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02-01-2015, 11:46 AM
Tanks... Even if we are maxed gear and skilled to the bone... We're still useless. I know someone who has planar pendant, singe, 8k hp, and all that, yet they cant find a pt for PT3.
STS , right now tanks are bare useless, I know some tanks will quit PvE forever . Please!!! PLEAAASE! we beg you... in the new expansion... Think LONG and HARD, make this last expansion count... Don't make tanks extinct! The fact that tanks are as useful as toilet water... Atleast toilet water can save you when there's no water in the house and you're dying of dehydration.. Tanks are so left out.. I dont see any active Mods and Dev's as warrior.. maybe this means somthin :/

02-01-2015, 11:49 AM
Tanks... Even if we are maxed gear and skilled to the bone... We're still useless. I know someone who has planar pendant, singe, 8k hp, and all that, yet they cant find a pt for PT3.
STS , right now tanks are bare useless, I know some tanks will quit PvE forever . Please!!! PLEAAASE! we beg you... in the new expansion... Think LONG and HARD, make this last expansion count... Don't make tanks extinct! The fact that tanks are as useful as toilet water... Atleast toilet water can save you when there's no water in the house and you're dying of dehydration.. Tanks are so left out.. I dont see any active Mods and Dev's as warrior.. maybe this means somthin :/

Do you see any active devs or mods as a sorcerer? You have a good point overall though. Rogues just dominate everywhere. Mages are weak sauce in pvp, warriors are weak sauce in pve. Rogues are the best im both. Something needs to change

02-01-2015, 11:56 AM
Tanks... Even if we are maxed gear and skilled to the bone... We're still useless. I know someone who has planar pendant, singe, 8k hp, and all that, yet they cant find a pt for PT3.
STS , right now tanks are bare useless, I know some tanks will quit PvE forever . Please!!! PLEAAASE! we beg you... in the new expansion... Think LONG and HARD, make this last expansion count... Don't make tanks extinct! The fact that tanks are as useful as toilet water... Atleast toilet water can save you when there's no water in the house and you're dying of dehydration.. Tanks are so left out.. I dont see any active Mods and Dev's as warrior.. maybe this means somthin :/

Do you see any active devs or mods as a sorcerer? You have a good point overall though. Rogues just dominate everywhere. Mages are weak sauce in pvp, warriors are weak sauce in pve. Rogues are the best im both. Something needs to change
Tanks, are not needed because they are slow and low dmg and dps

Mages are not needed because al of thier skils are put into freaking pets wich makes rouges able to use thier skils trough pets and have more dmg and critical then mages and tanks -.-

02-01-2015, 11:57 AM
Two of our best main tanks gave up, sold all their gear and switched to rogue. If you can't beat them, join them!

I've been thinking about quitting my 33 maxed out tank too. I'm not even close to mythic rogues. Just can't kill 1v1 anymore. GG

02-01-2015, 12:05 PM
Two of our best main tanks gave up, sold all their gear and switched to rogue. If you can't beat them, join them!

I've been thinking about quitting my 33 maxed out tank too. I'm not even close to mythic rogues. Just can't kill 1v1 anymore. GG

I'm not gonna go to rogue. I dont like attacking on 1 point. I love tank, I'd rather die of boredem than switch to a toon. This is a successful game.. If STS cant manage to bring use to the 2/3 classes, then they dont deserve to call this game a success.. this isnt "Rogue legends" im not offending anything cuz its only been a few weeks to a month, but if this expansion doesnt change anything, i will lose 100% of my respect and i will probably never play it again.. 1-2months is already too much. they better come up with somthin...

02-01-2015, 12:14 PM
Tanks... Even if we are maxed gear and skilled to the bone... We're still useless. I know someone who has planar pendant, singe, 8k hp, and all that, yet they cant find a pt for PT3.
STS , right now tanks are bare useless, I know some tanks will quit PvE forever . Please!!! PLEAAASE! we beg you... in the new expansion... Think LONG and HARD, make this last expansion count... Don't make tanks extinct! The fact that tanks are as useful as toilet water... Atleast toilet water can save you when there's no water in the house and you're dying of dehydration.. Tanks are so left out.. I dont see any active Mods and Dev's as warrior.. maybe this means somthin :/

Well that someone is probably in the wrong guild then.

02-01-2015, 12:18 PM
I would agree ... Pretty much why I switched to rogue.
Oh and I would say the warrior's heal is the only good thing about warrior...
And the OLD vb which provides so much mana regen (If I remembered correctly it was vb)

02-01-2015, 12:18 PM
I dont see how tanks dont get into runs, Is this over sarcasm or starting drama? Every tomb run I go into theres always a tank, 3 rogues or 2 rogues 1 mage. I see people asking for a tank for elites every now and again. They still are needed. The only time they arent needed is when theres 4 max geared rogues who can kill the boss in a matter of minutes, for regular pts they're needed :P although however they do need a buff of some sort and so do mages

02-01-2015, 12:20 PM
I dont see how tanks dont get into runs, Is this over sarcasm or starting drama? Every tomb run I go into theres always a tank, 3 rogues or 2 rogues 1 mage. I see people asking for a tank for elites every now and again. They still are needed. The only time they arent needed is when theres 4 max geared rogues who can kill the boss in a matter of minutes, for regular pts they're needed :P

Tanks aren't needed, pulls can't be to big nowadays so why take someone who's ment just for keeping aggro on big pulls?

