View Full Version : 7 year anniversary

02-03-2015, 05:25 PM
So... As the title says... It's a 7 year anniversary.... But of what you say...... Well.... Of me and my girlfriends relationship :) I remember when I first saw her.... It was in 2005 lol I was a ring bear and she was a flower girl and so after the wedding and all we didn't see eachother until 4th grade were she recognized me... And so we became very close and in the middle of 6th grade I asked her out and from there on we dated until now I mean basically we didn't start dating until 2010 but I just want to make this story seem more interesting lol so today I asked if she would be ok of taking a selfie with me and letting me show you guys who we are and she was cool with it so.... Take a look ^^ please no harsh judgements she means the world to me and I love her so much

02-03-2015, 05:54 PM
Fear the duckface

02-03-2015, 06:29 PM
Congratulations for putting up with a female for that long! Haha just kidding ;)

02-03-2015, 06:33 PM
Wow so much time..Congratz for u two ;)
Peace, Love and Empathy is the best for all us..but only the true love feel..as u

02-03-2015, 07:01 PM
Fear the duckface
Anyways gj on keeping. The relationship strong

02-04-2015, 12:08 AM
Very cute ^.^

02-04-2015, 02:25 AM
So sweet :p hahaha

Sent From My Ghost Using Blood

02-13-2015, 11:25 AM
Did you hit that yet?

Talking about the bug on your arm

02-13-2015, 05:47 PM
Did you hit that yet?

Talking about the bug on your armlml u made my day not gonna say weather I did or not

02-22-2015, 08:57 PM
So... As the title says... It's a 7 year anniversary.... But of what you say...... Well.... Of me and my girlfriends relationship :) I remember when I first saw her.... It was in 2005 lol I was a ring bear and she was a flower girl and so after the wedding and all we didn't see eachother until 4th grade were she recognized me... And so we became very close and in the middle of 6th grade I asked her out and from there on we dated until now I mean basically we didn't start dating until 2010 but I just want to make this story seem more interesting lol so today I asked if she would be ok of taking a selfie with me and letting me show you guys who we are and she was cool with it so.... Take a look ^^ please no harsh judgements she means the world to me and I love her so much
I'm gonna steal her from you...kidding! Nice job man, a takes a lot for commitment that long. Dude I'm 13...I get dem chicks ;)