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View Full Version : [Suggestion] Things that should be shareable between toon in same account

01-29-2015, 02:46 PM
1. friend list
2. currencies
3. pets
4. daily quests, daily picks (klass/shazbot, energies)
5. achievements/AP, event scores, and other scores

considering and taking account on how much time spent by a player in real life


01-29-2015, 05:00 PM
Sharing APs is going too far, IMO. It would be cool to share the other stuff but would cut into STS profits (with plat purchased stuff) so it's unreasonable to expect them to allow that. Also, re: pet sharing, twinks would become even more OP by using a lvl 41 pet from another char.

Still, it WOULD be nice .. lol

01-30-2015, 01:45 AM
Sharing APs is going too far, IMO. It would be cool to share the other stuff but would cut into STS profits (with plat purchased stuff) so it's unreasonable to expect them to allow that. Also, re: pet sharing, twinks would become even more OP by using a lvl 41 pet from another char.

Still, it WOULD be nice .. lol

Agreed sort of. But im tired of using that NAB STASH for exchanging my gold from one to the other.lol. id love this shggestion except for AP and pets

01-30-2015, 03:20 AM
4:no(no energy sharing)

01-30-2015, 07:22 PM

Why would I mix in my end-game friend list with my twink friend list?
Golds ARE ALREADY SHAREABLE with stash, and plats can be use in any of your toon. If ankhs and other tokens would be shareable, it would start another abuse problem. Which in turn will ruin the price of those things in market.
What will happen to pets which both my end-game and twink had? With pet sharing, it will also ruin the egg market.
No way on quest sharing. I can get 12k in completing all the 800-1k+ worth daily quest in one toon, another 12k in another, and another 12k in another and another... If they would all share the same quest then I will lose (most of the farmers will) my steady source of 100k+ income everyday. And, Bards quest is a daily routine for my low levels too. Every month I get 10 crawly or colton which is another source of steady income, why the heck you wan't to remove this on a harcore farmers???
Why would you want to share AP, Achievements, event scores etc..? Too lazy to farm? Its one of the things that challenges players, why would you wan't a Level 41 cap achievement be available on a level 1 too? Doesn't make sense unless you really are just lazy to get those AP, Achievements, event points etc etc.. to all your toons.

And yeah, considering HOW LONG we spent time and how much toon I have. I disagree.

01-30-2015, 09:40 PM

Why would I mix in my end-game friend list with my twink friend list?
Golds ARE ALREADY SHAREABLE with stash, and plats can be use in any of your toon. If ankhs and other tokens would be shareable, it would start another abuse problem. Which in turn will ruin the price of those things in market.
What will happen to pets which both my end-game and twink had? With pet sharing, it will also ruin the egg market.
No way on quest sharing. I can get 12k in completing all the 800-1k+ worth daily quest in one toon, another 12k in another, and another 12k in another and another... If they would all share the same quest then I will lose (most of the farmers will) my steady source of 100k+ income everyday. And, Bards quest is a daily routine for my low levels too. Every month I get 10 crawly or colton which is another source of steady income, why the heck you wan't to remove this on a harcore farmers???
Why would you want to share AP, Achievements, event scores etc..? Too lazy to farm? Its one of the things that challenges players, why would you wan't a Level 41 cap achievement be available on a level 1 too? Doesn't make sense unless you really are just lazy to get those AP, Achievements, event points etc etc.. to all your toons.

And yeah, considering HOW LONG we spent time and how much toon I have. I disagree.

1. simply because friend list is literally for friend, i'd like my friend to know i'm online when i'm playing another toon
2. shareable tokens won't be able to be abused, if daily quest, energy, and anything that is regenerated by time is also shared
3. see my suggestion on shared pet stable on my sig, there should be restriction to make summoned pet not stronger than toon's level
4. see no 2, if you consider sharing tokens is an abuse, then doing bard's daily quest on several characters, picking lixes and shared everything gained from those are no different
5. yup, useless repetition, nothing new gained, and simply because no meaning in it. as for event scores and it's relation to LB, probably sts should record how many points achieved by each toon, and use that for specific class' lb

after playing so long and capped 3 toons, maxed same pets, doing endless dailies (to get 12k) each on three characters, i just found how exhausting it was even though i only want to enjoy gaming experience of playing with different classes

thanks, and good luck twinking, and doing dailies, and farming eggs, and i hope any new game from sts will consider these

01-30-2015, 10:42 PM
1. simply because friend list is literally for friend, i'd like my friend to know i'm online when i'm playing another toon
2. shareable tokens won't be able to be abused, if daily quest, energy, and anything that is regenerated by time is also shared
3. see my suggestion on shared pet stable on my sig, there should be restriction to make summoned pet not stronger than toon's level
4. see no 2, if you consider sharing tokens is an abuse, then doing bard's daily quest on several characters, picking lixes and shared everything gained from those are no different
5. yup, useless repetition, nothing new gained, and simply because no meaning in it. as for event scores and it's relation to LB, probably sts should record how many points achieved by each toon, and use that for specific class' lb

after playing so long and capped 3 toons, maxed same pets, doing endless dailies (to get 12k) each on three characters, i just found how exhausting it was even though i only want to enjoy gaming experience of playing with different classes

thanks, and good luck twinking, and doing dailies, and farming eggs, and i hope any new game from sts will consider these

You should have suggested something different about this.
What use can a shared drag teeth do to a twink? The abuse was just an example, they are a lots of complications and needless data content just to do that.
As a mercher, decrease demands on eggs is bad for business. But as a collector, it will lessen the collecting efforts. Well just have different opinions about this, the glass-half-empty-or-half-full thing.
Again, its not about repitition. Its about complications, no one in twinking level cares about APs just the titles for some. Like I said earlier, why would a level 1 get a 15k+ AP, a level cap achievement, etc etc..with no effort what so ever? Doesn't it contradicts your statement on having new experience?

I can see that we enjoy this game in different facets, I enjoy farming in PVE and daily quest while you wanted to play different class experience. Why would you wanted the same AP, Achievements, Event points etc.. if you wanted a different experience? With the same things already laid out on your new toon, how would you enjoy a new experience with that toon with nothing to do (assuming you already completed all APs etc etc)???

Thanks too, good luck if ever STS would consider these.

01-31-2015, 01:25 AM
I dont agree with this that much i mean pvp and hardcore farmers will be ruined sharing aps to toons makes no use unles you want to get accepted to a high guild already with a low lvl twink and yes the elite/pet achievements will be shared aswel? i mean a lvl 1 twink has those cool titles and ap pets as a bonus
but i do agree to kinz

01-31-2015, 02:10 AM
No to all sorry.

02-07-2015, 01:54 PM
Personally, I'd like to share my Satchel Invenotry between toons, that's about it :/

02-07-2015, 05:01 PM
1. friend list Agree
2. currencies If you put X gold amount in stash, log onto an alt, you can put the gold onto that alt
3. pets The pet egg prices might go down...and pvp wouldn't be fair (imagine a lvl20 player with a lvl41 arcane pet)


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