02-01-2015, 12:22 PM
Tanks aren't needed, pulls can't be to big nowadays so why take someone who's ment just for keeping aggro on big pulls?
They aren't 100% needed for the Max geared people out there, but in average runs they save ALOT of deaths and ankhs and pots.

02-01-2015, 12:23 PM
First mage will be magical pet which is have AA to do crowds control (stun,freeze and root) then warrior will be damage absorb pet while not hungry (so don't forget to feeding ur pet)... Jk Jk Jk xD ...

Rog with legendary gear still have high chance to got party invitation for runing tomb,but for mage and war with legendary gear hell no...mage and war with legendary gear have really2 tiny small little chance to got invitation for runing tomb.

Maybe time after time this game will change name to Rogue Legend. :D

02-01-2015, 12:31 PM
#BuffWarrior in pve
#BuffMage Period point Blank

02-01-2015, 12:42 PM
Im levelling my mage. In pve I have no place for elite runs. In pvp Im farmed by karma. What next? Yes Im not good at pvp, Im good enough in pve, but tanks are slow, having 500++dps and 400++ doesnt make me have a party.

sent by a nab using tapasucks

02-01-2015, 12:45 PM
Have you ever seen a tank be accepted to party by need? never, a tank asks a pt " Can I join too? " , the pt either says "No" , REALLY doesnt want a tank but invites you just to be nice , Or they invite if there is NO other mage or rogue around. Tanks are hated, last resort, or not even needed... it's kinda sad how some pt's rather have nothing than a tank, cuz having 3 ppl in a pt instead of 4 is faster..

02-01-2015, 01:05 PM
Have you ever seen a tank be accepted to party by need? never, a tank asks a pt " Can I join too? " , the pt either says "No" , REALLY doesnt want a tank but invites you just to be nice , Or they invite if there is NO other mage or rogue around. Tanks are hated, last resort, or not even needed... it's kinda sad how some pt's rather have nothing than a tank, cuz having 3 ppl in a pt instead of 4 is faster..

I completely disagree with all you say. Tanks are needed in planar tombs runs and all people I run with prefer having a tank in the party, most actually are not willing to run without one. Today we spend 15 minutes looking for a tank, because all were in pt in tombs 3 already. As for the rest please do read the following and give it some thought. Thank you in advance!

"Firstly I have to say that I do agree that warriors do need some tweaking. This being said I think that both the topic, as well as what some warriors state in this and the several similar thread is excessively exaggerated. The the reasons for this being the following:

1. "Now they are running around with 1800+ armor and 50% crit and can pull and park mobs way more efficiently than Warriors." This is true for a extremely small, really statistically negligible, number of rogues, which account for a total of less than 1 (one) % of the game population.

2. Although I personally do not mind running without a warrior, most of the people I run with do prefer having a warrior, especially for the planar tombs content, which is the content, which as we all know, is mainly being farmed right now. And I have to admit that warrior make runs a bit slower, but way less expansive in ankhs.

3. I have invited 3 of the warriors who have complained about the current state of the warrior class to my party in the planar tombs hubs. Neither of those invites was unsolicited and I was very polite when I asked them if they mind being invited to the party via pm. One left the party after inspecting its members. The second one said: "You are too weak. Sorry." In this second case the party consisted of 2 rogues and one mage, which all were full mythic (including weapon) and the only thing missing was arcane ring. The third one was a parody of a tank, who although he had practically max gear and arcane pet died like a fly on the boss in t3. Well, I have played in planar tombs 3 with full legendary tanks, who delivered a better performance than this dude. So what do you expect actually. THat you are entitled to choose who you play with, to insult people and to get frustrated why do not get parties?

4. Running tindirin elites, as a matter of fact all elite above Nordr, in a legendary pt is practically impossible (the wilds being an exception) without a tank is practically impossible, unless all pt members are loaded with 25+ ankhs per map and ready to use them.

As I have stated before the main problem is the gear gap and how excessively op maxed gear is at the current level."



Edit: Correct some of the user friendly auto-correct

02-01-2015, 01:21 PM
Everyone saying they do need a warrior then they don't do a good enough job as a rogue or mage. Good geared warriors would like to run with people who have the same gear as them, problem is good geared rogues won't accept them so they are left playing with noobs or weak geared people.

Everyone i know who does need a tank will either die from one hits or he has bad gear or he can't potion fast enough, these are the kind of people tanks are left playing with.

