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05-19-2010, 01:05 PM
Okay, so i just want to be able to see how logical this is to all those out there to help. So, your ina group with 4 others and your all farming a swamp boss. Well, on entering you run a few and receive a decent pink item. You decide to be courteous and ask what the drop rules for the group are. They reply. "No Doubles" you then a few runs later get another pink. 2 other pinks hav also dropped since then. And then you are lucky enough to get a THIRD pink. They start to ask which you would rather keep and giv up the others. Then you leave the room to talk to them about it because they are starting to change rules and they say they are guna delete from friends and boot always now. Even after you argue with them for a min or 2 asking questions. Then decide its best to just give up the items and not cause a problem. You then ask what is needed to be given up and they say not to worry bout it and they will just not farm with you anymore and tell everyone bout this. What do you guys think? kinda messed up? or is it just me? Not a huge deal i am jw if im wrong.

**Oh and any 30s+ feel free to ask me bout The Avengers guild and how to join.** 8D

05-19-2010, 01:14 PM
I remember the day I met you, I got a pink Swamp Rat's Croc Sword Tooth in Swamps as a drop. Less than 5 minutes later you asked if the party would like to start "taking turns getting pinks"

Seeing as how Swamp Rat's tooth is absolute junk and drops are basically determined by a dice roll, I replied "Drops are drops"

You booted me about 5 seconds later.

Karma? Besides, who cares about items besides the 4 you wear on your character. They're easy to get and it's a casual game. Farming pinks just dilutes economy and lowers overall PvE carrot-stick motivation for an end game player (at this point in time without trade and PvP). And yeah, I gave the sword to a random noob.

05-19-2010, 01:41 PM
Hmm, i dont recall booting you. And im not exactly sure that it would be for the reason of you decision. I understand the tension u may have on me but i mean, VIO cmon. we have done much together since the day we met. Holding that grudge now? oh and i think uri needs to talk to u bout a guild thing now. xD

05-19-2010, 01:53 PM
If it were just a group of randoms, then I see nothing wrong with keeping the items. That is if there was no looting system, but most random groups have no looting systems. You just got lucky and got a few drops. Soo what?

If it were a group of people I play with often, and one of the items dropped they wanted, and could use at the time with the character they were using in the group, then I would give it to them. If the group doesn't setup a pre set looting system, or decides to set one up as one person begins to get lucky, then I would have left too. They were just mad. If all they wanted was a pink, and wouldn't have used it, then I see no wrong there.

05-19-2010, 01:57 PM
I don't hold any grudges in games. While I typically create a mental list of blatant cheaters/hackers in any game that I happen to play seriously, I've seen no cheating/hacking in PL. So I have no grudges. Certainly not you, for I don't really care about items.

My opinion on your original post may not have been obvious in my first reply, but here it is in easier terms - if you do not like the group you are in then do something about it! Stand up for what you think is right and don't let self-doubt or outside BS influence your decision. Either come to a group compromise, if the problem is about gear, or leave the group and do something else. It's pretty simple.

Uri mentioned he joined Avengers to me earlier, and I wish him good luck. To be direct... If I can convince my guild to stop playing PC MMOs and to somehow all purchase iPhones, then I would probably have my own crew here already. However since this is extremely unlikely, then I'll be paying attention to what happens with PvP. Like a lot of other players, I will make some decisions as the long-term value of this game becomes apparent after 1.2.

The only reason I haven't began a from-scratch guild within PL is because of two systemic factors of the game that are difficult to overcome as a true "guild" - the first being group longevity due to turnover rate in a casual mobile game [meaning players leaving/joining could be too frequent to develop strong core values as a group], and the second reason being nature of the game - it is a casual game and thus it is difficult to find enough players with a similar playstyle and preferences in order to develop a proper repetoire. Playing PL as a cohesive, synchronized unit would be difficult as a native PL guild without developing strong ties before hand [see comment about bringing PC guildies here]. However this is just my opinion, and I see several guilds already attempting to build something. Whether or not any of them succeed in creating something special remains to be seen, but the foundation is there for a few guilds to make something happen.

Good luck though with Avengers, though.

05-19-2010, 03:10 PM
Dude is talking about me. If u have met me u know I give away gear all the time, I could care less about specific items. Long story short. It was a group where not everyone had gotten a pink yet. We were all "friends". Silent reaper got a pink and asked what rules were. I said "no doubles" as everyone else there knew the general courtesy of teamwork. This was private game not a PUG.

Silentreaper got another pink right away, and i asked "which one do u want to give up" giving him the choice lol. He obviously thought "no doubles" meant no of the same two items. This is a... I guess understandable misunderstanding.... Although I have never once seen a group work like this....

