View Full Version : Selling Pinks - WTF?

01-28-2015, 01:16 PM
OK, I admit it...I'm nooby as nooby can be. 2 mos. in PL and I love it. My two chars are doing fine :tranquillity:, lvl 38 bear who's been resting several days and a lvl 63 fox. I try to keep my chars. in the most effective, powerful equipment available. I don't care what color they are but I find a decent number of pinks.

Someone offered me 10k for a pink magestaff this morning. I was happy to take it instead of farming for a couple hours. So, I put 6 pink items for, I think 50000 a bit ago. We'll see. Easier, like I said than farming. :chuncky:

Why on earth do people pay stupid prices for pinks? That's the basic question. They are rare but they are no better nor worse than other weapons you find. So why do people pay so much for something that's just ok in the game? What am I missing?

01-28-2015, 02:51 PM
Some pinks can give a masive advantage or just look cooler. But basically in general, pinks are rarer or have an advantage over purples, greens, etc and people want any advantage they want. Also sometimes if you put multiple pinks together for example swift talon, sheild, helm, and armor you can get a set bonus.

01-28-2015, 10:34 PM
The stats are certainly better on pinks, and that's what counts the most here. As you continue to level up and play you'll see this for yourself. As to the prices of pinks, well, it's simple economics: Supply versus demand. There's a lot less legendary items out there than players who want them, and this drives up prices. I hope you continue to enjoy playing PL, it's a great game :)

01-28-2015, 11:14 PM
It's the tiny advantages of the pinks that make it more effective than other items, which becomes very crucial in pvp or specific level farming. Also set bonuses and the overall look of the gear is unique and generally better. Yes purps are cheap and can still be efficient, but it's like how having a pink would be the upgraded version and the best.

01-28-2015, 11:18 PM
Thanks, but I'm still confused. I've got a LVL 65 Chiroptera pink bow that doesn't seem to spec out what my trusty Roper's Elegant Arbalest does - had it for 5 levels and it's still the best I've seen. Keep looking at all the bow drops and haven't seen anything really close.

Update - Roper's arbalest is still, after 10 levels is still the best spec I've seen. The Chiroptera bow beats it in some stats but not enough to use it. I'm hoping some day to find a UL bow that will do better. It's not jeweled, not particularly beautiful except when it lights a Tiki in Humania from a distance, opens gold chests b4 the swell 70's can get to them or downs an enemy out of range for others. Let's me be an archer like I want.

01-28-2015, 11:50 PM
Thanks, but I'm still confused. I've got a LVL 65 Chiroptera pink bow that doesn't seem to spec out what my trusty Roper's Elegant Arbalest does - had it for 5 levels and it's still the best I've seen. Keep looking at all the bow drops and haven't seen anything really close.

It's also about the type of weapon it is. If you look closer at your weapon you can see a little logo, depending on what it is, is how good the stats will usually be. Plus the Elegant Arbalest shoots at 12m range while the bow shoots at 8m, that's another reason why (Closer weapons usually do more damage).

01-29-2015, 12:08 AM
Legendarys also add to all your stats more than epics do. So, Legendarys will maybe add to mana regen, health regen, Dex, crit, and more, while epics add to only a few, or if the same amount, not as much as a legendary would.

Legendarys of a full set can also provide a set bonus. So the helm, armor, and either 2h weapon or 1h weapon + the shield. Like ThePvPTwink mentioned, it also gives you a cool look!

01-29-2015, 12:51 AM
Legendarys also add to all your stats more than epics do. So, Legendarys will maybe add to mana regen, health regen, Dex, crit, and more, while epics add to only a few, or if the same amount, not as much as a legendary would.

Legendarys of a full set can also provide a set bonus. So the helm, armor, and either 2h weapon or 1h weapon + the shield. Like ThePvPTwink mentioned, it also gives you a cool look!

That's not always the case though, Epic items can sometimes have the more beneficial stats for your class. Rares too, sometimes.

It is true that only Legendarys can make sets though.

01-29-2015, 01:34 AM
Yes that is true, rares and epics can give better stats in some cases, but most of the time, legendarys give all around better stats.

02-03-2015, 12:29 PM
Looking cool is great (I spent some plat for a cuter fox) but killing enemy is where it's at for me. This PL software is clearly table/data driven, so there's nothing subtle about it: either you take hit points off the enemy or you don't, IMNSHO.

05-22-2015, 05:25 AM
So you dont understand . Take a l35 reaper for example . It has low stats but sells for a whopping 300k+(or whatever, its been long since i logged in).Thats how the community is.Learn the prices.Deal with it.

06-09-2015, 06:58 PM
So you dont understand . Take a l35 reaper for example . It has low stats but sells for a whopping 300k+(or whatever, its been long since i logged in).Thats how the community is.Learn the prices.Deal with it.

Lol yup 35 pink reaper is like 3m