02-01-2015, 01:43 PM
I completely disagree with all you say. Tanks are needed in planar tombs runs and all people I run with prefer having a tank in the party, most actually are not willing to run without one. Today we spend 15 minutes looking for a tank, because all were in pt in tombs 3 already. As for the rest please do read the following and give it some thought. Thank you in advance!

"Firstly I have to say that I do agree that warriors do need some tweaking. This being said I think that both the topic, as well as what some warriors state in this and the several similar thread is excessively exaggerated. The the reasons for this being the following:

1. "Now they are running around with 1800+ armor and 50% crit and can pull and park mobs way more efficiently than Warriors." This is true for a extremely small, really statistically negligible, number of rogues, which account for a total of less than 1 (one) % of the game population.

2. Although I personally do not mind running without a warrior, most of the people I run with do prefer having a warrior, especially for the planar tombs content, which is the content, which as we all know, is mainly being farmed right now. And I have to admit that warrior make runs a bit slower, but way less expansive in ankhs.

3. I have invited 3 of the warriors who have complained about the current state of the warrior class to my party in the planar tombs hubs. Neither of those invites was unsolicited and I was very polite when I asked them if they mind being invited to the party via pm. One left the party after inspecting its members. The second one said: "You are too weak. Sorry." In this second case the party consisted of 2 rogues and one mage, which all were full mythic (including weapon) and the only thing missing was arcane ring. The third one was a parody of a tank, who although he had practically max gear and arcane pet died like a fly on the boss in t3. Well, I have played in planar tombs 3 with full legendary tanks, who delivered a better performance than this dude. So what do you expect actually. THat you are entitled to choose who you play with, to insult people and to get frustrated why do not get parties?

4. Running tindirin elites, as a matter of fact all elite above Nordr, in a legendary pt is practically impossible (the wilds being an exception) without a tank is practically impossible, unless all pt members are loaded with 25+ ankhs per map and ready to use them.

As I have stated before the main problem is the gear gap and how excessively op maxed gear is at the current level."



Edit: Correct some of the user friendly auto-correct

I'm sure you dont run with the maxed gear PT's , if you're a mercher like me, you would see that farming planar tombs for endless hours for a tiny amount as 1.3m isnt worth it, unless the runs are easy as dirt. I dont want to run more than 10min in a tomb, any of the GOOD pt's dont need warriors. I refuse to run with non mythic pt's... Think VERY effiecient. Nobody runs pugs anymore. Except warriors.... Saying pt's need a tank doesnt explain the fact an 8k planar pendant warr with singe and bulwark is left alone for too long. I think tanks need a HUGE damage buff.. Mages should be taken looked at too. But Warriors are bigger priority, because Mages can atleast farm pve kills in wt4 , and do km3 fast! Warriors cant get any kills efficently, cant do any elite maps efficiently, cant do any pve and aps, and kill count contests in guilds, because mages get like 10k kills in a day, warriors get tiresome. Some warriors like Ravagerx are very skilled in getting kills over a long time, but that period of time for mages could be doubled the kills. I'll say this once more. Buff tha hell outta warriors, they need more damage, and nobody start saying "omg they already have like 750 damage" , cuz thats VERY few warriors... I see warriors running around with under 350 dmg and they have decent gear. This is absolutely trash now. I'd say give warriors some more damage... asap @ Stat.

02-01-2015, 01:49 PM
I don't do pugs as much these days, mostly friend invites. I run with many tanks in both arena and tombs. I also do pure rogue parties. One tank is really no issue at all. The problem is running with 2 or 3 tanks imo. And by problem, it just takes a long time. A mixed party of a tank, a mage and 2 rogues is pretty common. I don't have arcane ring but I do have 1700+ armor and 4400 health. The reason we all paid millions for imbued gear was to be ahead of the pack. No nerfing rogues, get a better friends list or guild. Plenty of nice end game rogues. Calicus and globolus are two tanks that are able to get parties for arena/tombs all day.

02-01-2015, 02:06 PM
I don't do pugs as much these days, mostly friend invites. I run with many tanks in both arena and tombs. I also do pure rogue parties. One tank is really no issue at all. The problem is running with 2 or 3 tanks imo. And by problem, it just takes a long time. A mixed party of a tank, a mage and 2 rogues is pretty common. I don't have arcane ring but I do have 1700+ armor and 4400 health. The reason we all paid millions for imbued gear was to be ahead of the pack. No nerfing rogues, get a better friends list or guild. Plenty of nice end game rogues. Calicus and globolus are two tanks that are able to get parties for arena/tombs all day.

I hope you know Calicus made a rogue... He doesnt play much on Warrior now.

02-01-2015, 02:13 PM
I do know that, but it wasn't because he couldn't find parties in tombs. He was running non stop for a while there. Tanks can't kill as fast as rogues and they shouldn't be able to. To the main point, something needs to change dynamically to make tanks important. Obv damage and speed buff are not the answer.

