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03-04-2011, 10:27 PM
I currently use the Raid Roach Gemstone Auto-Bow set for pve and pvp, and for this thread's purposes, I'll say I use the 8 armor 2 crit ring.

So my question is, should I switch to the custom set and use the damage ring?

-I'll keep a godly 45 crit (75 buffed)
-The custom set adds 2 damage, so I only lose 16 damage. Swapping rings will mean a 6 damage loss.
-I trade the 8 armor for 18 H/s, which is so beast. (25 total)
-Overall, more survivability

-Obviously, a large damage loss. Both from the Roach + armor ring and even more seeing as I often use the damage ring in pvp.
-More vulnerability in pvp because of less damage and it still adds no dodge.
-It'll take money to craft (only a minor issue)


I'm undecided. I like to experiment and swap setups, but this can lower my damage output even though it increases my survivability.

Thoughts? Try to convince me one way or another ;)

03-04-2011, 10:32 PM
For PvP, go max damage. No need for survivability when you got a single target nuke.
For PvE, consider better survivability. U'll get aggro sometimes. Mages still take pretty much all of the aggro for you, but some bosses every now and then will switch to you. Which means trouble if you have low survivability.

03-04-2011, 10:33 PM
with less armor hs wont matter :p unless your health replenished faster than you take damage lol

03-04-2011, 10:36 PM
with less armor hs wont matter :p unless your health replenished faster than you take damage lol

8 armor = 8 less damage per hit. Hits usually take under a second. But in PvP - several skills can be casted in under a second. So that is a good 60-80 extra damage per second. Can be fatal.

03-04-2011, 11:13 PM
In reality, I'm using a damage ring in pvp. I'm also trying to decide if the 16 less damage is enough to make a huge difference, taking into account my 45 crit.

03-05-2011, 12:07 AM
Against birds just remember that archers using shotguns and mega blasters will hit you first if they know what they're doing. Shotguns/Mega Blasters range = 12m. Recurve/Auto-Bow range = 10m.

03-05-2011, 12:23 AM
Against birds just remember that archers using shotguns and mega blasters will hit you first if they know what they're doing. Shotguns/Mega Blasters range = 12m. Recurve/Auto-Bow range = 10m.
Auto-bows have the range of a megablaster/shotgun. :)

03-05-2011, 12:47 AM
Well Nightarcher, I just ran hideout a little while ago with you, and whatever you had equipped there, all I can say is holy f'n DPS batman! :D

03-05-2011, 12:51 AM
Auto-bows have the range of a megablaster/shotgun. :)

Oops I stand corrected - I just realized I never tested the Auto-Bow, just the Recurve :)