p.

03-02-2011, 09:34 PM
30-31 days after the release of the wifi version as following tradition, since Apple loves to do that.

@Inching, the second gen Ipad has NINE times faster Graphics, I just saw a video of it playing games, and OMG that ipad is ungodly smooth at playing infinity blade and various other graphics intensive games. PL will look better then ever on it.

what makes me mad is the Infinity Blade does not save on a server meaning if I buy the new iPad I would need to start from lvl 1 and master all the cr@p again.... a BIG PAIN IN THE BUTT so this example is not good... however u do make a good point on PL because currently I only play on my phone as the ipad graphics is a bit lacking

03-02-2011, 10:41 PM
It says online though that you can order an iPad Wifi + 3G model on release, so does that mean 3G ones will also be released?

Also, it says March 11, does that mean international release (since I'm in Sydney), or just in the US?