02-01-2015, 02:33 PM
I'm sure you dont run with the maxed gear PT's , if you're a mercher like me, you would see that farming planar tombs for endless hours for a tiny amount as 1.3m isnt worth it, unless the runs are easy as dirt. I dont want to run more than 10min in a tomb, any of the GOOD pt's dont need warriors. I refuse to run with non mythic pt's... Think VERY effiecient. Nobody runs pugs anymore. Except warriors.... Saying pt's need a tank doesnt explain the fact an 8k planar pendant warr with singe and bulwark is left alone for too long. I think tanks need a HUGE damage buff.. Mages should be taken looked at too. But Warriors are bigger priority, because Mages can atleast farm pve kills in wt4 , and do km3 fast! Warriors cant get any kills efficently, cant do any elite maps efficiently, cant do any pve and aps, and kill count contests in guilds, because mages get like 10k kills in a day, warriors get tiresome. Some warriors like Ravagerx are very skilled in getting kills over a long time, but that period of time for mages could be doubled the kills. I'll say this once more. Buff tha hell outta warriors, they need more damage, and nobody start saying "omg they already have like 750 damage" , cuz thats VERY few warriors... I see warriors running around with under 350 dmg and they have decent gear. This is absolutely trash now. I'd say give warriors some more damage... asap @ Stat.

Too many ifs mate, too many wishes, too vast a difference from what you state in your original post. Furthermore some of what you say makes me think that you were actually too lazy too read what I had written.

Anyway to summarize from your own words:

1. You really do not want to farm, because you are too rich and 300 k gold for a chest does not appeal to you.
2. If you do run, although you dont really want to because profit s too low, you want to run in a maxed out party and that is it.
3. The everything that is not maxed out is not good enough for you
4. You imply that you would not run with parties with people with gear similar to mine (all myth, whithout arcane ring)

--> The conclusion drawn from the above: You want to be needed as a warrior by the statistically negligible less than 1% of the total game population, which admittedly truly does not need a war, thus making finding a party of your "equals" an optimistic endeavor at best and hence your frustration. If you do think about it again you will see that the problem is, as previously said, how powerful the max gear and you own hubris. The latter being the easier one to fix than the former.

P.S. I do agree that thanks need some tweaking dont get me wrong. Your case however is an extremity and is not generally applicable to the game and the current state of the warrior class.

02-01-2015, 03:23 PM
The solution is so simple: bring elite timer in tomb back, and tank will revive.

02-01-2015, 03:29 PM
Two of our best main tanks gave up, sold all their gear and switched to rogue. If you can't beat them, join them!

I've been thinking about quitting my 33 maxed out tank too. I'm not even close to mythic rogues. Just can't kill 1v1 anymore. GG

IMHO the problem in vs with rogue is their packs. It gives too much hp back to them so other class can't get through that all before it's Cd back.

Or the rogue class itself is wrong. They have everything. Crit, dmg, armor, hp, heal, and now even mana and shield. Xp

02-01-2015, 04:56 PM
Rogues need survivability nerf. 4 rouges should get wiped constantly in elite maps.

Novyaj Zeanreh
02-01-2015, 05:13 PM
Thats why i gave up my warrior i almost delete it:/... and now i have lvl 25 rogue trying to lvl up to 41:,(

02-01-2015, 05:16 PM
This has got to be the 5th + thread about this issue...I agree STS please respond and tell us you will work on it, it doesen't matter if it takes 1-2 months as long as you tell us you will do it :)

02-01-2015, 06:08 PM
This has got to be the 5th + thread about this issue...I agree STS please respond and tell us you will work on it, it doesen't matter if it takes 1-2 months as long as you tell us you will do it :)

Exactly!!! We know it will take a while, and thats okay, just make us useful again, we shouldnt have to make a new class, and dump the other.

02-01-2015, 06:12 PM
I'm a warrior, I will always be a warrior, I will never give up my warrior just to make things easier, like switching to a rogue or begging for gold.

Warrior Proud!

02-01-2015, 06:20 PM
I'm a warrior, I will always be a warrior, I will never give up my warrior just to make things easier, like switching to a rogue or begging for gold.

Warrior Proud!

Yes! Stay strong! If STS doesnt make warriors buffed or useful in any way this expansion, then I will personaly have a grudge. Legit... NO tanks (PvE spec) have been running Gauntlet this week, due to them slowing the WHOLE pt down. even mages being left out, all they need is 3 rogues, 1 mage, few min.. Warriors just log on, check market, sell greens in invo. Then just sit for 2m then wonder why they logged on, get bored AS HELL!!! and then log off and bad mouth the game to their friends.. STS is digging their own grave.. Let's see how deep it will be.

02-01-2015, 06:41 PM
Us tanks aren't homeless.... Some of us live in high end vacation homes outside of kragg in the upper East side...we sit and talk to other tanks and reminisce about our glory days, sit and count our gold, pop locks and shine our swords, we just sit and wait till the day we're needed again... We keep hearing the mages say they need a buff... Since sts isn't buffing the mages, some of us Warriors are talking about putting together a gym for the tiny blue warriors, so we can pump them up and get them buffed..... As we are a private organization with no corporate funding, the gym memberships will be costly but we'll worth it....

