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View Full Version : Samael

02-04-2015, 03:10 PM
so when I scroll on a arcane pet in the stable, it sais " only available from locked. Are they like only available in a specific time or anyone can get them anytime?

02-04-2015, 04:19 PM
can get them when sts wants you to get them, from locked crates.

02-04-2015, 04:56 PM
It means that the only way to get Samael, besides buying, is to open locked crates.

02-05-2015, 09:05 AM
So if I am SUPER lucky, I can get a samael from a locked right now right?

02-05-2015, 09:15 AM
as long as you open locked crates, you have a chance of looting all arcane/mythic/legendary items.