View Full Version : Lustrous strenght or savage

02-06-2015, 04:23 AM

For a while I played with my mage using Lustrous strength set, so knowing that this set is tank I used nightmare all this time. I was good against archers, mages, but others I encountered difficulties with bears. So I had to change my build and I'm using right now weakness. To be honest I never felt so strong. I admit that I encounter some difficulties with good archers even if I ended up winning in the end, but I noticed the strong point of this build against bears and mages. All that to say that I'm good with weakness.
But I asked myself some questions lately. I heard that savage has more damage and hit, but less armor than Lustrous. Knowing that i'm using weakness and 2pc ring now, why not switch to savage? With weakness I wont get more hard blow, and then savage nukes quickly.
What about you guys ?

02-06-2015, 08:25 AM
As a bird in endgame I find it more difficult to kill a lustrous mage than a savage mage. Out tanking your opponent is, imo, better than doing more damage.

02-06-2015, 10:44 AM
I'd stick with Lust.

As large said, it is harder for a bird to kill a lust str mage, in my opinion.

02-06-2015, 10:48 AM
I do not know how to tell you this but I think that birds are a bit special you see it's you and your luck. You can easily kill a bird but you can also lose it depends on their dodge and your hit. Of course i'm talking as a pally.
But honestly I could handle it against birds. I aim especially bears and other pally. No pally has arrived to kill me and I did not manage to kill them either so it makes us all the time equal. For bears it also depends if the bear has a ring 3pc there it is not impossible to kill but it's still hard as well. I find no difficulty against the 2pc bears.
I come back to the birds. My old build was 9 frostbite and 9 heal so I could easily kill any bird.
But then I reduced my heal to 7 points and my frostbite 2 points.
The hard part is that I have 2 debuffs and I do not know when to use the two skills. When I try to use them both at the same time I'm already dead. But when I try to nightmare for example it can easily dodge and the bird kills me before I do.
And it is the same for Weakness if I miss it or dodge it's dead.
I just want some advise when to use each debuff against enemies. :eagerness:

02-06-2015, 11:08 AM
U simply two hit kill, yu need to debuff birds and no if no but whateva dodged or not, u should reck any bird oh ofc not da opest, he's too op for des kinda things.

02-06-2015, 11:12 AM
I find it hard to understand :angel:

02-06-2015, 11:37 AM
K, I'll explain a bit. U simply kite/fire so that bird miss some skills/heal initially and make sure they can't escape after then u know how to literally smash em. U don't need to do this tactic against non-pro birds...

02-06-2015, 12:14 PM
Well trust me , lustrous is way better for pallies. Savage pallies are too easy somehow. I dont struggle to kill savage pallies with my bird and bear. On the other hand , it takes a bit more time to kill lustrous pallies.

02-06-2015, 08:57 PM
The lustrous mages I have a very tough time with, as opest said, make me waste some of my skills. They don't debuff until I use blind. Until they debuff they just ice and fire. Once debuff hits all hell rains down on me. Drain, light , fire, both ice. As I said tanking your opponents vital skills such as beckon, blind, drain, crushing blow, hell scream, roots will win you almost every fight.

02-07-2015, 02:17 AM
Basically what largecommand said. Just kite more, and you'll be fine.

02-11-2015, 08:46 AM
Go with lust, It have better stats and it is hard to win against