02-01-2015, 06:46 PM
Tanks... Even if we are maxed gear and skilled to the bone... We're still useless. I know someone who has planar pendant, singe, 8k hp, and all that, yet they cant find a pt for PT3.
STS , right now tanks are bare useless, I know some tanks will quit PvE forever . Please!!! PLEAAASE! we beg you... in the new expansion... Think LONG and HARD, make this last expansion count... Don't make tanks extinct! The fact that tanks are as useful as toilet water... Atleast toilet water can save you when there's no water in the house and you're dying of dehydration.. Tanks are so left out.. I dont see any active Mods and Dev's as warrior.. maybe this means somthin :/

PRODUCTOR is a tank :rolleyes:

02-01-2015, 07:02 PM
I disagree with the OP's premise. I like running with tanks and they are not useless to the majority of the rouges and mages in the game. Most of us have neither 5k hp, nor unlimited ankhs. And we don't mind if a run is a couple minutes slower provided that it's as smooth as it should be with an actual tank in party.

And by the way, it's not about gear at all. A few of my go-to tanks run with pink weapons, have no arcane pets, and yet they do an amazing job of tanking both mobs and bosses.

02-01-2015, 07:11 PM
That toilet water part made my day XDDD

02-01-2015, 07:13 PM
That toilet water part made my day XDDD

Hehehe, Tanks... So 2014 Zzz

02-01-2015, 07:14 PM
PRODUCTOR is a tank :rolleyes:

Producter Never plays... Ever.. He goes on for social reasons, he doesnt actually test and run like Remi, Seo, and Delph (used to).

02-01-2015, 07:25 PM
Producter Never plays... Ever.. He goes on for social reasons, he doesnt actually test and run like Remi, Seo, and Delph (used to).


love for tanks...

02-01-2015, 11:03 PM
I don't belong to the 1% minority of maxed out hybrid warriorogue and I still run tombs and arena with warriors. True, these aren't maxed out warriors but they have mythic weapons and arcane pets. These warriors don't wait for 45 minutes hoping to party with arcane ringed, imbued geared pt. When I pm them "T3?" they replied "inv" and we spent 45 minutes doing 3-4 runs and had a good time; they helped me save a few ankhs, I helped them get loot, we log off happy and everybody spared having to lounge around cities getting fat while their gear gathers a patina of rust. Sometimes it's the other way around. They invite me to pt along with a bunch of other active, avid, experienced planar tomb farmers, and off we go. I think I speak for a huge number of rogues who, while perfectly able to run in tankless party, still appreciate the less nerve-wracking runs with warrior in party. The only problem I had when I run planar tomb with warrior is when they, mythic para-gemmed bonesaw and arcane pets notwithstanding, are clueless about their job. Those who said they would park giants and made a shoddy job of it, who abused Kelvin's aa indiscriminately, etc. I've left one such broken party and have some warriors on a personal blacklist. But most of the times I'm fine running with warriors.

I agree some delicate adjustment of warrior impact in party may be in order. But meanwhile IMO a shift in attitude may help as well, if runs are what warriors look for.

My two cents.

02-01-2015, 11:10 PM
I don't belong to the 1% minority of maxed out hybrid warriorogue and I still run tombs and arena with warriors. True, these aren't maxed out warriors but they have mythic weapons and arcane pets. These warriors don't wait for 45 minutes hoping to party with arcane ringed, imbued geared pt. When I pm them "T3?" they replied "inv" and we spent 45 minutes doing 3-4 runs and had a good time; they helped me save a few ankhs, I helped them get loot, we log off happy and everybody spared having to lounge around cities getting fat while their gear gathers a patina of rust. Sometimes it's the other way around. They invite me to pt along with a bunch of other active, avid, experienced planar tomb farmers, and off we go. I think I speak for a huge number of rogues who, while perfectly able to run in tankless party, still appreciate the less nerve-wracking runs with warrior in party. The only problem I had when I run planar tomb with warrior is when they, mythic para-gemmed bonesaw and arcane pets notwithstanding, are clueless about their job. Those who said they would park giants and made a shoddy job of it, who abused Kelvin's aa indiscriminately, etc. I've left one such broken party and have some warriors on a personal blacklist. But most of the times I'm fine running with warriors.

I agree some delicate adjustment of warrior impact in party may be in order. But meanwhile IMO a shift in attitude may help as well, if runs are what warriors look for.

My two cents.

Keep your 2 cents. Because in this economy, you'll need it. The market is going "DOWN , under da sea" . Idk wether I should be worried, scared, or sorry , and just quit now, or suffer the wait and tempation to go online and atleast merch, but then realize there's nothing to merch, due the economy being as low as some people's standards. This game is falling apart, lets start patching it up, the process is probably like a injury. I will make a thread of this to show what I mean,

02-02-2015, 12:14 AM
I always love having a tank in my pt. Anyone that shouts I don't want a tank is absolutely wrong a tank is always welcome in my pt. If you need pt pm me in game ign ladynifft. Your always welcome.