I tried to explain to him while continuing to farm, and guess what, bam he got another pink... He didn't rejoin the group after that. another 5-10 trying to explain while he complains we are changing the rules on him. Eventually I explain regardless of what he thought the rules were getting three pinks in a row while others had gotten none then leaving group was just a plain douchey thing to do. He says "fine, what do I have to give up to come back?"......

Lol I told him to sit on it. I don't want to group with people like that. He's obviously young or greedy or just a douche. I told him my friends and i would not group with him and to go away. What i didn't do was come make some lame thread defending childish behavior. You did that yourself buddy.

Long story shortish... Don't be a douche and people won't have a problem with u.

05-19-2010, 03:34 PM
This is how I see it,

If you're truly all friends then it shouldn't matter who gets what drop because if one of you needs it then the other would gladly give it up.

And having "drop rules" for your group is ridiculous. The drop rate isn't intended to be equally distributed among the players in the game. If it were then they would have the same item drop for every player in the party.

You get what you get and you decide what to do with it.

Stop being greedy and taking it so seriously...It's just a game.

05-19-2010, 03:41 PM
For one. I did not ask wat i had to give up to come bak, i was done. i just didnt want there to be this awful tension u see here. I was going to give up the items as requested. and no i wasn't refusing to give them up. I just was stepping out so i was able to easily speak with u about the matter. I also just wanted to state my opinion about what i thought was wrongful. I didnt hav a problem with ANYONE in the past about giving up loot. I mean as long as stated on ENTRY, im fine with it. Fair is Fair. I seem to remember that i was "invited" to the group not just stumbling upon it. Therefore someone in the group had to of known me. I am a very easy going person i just like to state my opinion especially when im told im wrong. I like to also know the problem before just jumping to conclusions as the group did. I also remember having to ask for the rules and not being told them. what if i didnt say anything. i got 3 drops, then u stated that i needed to give the drops up? huh, u think that would sound fair? after i git the drops u tell the rules. LOL. no but it really didnt matter. And i didnt make this thread to come and defend myself. I onyl wanted to see if there was anyone out there that thought i wasn't in the wrong. lol. anyways. i hope we let this go, but if not then i guess its cool. guess ill see ya round. oh and thanks everyone for the replies. 8D

05-19-2010, 03:44 PM
Yeah why i put friends in quotation marks. This is the first loot drama I have ever seen in PL since i started playing. U know how i avoid drama? I don't play with tools. If someone joins a group, gets a pink immediately then leaves right away (we've all seen this happen), I just don't play with those people again. Same thing.

05-19-2010, 03:46 PM
This is how I see it,

If you're truly all friends then it shouldn't matter who gets what drop because if one of you needs it then the other would gladly give it up.

And having "drop rules" for your group is ridiculous. The drop rate isn't intended to be equally distributed among the players in the game. If it were then they would have the same item drop for every player in the party.

You get what you get and you decide what to do with it.

Stop being greedy and taking it so seriously...It's just a game.

THANK YOU!!! My point exactly. i enjoy having the friends here and running around with the same people. However, if its about getting the items, then solo farm? its not that hard. yea i kno its harder since they moved the witch. But u don't have to only rush to kill the boss. Why do u think spacetime put those other mobs there? if they were intented to stand there and do nothing while u farmed bosses. then they wouldn't have even added them. LOL

Thanks for this reply. Was alot closer to the one i was waiting on. XD

05-19-2010, 03:48 PM
anyways. i hope we let this go, but if not then i guess its cool. guess ill see ya round. oh and thanks everyone for the replies.

yet again this is a small bump in the road ahead. are we really going to hold this against ea other wen it was nothing and i tried to even "meet ur standards"?

05-19-2010, 08:11 PM
I'm so lost lol. What's no doubles?

05-19-2010, 08:12 PM
I would assume two of the same item.. But who knows..

05-19-2010, 08:12 PM
Sounds like a simple miscommunication to me. Even when playing with friends I don't expect them to give me stuff (although I do appreciate when they offer) and I don't like playing with any kind of loot distribution rules. Just my opinion.

05-19-2010, 09:01 PM
Well I think that it's fair that if your item farming with your "close" friends abd u get a warrior pink drop and your main chaacter is not a warrior and your friend is then it would be nice to let them have it because try need it. Vice Versa for oter characters too. <(^^,)>

05-19-2010, 09:02 PM
LOL sorry for the spelling mistakes!!

05-19-2010, 09:32 PM
No doubles sounds like if I got 3 snipers bows I would have to give up 2, but I've never heard of such a rule.

05-20-2010, 02:39 AM
I have never heard of that either, the only farming rule I've heard is if someone is looking for a specific item, we make sure they get that item and everyone who joins is immediately told that. Plain and simple. I very rarely have a hot streak, so when I do, I like to keep what I find. Of course, I also very rarely farm; my insatiable blood lust is just too strong not to clear levels.