View Full Version : Pocket legends vs. Dungeon defenders?

03-02-2011, 10:39 PM
Ok I am a huge fan of pl and never played dd. But from what ive seen
Of dd, and alot of my friends play it, it has better graphics.
Can I get some user opinions on which would be better for these
Features which I like.

1) good story campaign
2) economy opportunity and trading
3) online features
4) friendlier community
5) leveling and player ability
6) control interface
7) pvp killing features

Now, please view this on both sides and don't respond please if you
Never played both. Thanks!

03-02-2011, 11:26 PM
There's a lot of threads about DD, you can look at here:

03-03-2011, 06:27 AM
They do not have a supported trade system, all you do is drop your stuff and they drop theirs, then go pick up each other's stuff. And, while your in a cabin is the only time you can talk, and its voice chat(correct me if I'm wrong) and I never played PVP there. The only thing DD has that PL doesn't is, drumroll please,...........................PETS! The control interface is similar to PL and you will get used to it very easy if you use the joystick in PL. You may be different but IMO PL is a better game.

03-03-2011, 08:34 AM
DD was cool and all but they really ruined the game IMO with all the messed updates and exploits that make the game not fun. I haven't played in over a month. Still have version 1.0!

03-03-2011, 08:45 AM
Lol Beard.

As for DD, it's a different style of gameplay. It's more of a single-player game that you can play with others. Not really an mmo. There's no in-game chat (Gamespy got rid of the useless voice chat button). And you need to join/create games. There are no towns where you can meet people. The forum is the main place to find people to play with. I've used skype on my pc while playing. That works great, but a bit of a hassle to find others using it, set it up voice chat, etc. Makes the game a lot more fun, though, than just playing a game with people you can't communicate with.

Honestly, I rage-quit DD after my file got corrupted and I lost everything. But I started over in an update and got sucked back in. It was hard not to, with all the stuff they added. So I'm addicted again.

And no, there's no secure trade (we've asked for it but no definitive answer yet). People just trade with others on the forum. I haven't really traded so much as friends have given me stuff and I've given them stuff. Nothing like a real trade where they might just run away with my stuff.

03-03-2011, 10:57 AM
STS - some of the most responsive, active and excellent developers I have ever seen
Trendy - absolute masters of fail and customer disappointment/frustration
I really think that factor alone should be enough to make the decision.

03-03-2011, 11:04 AM
STS vs Trendy, Outsiders style?

Cinco would rock some wigs back.

03-03-2011, 11:04 AM
STS - some of the most responsive, active and excellent developers I have ever seen
Trendy - absolute masters of fail and customer disappointment/frustration
I really think that factor alone should be enough to make the decision.

To be fair, they are learning. It's just taking them a while ;)

03-03-2011, 11:53 AM
Alright thankyou, as from your responses it seems like an ok game but not what I am looking for.
Thank you. ;)

03-03-2011, 03:18 PM
I've played DD since version 1.
True, DD has stunning graphics compared to PL. Another advantage they have is a better network. Literally. I've never (or barely) had any lags or disconnections while playing DD.
Other than that, it's hard to compare, since DD is a tower defense game whereas PL is an MMORPG.
DD bored me quite fast, there are no quests per se, just mash, attack, gain xp, lvl, equip new gear and lvl that gear.

I didn't play DD since v2.31, but they also had a problem when there were too many enemies on the screen at one time (even on a new generation phone). Epic lag.

The bottom line: these are 2 quite different games, and you'll have to play both in order to make a choice. Or you can play both at the same time. ;]

03-03-2011, 03:57 PM
Hell, i Deleted DD After they refused to change the forum color scheme, Im like, hell to you!

03-03-2011, 04:01 PM
Hell, i Deleted DD After they refused to change the forum color scheme, Im like, hell to you!

lol you think THAT's bad, I quit Marriland because the blue started messin' with me...

03-03-2011, 04:03 PM
lol you think THAT's bad, I quit Marriland because the blue started messin' with me...

Couldve had TT in their game, if only theyd fix their colors which appeal to 7 year olds.

Maybe theyre trying to lure them in, and grape em in da mouth.

03-03-2011, 04:05 PM
Couldve had TT in their game, if only theyd fix their colors which appeal to 7 year olds.

Maybe theyre trying to lure them in, and grape em in da mouth.

considering Pokemon is E rated... Yeah, guess you're right +1

03-03-2011, 04:31 PM
Maybe theyre trying to lure them in, and grape em in da mouth.

Sorry to go offtopic, but when I seen the "grape em" skit on TWKUK, I was laughing to the point of stomach pains lol. If you haven't seen it, go YouTube search "whitest kids u know grapist" and prepare to laugh.