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View Full Version : Fury armor fair??

03-04-2011, 12:01 AM
I find this somehow a joke that makes fury armor so overpowered by addin dodge hps and ms? Fury armor without ms is already overpowered the dodge is so high and armor like crazy! Whereby mega mage and roach armor onli add 2 stats!! Mega mage onli add ms and damg.. I mean if devs wan to make it fair make sure all armor is addin 3 stats.. Devs pls improve on other armor as well.

03-04-2011, 12:03 AM
hahahahah just realised YOUR cherrykim. Also agreed its a bit op. I reckon tone it down. maybe just 1 or 2 ms

03-04-2011, 12:11 AM
I mean if u wan add ms to fury armor maybe take down dodge or hps.. Now fury armor has 3 addin stats dodge ms and hps! Lol?

03-04-2011, 12:14 AM
Eh... I think they did this for the pallies... >.>
same regen as sewer queen stuff, total male cow, imo. way more armor, dodge... eh, pallies have it great. Just the 139 int points are our only advantage.

03-04-2011, 12:19 AM

03-04-2011, 12:20 AM
Yea Fury Fighter needs to be nerfed. That much m/s serves no purpose to a bear. Bears never need to use pots with 6 m/s, 24 is ridiculous. I know people will say that they changed it for paladins, but the goal should be to accommodate bears, not other classes using strength equip. The dodge on top of all of the regen will make paladins almost impossible to kill in pvp.

03-04-2011, 12:25 AM
Yes.. Pls either take out 1 stats from fury or make all equal!!

03-04-2011, 12:37 AM
Yea Fury Fighter needs to be nerfed. That much m/s serves no purpose to a bear. Bears never need to use pots with 6 m/s, 24 is ridiculous. I know people will say that they changed it for paladins, but the goal should be to accommodate bears, not other classes using strength equip. The dodge on top of all of the regen will make paladins almost impossible to kill in pvp.

Just sayin'... I said they changed it for paladins, but that doesn't mean I like it. I'm annoyed they changed it for them.. I wanted better tanks.

03-04-2011, 12:48 AM
I really think if the devs want to have a successful game, they need to make it so all levels of gear have the same strengths and weaknesses. That way a class cannot become overpowered with the addition of new gear. Then we should have some variety like we did in Alien oasis.

Birds would have a dex-orientated set, a str-orientatated set and a int-orientated set. The twist on this is they would all require high dex and a small portion of the skill for the orientated set they choose. That would be 9 new builds for all classes, making variety among builds and one set will not be dominant through the game.

03-04-2011, 01:04 AM
I like pharcydes idea. it Would help to create a more balanced game.

03-04-2011, 01:09 AM
the game is always going to have imbalances...once people try out the new gear and things play out, devs will make an adjustment if said imbalance affects game play at a material level.

fury set is much improved for paladins but if you actually equipped the set christina, you'd see that you give up a great deal in hit and crit compared to some of the other sets.

i predict people start complaining about the sewer king dex set shortly. that set is beast. huge hit, crit, m/s, h/s and damage to boot.

03-04-2011, 01:15 AM
the game is always going to have imbalances...once people try out the new gear and things play out, devs will make an adjustment if said imbalance affects game play at a material level.

fury set is much improved for paladins but if you actually equipped the set christina, you'd see that you give up a great deal in hit and crit compared to some of the other sets.

i predict people start complaining about the sewer king dex set shortly. that set is beast. huge hit, crit, m/s, h/s and damage to boot.

Raid has like 12 more cirt, and a huge damage boost, hit% is irrelevant, but it beats sewer. h/s and m/s on a bird... don't need them as much. 7h/s and 4 m/s seems to be enough for me.

Birds: Raid is the way to go, although I'll get both, one for performance, one for looks. :)

03-04-2011, 01:45 AM
I think it's just that the three classes have become more distinct. On AO2, weapons and regen from class to class weren't extremely different, as opposed to now. Today, you either have all tankage witha bear or paperthin godlike Dps with a bird. I would just suggest a more equal class system with not as many sharp lines so all classes can relate more and there will be less desire for pure-Dps teams and such.

Like give dodge to birds, take it away from bears and give them maybe a tad more damage, and less damage to birds. And mages... Actually the Devs have done a great job balancing mages for now. They might keep it more this way for this campaign, but for the next cap raise I would try to limit the further separation and alienation of the classes. :)

03-04-2011, 01:59 AM
Hey Cherry.

I hope your feedback against the new Fury stats are coming from a bear point of view. To me, the new Fury stats are perfect for an almost unkillable paladin.

30 HS is already a huge bonus to heal, and with 30 MS, that's almost no worry for spamming any of your skills. Even if mana shield depletes it, 30 MS wouldn't take long to fill it up again.

Which is what led me to think about my feedback thread (thanks Phys). I don't think devs whole heartedly wanted to make the new Str stats fit pallys first. They probably wanted to add enough ms for pallys, but try and keep the tank-ness of the set at the same time. It didn't turn out the best, made bears even less useful, and boosted paladins way too much.