02-02-2015, 01:12 AM
Buff our skills, especially Vengeful Blood, Juggernaut, as well as the offensive ones, Chest Splitter, Skyward Smash, Whirlwind, Ax. Give us a bump on our gear stats, the better the gear, the better the update tweak, white junk < green normal < blue epics < pink legendary < orange mythic < red arcane and make the warrior's speed 5-10% faster, permanently. It's a start.

02-02-2015, 01:37 AM
Agree with all you tanks asking for help...

I quit my tank cause I got sick of sitting around in gh and town all night and I loved my tank :-(

It's just rogue legends
Shorties get squashed and fatties get left out... Something needs to change

02-02-2015, 05:22 AM
Keep your 2 cents. Because in this economy, you'll need it. The market is going "DOWN , under da sea" . Idk wether I should be worried, scared, or sorry , and just quit now, or suffer the wait and tempation to go online and atleast merch, but then realize there's nothing to merch, due the economy being as low as some people's standards. This game is falling apart, lets start patching it up, the process is probably like a injury. I will make a thread of this to show what I mean,

You started a thread about warriors being cast out of desirable party members. I tried to show you how things go for a lot of people--rogues and warriors alike--outside your rarefied ivory tower of angst. You segued into a riff about the economy. OK then. Have fun writing another thread on that. Maybe others will take it seriously.

02-02-2015, 06:21 AM
You started a thread about warriors being cast out of desirable party members. I tried to show you how things go for a lot of people--rogues and warriors alike--outside your rarefied ivory tower of angst. You segued into a riff about the economy. OK then. Have fun writing another thread on that. Maybe others will take it seriously.

Basically if he was trying to relate between maxed out selected warriors vs non-maxed out wars, i gues the relation wasn't that straight. IMO, make the maps difficulty that a warrior is somewhat needed(ish) to maintain the balance. Also the new content must be like it forces ppl to actually FARM too...

02-02-2015, 10:39 AM
Basically if he was trying to relate between maxed out selected warriors vs non-maxed out wars, i gues the relation wasn't that straight. IMO, make the maps difficulty that a warrior is somewhat needed(ish) to maintain the balance. Also the new content must be like it forces ppl to actually FARM too...

Okay.. Run with a full maxed pt. Actually maxed, Arcane ring, planar pendant, mythic weps, imbued sets, etc. These are the people I used to run with before tanks became as useless. Tanks arent needed anymore, Im not saying they're not needed for pt's that want to take things slow, But if you want REAL gold in your wallet, you cant be running with pt's that take more than 10-15min per PT1/PT2/PT3 runs.If you do the math.. To make 1-1.2mil , It will take you 21 hours of PT3 farming. (I did the math of runs you need to do if they were 10min each) , 21 hours for 1-1.2mil is incredibly low. People say to take your time, But once you find other ways of making money, you'll see that anything under 3mil is barely an amount, I personally dont like planar tombs, not as the tombs, just my personality despises the place. too much time and effort for somthing I make in a week for walking around towns and talking. I just let money come to me, or let chances come by themselves. If I run for 21 hours and then get 1-1.2mil , ill feel like hating the game more, Altough this is just me. Tanks need a purpose, I never see any tanks invited to a run, wheter it's Arena or planar tombs. Wilds can be solo'd my tanks even, And elite runs dont at all pay off, but I like them due to them being fun, quick, and sometimes profitable. And dont anyone say "Then it's your guild" , because I'm talking maxed pt's , No people with 2.5k hp mages and etc. I think efficently and stubbornly. Very few know what I know. Farming is a lie atm. It used to be good, now they chances are set, but due to the economy being trashed, Nothing's worth it. 1 - 1.2mil is nothing in this game, a pendant that will do you barely any good is now 500-800k , You're paying much more for your pendant's and rings than anything. Its sad really...

02-02-2015, 10:53 AM
Okay.. Run with a full maxed pt. Actually maxed, Arcane ring, planar pendant, mythic weps, imbued sets, etc. These are the people I used to run with before tanks became as useless. Tanks arent needed anymore, Im not saying they're not needed for pt's that want to take things slow, But if you want REAL gold in your wallet, you cant be running with pt's that take more than 10-15min per PT1/PT2/PT3 runs.If you do the math.. To make 1-1.2mil , It will take you 21 hours of PT3 farming. (I did the math of runs you need to do if they were 10min each) , 21 hours for 1-1.2mil is incredibly low. People say to take your time, But once you find other ways of making money, you'll see that anything under 3mil is barely an amount, I personally dont like planar tombs, not as the tombs, just my personality despises the place. too much time and effort for somthing I make in a week for walking around towns and talking. I just let money come to me, or let chances come by themselves. If I run for 21 hours and then get 1-1.2mil , ill feel like hating the game more, Altough this is just me. Tanks need a purpose, I never see any tanks invited to a run, wheter it's Arena or planar tombs. Wilds can be solo'd my tanks even, And elite runs dont at all pay off, but I like them due to them being fun, quick, and sometimes profitable. And dont anyone say "Then it's your guild" , because I'm talking maxed pt's , No people with 2.5k hp mages and etc. I think efficently and stubbornly. Very few know what I know. Farming is a lie atm. It used to be good, now they chances are set, but due to the economy being trashed, Nothing's worth it. 1 - 1.2mil is nothing in this game, a pendant that will do you barely any good is now 500-800k , You're paying much more for your pendant's and rings than anything. Its sad really...

