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View Full Version : New Players Need help leveling up

03-02-2011, 10:40 PM
ok so im on the forums daily! and well like in every post i see players needing help leveling up or where they join a game and then all of a sudden famous words (RMK) AKA REMAKE GAME AS IN HOST IT AGAIN then all the players leave

well ok i wanna help as many players as i can level up, granted im not a lvl 56 but im a 52 almost 53, and i can help yall level up, or do a quest! but I STRONGLY ADVICE dont try leveling up so u can later do the quests! which i have seen alot, Pocket legends was made to be played and enjoyed! just saying

but if you need help leveling up or with a quest ill help out

and i know there will be players who will say this is wrong but hey oh well!
i like to help players cuz i know they will do the same (most of them) but yeah anywayz
my ign is djkrazze

feel free to add me!

and for those that oppose this or this is in the wrong section sorry! lol

03-03-2011, 12:18 AM
Well at least it aint a powerlvling service thread.. I think everyone in this forum is guilty of some sort of noob helping at one point or another :). If you do help them, I strongly advice to encourage them to take part and help (only partially clearing). Also please oh please dont give them free items, thats like training a puppie to take a leak on the rug. Also dont let them ask to go to higher dungeons. The second you take a low lvl through plasma pyramid, they become power junkies. So all in all, you can level people, just please oh please be careful and not make another power junkie. Thats all that I ask of you.

03-06-2011, 08:35 PM
jajaja gotcha!

03-07-2011, 02:55 AM
I think just sitting around talking to them helps a lot. I do that periodically and am amazed at all the information they do not know, from how to give items, how to talk, how to look at their inventory, change armor/weapons, how to check stats, where plat store is, what's the next area, and how to get plat and how to get free plat, looking at the world map, dropping items, dropping potions, etc. So I think just helping them with information helps them a lot in playing the game.

Obviously I point tons of them to the website and the forums for further information.

I tend to think just powerleveling, especially where it involves leeching, just makes for a weak player with few friends, so I discourage that. Leveling, particularly at low levels, is so easy in PL that I have to worry about a player who cannot do that in normal play or questing. I have to think they are missing information about how to play and so need help with that information. I am not going to say I am totally successful. I could not for the life of me convince a level 17 the other day that there was no xp or adequate equipment for them in Forest Haven. Last I saw, he was still in Forest Haven and wondering how to get good armor. Guess he did not notice the drops in Dark Forest when he was leveling there...?

03-07-2011, 11:26 AM
I do "community service" runs a couple times a day. Just pop into a session and help out. As far as giving items, well, guilty. If there's a baby bird working hard with a crap bow, I dip into stash and pull out a better one or better armor. Key there is "working hard". If you're standing back doing nothing, nothing is what you're going to get. ;) And if a nice item drops to me during the run, it goes to whatever char in the group can use it.

03-07-2011, 11:29 AM
power leveling doesnt help unless you have already leveled a character to max on your own. Just have a seminar in towne where you go over the things that fryce said. Otherwise you are just contributing to the *shivers* Mynas gens

03-07-2011, 11:47 AM
Most of the runs I do are Balefort and it's a one game level shot. I hope by the time they hit there, they've learned at least some of the basics. And they're beyond the "bear-stomp, mage-lightning, bird-run-in-circles-kiting" stage). And it's a good place to teach--nice hallways for bears to practice mob control, good spot to hit Thorn and tell a mage when to hit lightning for the combo, etc. And if all they want to do is stand back and have me get them XP, it's easy enough for me to leave.

03-07-2011, 11:52 AM
Most of the runs I do are Balefort and it's a one game level shot. I hope by the time they hit there, they've learned at least some of the basics. And they're beyond the "bear-stomp, mage-lightning, bird-run-in-circles-kiting" stage). And it's a good place to teach--nice hallways for bears to practice mob control, good spot to hit Thorn and tell a mage when to hit lightning for the combo, etc. And if all they want to do is stand back and have me get them XP, it's easy enough for me to leave.

lol i see people in the sewers doing that. If i do runs on lower levels, im either farming or leveling an expireience players twink. Also canon- altho i isnt the best place to level other people, try going in bayue boss brawl, the cocs never got nuked and its acually quite fun. you also get nice loot. btw sorry about my rant above ^ i didnt realize you werent power leveling.