I'm hoping, as a bear, that they'd be changed. To be honest, I liked the previous fury stats better, even without the set bonus of MS.

03-04-2011, 03:03 AM
Yes 30hps for bear is already hard to kill and now added with ms to fury.. U don even think to kill a bear unless u rape h with 2 or 3 guys.. An for paladin its more insane.. The dodging is already high plus paladin could heal.. If fury armor don get some nerfing on it.. I will turn paladin again lol..

03-04-2011, 03:23 AM
Bears are easier to kill now though, they reduced total stats by 8 Dodge, 8 HS, and 8 Armour, and we only gain MS which doesn't really help us survive more.

Pallys though, despite the loss of those stats, gain 30 MS to spam heal/mana shield with no problem.

My suggestion, go pally if you have the fury gear :P

03-04-2011, 03:36 AM
Bear= sewer king set. 8dodge 8H/s
Paladin = fury 6dodge 6hs.

Not fair? It is so obvious bear have to sell their fury set n get sewer king n fury for pally.

03-04-2011, 03:45 AM
Bear= sewer king set. 8dodge 8H/s
Paladin = fury 6dodge 6hs.

Not fair? It is so obvious bear have to sell their fury set n get sewer king n fury for pally.

Thats exactly whats unfair.

Why do bears have to adjust and buy/farm the new gear when its supposed to be for us? Hybrids should be the ones adjusting to the pure builds, not the other way around.

I level'd my bear to 56, and got a fury set. Its not fair to have my fury set turn into a mage set, leaving both my gear and my bear useless.

03-04-2011, 03:51 AM
Bears are easier to kill now though, they reduced total stats by 8 Dodge, 8 HS, and 8 Armour, and we only gain MS which doesn't really help us survive more.

Pallys though, despite the loss of those stats, gain 30 MS to spam heal/mana shield with no problem.

My suggestion, go pally if you have the fury gear :P

If that the case! I doubt there is anymore int mage.. All will go paladin because its ownin! Mega mage gear onli hav 8ms and 10damg! Fury armor has 6dodge 6hps and ms! Te different is fury has more skill to activate den mega mage..

03-04-2011, 03:53 AM
What is this? Satanic armor? Rename it to satan's armor with 666 in it..

03-04-2011, 03:56 AM
I agree 150% killing fury was hard enough now pallys are unstoppable and bears never die
They added sets to Mage with gem blast staff and gemstone and gemstone wand y not gem shard

03-04-2011, 03:56 AM
If that the case! I doubt there is anymore int mage.. All will go paladin because its ownin! Mega mage gear onli hav 8ms and 10damg! Fury armor has 6dodge 6hps and ms! Te different is fury has more skill to activate den mega mage..

True, but Fury doesn't really increase the ability for paladins to kill though. Maybe overtime, due to being able to spam more skills easily :)

I thought you were a paladin? Was surprised when I saw you asking for them to be nerfed :P

03-04-2011, 03:57 AM
I agree 150% killing fury was hard enough now pallys are unstoppable and bears never die
They added sets to Mage with gem blast staff and gemstone and gemstone wand y not gem shard

How do bears not die though? It'd seem they die easier now.

I understand for a pally, that it makes them way tank-ier due to more MS. But for bears, MS doesn't exactly help you survive as compared to the loss of the dodge, hs, and armour.

03-04-2011, 04:01 AM
True, but Fury doesn't really increase the ability for paladins to kill though. Maybe overtime, due to being able to spam more skills easily :)

I thought you were a paladin? Was surprised when I saw you asking for them to be nerfed :P

I was a paladin.. But this game has a problem is that when i wan to build my paladin up.. Devs didnt do anything to the game.. Whem i thought of converting to mage.. Fury armor changed..

03-04-2011, 04:04 AM
This game is always changing lol.. Its like they cant make up their mind.. All of a sudden the nerf pally, den now the make pally strong. And the next min i guess a lvl 1 could kill a lvl 56 lmao!

03-04-2011, 04:11 AM
I do remember you wanting to be a pally only, never realised you decided to change. :)

I'm confident they will have changes, so my suggestion is just not to make any impulse changes, like switching gear sets. Just wait out and see, maybe you'll even farm a few pieces with luck :)

03-04-2011, 04:43 AM
I find this somehow a joke that makes fury armor so overpowered by addin dodge hps and ms? Fury armor without ms is already overpowered the dodge is so high and armor like crazy! Whereby mega mage and roach armor onli add 2 stats!! Mega mage onli add ms and damg.. I mean if devs wan to make it fair make sure all armor is addin 3 stats.. Devs pls improve on other armor as well.

Totally agree!!! its the FF set which is overpowered, if a bear wears this set and go PVP, maybe not a big trouble, cuz the dodge and armor were reduced, and 30 points Ms is not really helping a bear out, but image a pally with this holly *** set runing around....... High armor, high dodge, high Hs, even Ms is higher than MM set, OMFG!!!!:confused: so whats the point the pure int mage should still exist ???!!!!