Ridiculous , you just don't want to run tombs , why accuse tank? You said that anything under 3m is not an amount, so in order to make 3m in 21 hours you have to run planar tomb in 4min? Show me how to do it with any party you want.

02-02-2015, 11:30 AM
Hey everyone. I know tanks are in need of some love. In fact, all of the classes are in need of a closer look these days. Arcane Legends in over 2 years old now, which means a lot has changed in Arlor. New gear, new pets and new levels all mean changes in balance. Our team is taking a look at the whole darn system to determine the changes we can make to improve things for the long term, not just patches and band-aids. As you can imagine, this is not a short process. We know that you want fixes fast, but it took a long time to get to this point and we want to make sure we take the time necessary to fix it up right. We'll definitely keep you updated as we progress and determine exactly what these changes will look like. Keep an eye on my weekly updates in the GD section.

02-02-2015, 11:42 AM
Hey everyone. I know tanks are in need of some love. In fact, all of the classes are in need of a closer look these days. Arcane Legends in over 2 years old now, which means a lot has changed in Arlor. New gear, new pets and new levels all mean changes in balance. Our team is taking a look at the whole darn system to determine the changes we can make to improve things for the long term, not just patches and band-aids. As you can imagine, this is not a short process. We know that you want fixes fast, but it took a long time to get to this point and we want to make sure we take the time necessary to fix it up right. We'll definitely keep you updated as we progress and determine exactly what these changes will look like. Keep an eye on my weekly updates in the GD section.

Finally a dev/mod replied, thank you Remi! <3 <3 <3 <3

02-02-2015, 11:53 AM
Hey everyone. I know tanks are in need of some love. In fact, all of the classes are in need of a closer look these days. Arcane Legends in over 2 years old now, which means a lot has changed in Arlor. New gear, new pets and new levels all mean changes in balance. Our team is taking a look at the whole darn system to determine the changes we can make to improve things for the long term, not just patches and band-aids. As you can imagine, this is not a short process. We know that you want fixes fast, but it took a long time to get to this point and we want to make sure we take the time necessary to fix it up right. We'll definitely keep you updated as we progress and determine exactly what these changes will look like. Keep an eye on my weekly updates in the GD section.

Thanks Remiem, we look forward to your updates.

02-02-2015, 11:58 AM
Hey everyone. I know tanks are in need of some love. In fact, all of the classes are in need of a closer look these days. Arcane Legends in over 2 years old now, which means a lot has changed in Arlor. New gear, new pets and new levels all mean changes in balance. Our team is taking a look at the whole darn system to determine the changes we can make to improve things for the long term, not just patches and band-aids. As you can imagine, this is not a short process. We know that you want fixes fast, but it took a long time to get to this point and we want to make sure we take the time necessary to fix it up right. We'll definitely keep you updated as we progress and determine exactly what these changes will look like. Keep an eye on my weekly updates in the GD section.

patience is simply low..
some serrious bugs are in game since months..
Stg is releasing new content all the time..really
. Fix your bugs..

02-02-2015, 01:53 PM
We're even excluded from the valentinrs day screenshot:(118159

02-02-2015, 02:03 PM
We're even excluded from the valentinrs day screenshot:(118159

OMG! xD ikr

02-02-2015, 02:28 PM
We're even excluded from the valentinrs day screenshot:(118159

Lol! That's not intentional. That's my character and a mage NPC. That's only because I can't log multiple character on the test environment. I'll put a Warrior in the next one. ;)

02-02-2015, 04:11 PM
Lol! That's not intentional. That's my character and a mage NPC. That's only because I can't log multiple character on the test environment. I'll put a Warrior in the next one. ;)

haha that's funny actually XD

02-02-2015, 05:33 PM
I personally, whenever I run t3 or arena, 90% of the time see a tank in the party, or the rest of us searching for a tank. The gears for a tank really don't matter, as long as they know what they are doing. There are some tanks without any taunt skills, therefore it makes them useless. However, there's those that never let go of aggro as well. I know some very experienced tanks, and the majority of them run with pink weapons. A tank I used to run with just saved enough gold for elon bulwark, but before he ran with magmatic claymore and icescale set. Even with claymore he still never let go of aggro, because he knew when to time his skills and all the kill points(t3). Its not your gears, its your experience in tanking. If people see that you are a good tank, they will add you as a friend and often pm you for runs.