03-07-2011, 12:04 PM
I've been doing the same, helping out where i can, but i strictly offer advice and help as i go along. The power crazy types tend to get bored very quickly and start asking me to kill things for them. I tend to politely 'move on' inside 5mins.

The ones who are genuinely interested in learning are fun and I often find myself sidetracked, showing them the basics, but always hinting at the unofficial 'etiquette' that is required/expected. I try to encourage them that the rewards are higher if you interact well with people and create a good group of friends. Also I see this as an investment that benefits me. The more potential 'crazies' that can be caught and brought up to speed the better the overall experience is for everyone. (and the less I need to use the IGNORE button)

Haven't even ventured into BS as getting all 3 classes, all quests, some dual build alts & every single inch of the rest of the game nailed beforehand. Plus the misses is about to drop any day so 1-2hr uninterrupted sessions just aren't available at the moment.

03-07-2011, 01:06 PM
Coolest thing I ever saw:

this level 11, or something, was giving his all in forest haven. He was dex speced and I asked him if he had a main. he says "yep... you're looking at it." I said "wow you're doing pretty well for a new guy." he's like "I'm trying my best :)". So I go through most of Forest haven with him. And he goes "Hmm low on mana pots" goes busy and then comes back saying "A few more drops and I should have 1500 for the best deal."

So at this point 3 things go through my mind:

1. He's cool for not even asking me for money/ begging. (I was on my lvl 30 bear)
2. Smart buyer
3. He's trying REALLY hard to push through these mobs.

Then I ask "you sure you're new? You're doing really good lol" he says, "I asked a few bears what would be the best way to start. Max rage was the biggie"

4. Didn't ask to be fed fish, he wanted to learn how to fish.
5. I decided to give him a nice fishing rod for his efforts.

I hesistated, but then told him "you know what? I'm gonna encourage you to keep pushing forward." I gave him a Frosty Snowball launcher lvl 10. He's like "??? what this?" Then he put it on. "o.o whoa" He swept a room in seconds. "OMG THANKS!" I said "just keep up the good work. Then he gave me a focus gem and a gladiator gem. "Idk what these wer for, but Hopefully it'll be worth whatever this is" I gave them back. "Don't worry about it. Seeing a new player like this really made my day." He said thanks one more time, then went to the next dungeon, not even bothering to add me, just pushing forth.

Then I stopped daydreaming :(

03-07-2011, 01:37 PM
Wait... Did you just make up that whole story? Lol

03-07-2011, 06:47 PM

The good cool thing is there ARE good players out there at low levels. I've told a few they were great players and asked how long they'd been playing and they were like the level 10/20/whatever was their first or only a week or something really cool like that. If I really enjoy them, I also tend to give them stuff, preferably stuff they can use. Hell, they can have all the drops from that low level dungeon.

I actually tell people their main goal is to make friends, not leveling. If they play with people they like and who like them, leveling will be really fast. Not to mention I can waste hours talking and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Hours w/ no or little xp where I log out and think I've had a wonderful time. I think that's what I'm trying to help players, especially new players, achieve.

Oh, and I've had players ask me WHERE I get something and NOT ask to have it. There really are some great people out there. It's the unofficial goal of the game to go out and find them :)

Atila the nun
03-07-2011, 11:03 PM
Fryce your approach and others like yours are what makes this game so great! Keep it up!

03-09-2011, 03:33 AM
I'm looking for people to run some instances through, preferably around the same level. I've got an 18 bird, need some buddies to play with!

03-09-2011, 05:08 AM
I've been checking out the new Alien Oasis town (probably level 40+, maybe level 35+).

In the meantime, Killa, just to help you with trying to find friends: if you are questing, you can use the Magic Portal and the GO TO... button in your quest log to figure out where to go. If it takes you to a game with other players, then you are set.

If you end up alone and you do not want to play alone, go to the world map and tap Join Games. Filter for the campaign you want (Have for Forest Haven, Dark for Dark Forest, Bale for Balefort, Swamp for Swamps, etc) and join a game at the dungeon level you want/need that has more players in it. I actually look for games with the most players at the lowest levels, but that's up to you. Obviously games with higher level players are faster. I just feel I'm more useful with lower level players, but that's just me.