And BTW, I really begin to miss the old AO3 days and AO3 items, very well designed, balanced gears!

03-04-2011, 08:59 AM
I respec'ed to paladin and tried some level 55 pvp last night. It's true that paladins are very hard to kill by any class except birds, but they also have a very hard time killing any tank classes because they don't have enough damage. Here is what I found and bear in mind this was just a few games and I was very tired - more testing to be done today:

Paladin vs another paladin or str bear - fight lasts forever and nobody can kill the other (and I do mean *forever*; our game ended because the other 2 players who were doing their own one-on-one got to 10 kills and we were still not done fighting).
Paladin vs int mage - as I recall paladin had an edge but didn't win all fights; must test more
Paladin vs dex bird - about 50/50

So I don't think paladins are that overpowered. If anything, it's more fair to enchantresses that we now have a chance at killing dex birds. Used to be good birds (the kind who know their range and time their combos just right) would kill me instantly no matter what I did; and when I asked them if ANY int mages did well against them they were like, "nope we pretty much always win out". Now that's unfair in my book. At least now it's an even fight.

03-04-2011, 09:10 AM
Paladin vs another paladin or str bear - fight lasts forever and nobody can kill the other (and I do mean *forever*; our game ended because the other 2 players who were doing their own one-on-one got to 10 kills and we were still not done fighting).
Paladin vs int mage - as I recall paladin had an edge but didn't win all fights; must test more
Paladin vs dex bird - about 50/50

Lol I remember this was true on WoW a paladin duel could take hours. They hit, heal, hit, heal use blessings, use shield and regen wait for shield to end, then hit, heal ect...

And restoration Druids where even worse lol.

With the new fury set what I would try is to have enough str with boosting gear to wear it and have some dex for hit and damage and the rest to int for more effective heals.

This is the setup I would try first it should be like 137 str, 63 dex and 80 int. This should help heals a bit I would still have about 31 mana regen plus healing doesn't have to be to strong since you have 30 h/s and hit should be close to 100 plus more damage. This is more of a pvp setup than pve but it should work for both.

the set should have less m/s maybe 3 per piece and add hit and the 8 dodge it had. IMO though. Or at least buff the other two sets (dex and int).

03-04-2011, 09:12 AM
I did pvp with my friend dex bird w/ my str bear at time good pink gear at 45 against his 49 I was at half life with him hitting me while I was trying to kill elf queen switched to him killed him quick went back to killing elf queen he left after that

03-04-2011, 09:22 AM
Kal - its true, I can imagine str to str fights lasting too long. The only way someone could win before is by having better mana regen than the opponent and timing things right. With the new fury set, mana isn't even an issue, especially with bears.

Im curious though as how a pally can now face a bird better? Since the birds would be able to kill you with their range, how does the 30 mana help? Especially since you lose dodge, hs, and armour for that 30 ms. Im guessing it still lies in the perfect timing of mana shield?

03-04-2011, 10:28 AM
I actually used a hybird build with 3 fury items and a wand - so not a pure paladin build. And maybe I shouldn't talk because I just tried some pvp and got owned by some bird I haven't fought before :o - but at least it was a relatively long fight where I seemed to have a chance at winning.

I did try sword too and I think it would work okay - I just didn't use it much because I didn't have the pink sword. What happens is birds can't one shot you like they do with int mages. So then you have time to get in close and start fighting them, so a sword is not a huge disadvantage. Even with my wand I was fighting very close most of the time.

I was saying paladins do better vs birds compared to how badly int mages fare. I haven't tried paladins before the new items so I can't compare with what they used to be like before. Just from what I heard they weren't even a viable class for pvp at all, and now they are.

03-04-2011, 11:21 AM
dude, the hit and crit is super low for paladins with fury set right now. we need to make some adjustments also...

i will trade some of my m/s for crit. while good, the set is not godlike as people are making out to be.

if i remember correctly, didn't you used to be a pally? sucks that things changed after you respec'd but that's how it goes in alterra. got to stay on your toes and go with the flow.

03-05-2011, 09:50 PM
Guys, sssssshhhhhh! My paladin needs the stat boost! Fair-shmair.... Hehe

03-06-2011, 11:40 AM
relating back to what kal said....hawkeyi let me borrow his sword to have the full set and as you guys know im a pvper usually a pure mage. but when i was playing yesterday i noticed none of this overpowerness. birds could still combo me, mages could kill me, and bears there fair share. i could tank more than a mage pure but it wasnt a huge differenece. and my damage, and hit % suffered also. many of you guys are over thinking this and just judging by the stats that see, as many of you have not tested he set...let alone in pvp. im just saying, but the new fury set is not as powerful for a pally as you think

03-06-2011, 12:07 PM
Anyway, i don care abt how great pally is. Cos i found a stats that can kill almost all birds.. Regardin pally and pure mages for some.. I still need abit of tuning into it.. Spended 35respec on my current mage..