View Full Version : Too many sets?!?

03-04-2011, 01:57 AM
Currently we have 3 lv35 sets(ok fair enough) BUT then when we reach AO3 we have over 20 sets!! Zomg bc any shadow wep is a set with the right armor and helm. Then Cyber, Cant we make this tradable plz? It becomes worthless after all these new sets.
Now in BS I think anymore sets would be crazy.

I remember when 50 was the lv cap and there were only 3 lv 50 sets...

If the devs keep adding sets, can they add some for lower lvs instead of cramming 30+ sets in the 50-55 bracket.
And IMO i think lv51-53 BS pinks should work in sets, or BS pinks should not be able to scale.

Feedback is appreciated.

03-04-2011, 02:03 AM
True there are more sets than ever now. I actually see more headroom in providing more sets, provided that they are actually whole sets that add something different per set.

Str set that boosts damage, another set for tanking, another for regen maybe?

03-04-2011, 03:28 AM
there will come more sets with crowns ;)
u need to keep in mind a lot of sets and thery effective bonuses and u have a lot to compare...

03-04-2011, 07:45 AM
But remember example shadow set has 3 sets for birds alone:Shotgun, talon and dual daggers. Is this really necessary? I havent checked the details thoughly for lv55 sets yet. Will do soon.

03-04-2011, 08:41 AM
Lol people were complaining when there weren't enough sets. Now you're complaining there are too many?
I'm sure they just want to add variety, and not limit people based on the one set (like rift/void/cosmos used to be). This way people can choose the set they like best, rather than just choosing the one set that has a bonus.

03-04-2011, 10:06 AM
Hopefully the sets can be differentiated. All the people 50+ look identical who are sporting the BS items. Maybe some variety in looks should also be present

03-04-2011, 10:22 AM
there are too many sets it overprices good items and people charge insane amounts!

03-04-2011, 11:41 AM
Why do you not want sets? What is the advantage of less sets?

03-04-2011, 11:44 AM
Ya i would have to say the more sets the better, it makes it so everyone is not wearing the same thing, and then you have variety to chose from to make your char the way you want it.

03-04-2011, 11:50 AM
Ya i would have to say the more sets the better, it makes it so everyone is not wearing the same thing, and then you have variety to chose from to make your char the way you want it.

For me it's simply that BS pinks didn't really stand out much before. The pink sets were only a shade better than non-pinks. Having set bonuses for the pinks finally makes them legendary items worth trying to get.

03-04-2011, 11:55 AM
Idc about the having lots of sets, it's good but don't u think the devs r focusing on the lv cap sets rather than the other 45 lvs below which dOnt have any sets?(except lv35). Maybe they can introduce a elite ice set!?!

Edit: I also hope cyber gear becomes tradable...ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
And the sets must be lv55? If so I was unlucky to get my lv53 bow.

03-04-2011, 11:59 AM
Idc about the having lots of sets, it's good but don't u think the devs r focusing on the lv cap sets rather than the other 45 lvs below which dOnt have any sets?(except lv35). Maybe they can introduce a elite ice set!?!

That would be pretty cool. They could add Brain Freeze, Iceberg, and Shivering helms. My only issue with that is that the FN gear is already relatively OP for it's level and set for FN gear would make the swamp sets pretty useless. Also the drop rate in FN is too high, so everyone would have the sets in like 5 minutes.

03-04-2011, 01:13 PM
I want 1 set for for each color for every 3-5 levels for each class.. Doesn't this seems like the best way to do it? For high levels should Green items be the lowest color item you can get..

03-04-2011, 08:01 PM
That would be pretty cool. They could add Brain Freeze, Iceberg, and Shivering helms. My only issue with that is that the FN gear is already relatively OP for it's level and set for FN gear would make the swamp sets pretty useless. Also the drop rate in FN is too high, so everyone would have the sets in like 5 minutes.

My bad, I dont know what the drop rates are like cause I dont have FN.Well then maybe they could add sets to the LE gear.

03-04-2011, 08:11 PM
Why do you not want sets? What is the advantage of less sets?

Logic at its finest

03-05-2011, 01:15 AM
I dont think we need sets for lower lvls unless for pvp. By the time u get a complete set ur alrdy tOo high to use it, so whats the point? Id rather have much more maps for every campaign so all the play a campaign over and over again stops at least for lower lvls

03-05-2011, 01:35 AM
I dont think we need sets for lower lvls unless for pvp. By the time u get a complete set ur alrdy tOo high to use it, so whats the point? Id rather have much more maps for every campaign so all the play a campaign over and over again stops at least for lower lvls

Well.. its really just options one chooses to customize themselves according to their OWN opinions... Like the keeper cosmos set.. that was pure genius from STS to ME.