02-02-2015, 06:44 PM
I personally, whenever I run t3 or arena, 90% of the time see a tank in the party, or the rest of us searching for a tank. The gears for a tank really don't matter, as long as they know what they are doing. There are some tanks without any taunt skills, therefore it makes them useless. However, there's those that never let go of aggro as well. I know some very experienced tanks, and the majority of them run with pink weapons. A tank I used to run with just saved enough gold for elon bulwark, but before he ran with magmatic claymore and icescale set. Even with claymore he still never let go of aggro, because he knew when to time his skills and all the kill points(t3). Its not your gears, its your experience in tanking. If people see that you are a good tank, they will add you as a friend and often pm you for runs.

An officer has 0 pt's . The problem is damage, if you have high hp, armor AND DAMAGE then people will pt you..

02-02-2015, 07:29 PM
Tanks won't get a damage boost that is more than a rogues aimed. Especially the max geared rogues. Can't have tanks with 2500 armor, 8k hp and 1500 damage. Better party buff/enemy debuff is the best solution. I run with tanks all the time. I'm max gear minus arcane ring. I have imbued, planar etc

02-02-2015, 07:53 PM
Tanks won't get a damage boost that is more than a rogues aimed. Especially the max geared rogues. Can't have tanks with 2500 armor, 8k hp and 1500 damage. Better party buff/enemy debuff is the best solution. I run with tanks all the time. I'm max gear minus arcane ring. I have imbued, planar etc

That's also a solution, either would be nice.

02-02-2015, 09:46 PM
Lol! That's not intentional. That's my character and a mage NPC. That's only because I can't log multiple character on the test environment. I'll put a Warrior in the next one. ;)

I'm not very good with photoshop, but i did my best...

Back to the topic,

(feel free to disagree with my class balance suggestion)

Warriors are the Tanks in a party, which means they should have more armor and health
Rogues are a damage class, so they should have more damage
Sorcerers are a support class so they should have an in between number for armor/health/damage

however, now i see rogues with really high damage, health And armor,
sorcerers, with low health and armor, but ok amount of damage (referring to with mythic (normal ints) set)
Tanks have high armor/health

I think what would help is to lower the amount of health/armor rogues have, so that tanks will be needed to take damage while rogues and mages do damage

What are your thoughts?

02-02-2015, 11:15 PM
I'm not very good with photoshop, but i did my best...

Back to the topic,

(feel free to disagree with my class balance suggestion)

Warriors are the Tanks in a party, which means they should have more armor and health
Rogues are a damage class, so they should have more damage
Sorcerers are a support class so they should have an in between number for armor/health/damage

however, now i see rogues with really high damage, health And armor,
sorcerers, with low health and armor, but ok amount of damage (referring to with mythic (normal ints) set)
Tanks have high armor/health

I think what would help is to lower the amount of health/armor rogues have, so that tanks will be needed to take damage while rogues and mages do damage

What are your thoughts?

That picture made my Year! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD omg x'D

02-03-2015, 04:56 AM
IMO the problem began when rogues began to surpass 800 damage, tanks 700-ish and mages 900 with elixir. At these insane levels of damage, their is really no use for you to have protection as you deal way enough damage already & that the people who do have this gear have enough G's to

Too late to make changes NOW, though; there'll be too much crying. Increasing tank damage is not an option either. The only thing I can think of is massive debuffs in (READ THIS PLS ----->) PVE ONLY, tanks are OP enough in pvp tyvm.

By massive debuffs, think -50% damage for 1-2 second(s) to save the DPS from redzones. -50% armor on ax instead of 10 for 2-3 seconds. Sound good?

02-03-2015, 06:00 AM
Pve zone : tank not allowed : -_-

02-03-2015, 03:29 PM
I just want to add something here. I know that it's tough being a tank and finding a party, especially in the arena. However, at some point, you gotta look at your play style and find out why you're not getting anyone to invite your to a pt. There's several tanks that I run with regularly and it's because they do an excellent job. They pull all the mobs, they have impeccable heal timing and at the boss, they use the appropriate pets. Nobody wants a slow, sluggish tank who shows up just when the mob is half dead. You guys should be first and be fast to help keep the run moving along. I'm not saying this about everyone but I know a lot of tanks like this and it makes the run very slow and abusive.

ALSO, there's a bunch of tanks who act like jerks in PVP and gang or trash talk non stop and then they sit in front of the tombs yelling "PT...PT" Sorry, but nobody cares how geared you are and they won't want to spend hours farming with a jerk.

again, this doesn't apply to all, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Sometimes it's more than just the toon your're playing. People run with people they like and enjoy their company.

This case you described applies to all classes and this ist not the real Problem with pve Tanks.

I could also say many Mages dont understand that they are the cnc class but this is offtopic.