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03-06-2011, 02:17 PM
My name is PreciseShield, a combination of the names of my characters. I am quite new to the game, and I'm enjoying it so far.
I got the questions about my classes.

First, I'll tell you my preferences.
1) I love to tank. Period.
I'm obsessed with the feeling of having my teammates safe while I'm smiling at the hordes of enemies taking damages while focusing on me.
For my warrior class, GuardShield, I thought the Strength stats will improve my defense/health, so I put the points into that, but I got this feeling that I could be wrong, and I don't seem to get aggro for long, the enemies would focus on me for a mere second, then head for my teammates.
2) I am fan of PVP, so I created an archer, PreciseBow, because I read somewhere that they make a good PvP character.
Once again, I don't know which stats will benefit my archer's killing skills.

Thank you for reading, and hope we will become friends. (:

03-06-2011, 02:22 PM
it is important to max out the skill taunt (and constantly spam it) if you are a tank. this agros them to you (although doesnt always work) and also make sure to try to keep yuor dps high after useing taunt

03-06-2011, 02:25 PM
Well I'm not a bear or bird player to much. I prefer the Mage. But welcome to the community, pretty much any question you have about PL can be answered here, there are a lot of long time players around that will help ya with them lol.

03-06-2011, 02:35 PM
Welcome! Conradin's got it....spam taunt every time it cools down. My bird loves tanks that remember the taunt button and, sadly, my short-list of tanks that do remember is exactly that--short. Very, very short. Good tanks are worth their weight in gold. What level is your tank, PS? I may have a "baby" character close or the same level and I'll add you.

03-06-2011, 04:10 PM
I am currectly level 12, and if you're still interested, GuardShield's the name. Make sure to present yourself because I'll have no clue. (:
Is this good if I am stacking myself with health potions just in case I run into large mobs?

03-06-2011, 04:50 PM
Health pots are always good. :). If you don't need them now, you will later. I'll edit this with a alt's name and add you.

Add Blackburnian. It's currently level 5. It'll be 12 or 13 later when I have a chance to play it a bit. ;)

03-06-2011, 07:29 PM
I am currectly level 12, and if you're still interested, GuardShield's the name. Make sure to present yourself because I'll have no clue. (:
Is this good if I am stacking myself with health potions just in case I run into large mobs?

Bears are currently under a long-term maintenance. A couple months back, bears were way too strong. So the developers made a stat rebalance in order to balance all the classes so there was no dominate class. But they took way too much power from bears, and they are slowly adjusting bears stats with new gears trying to get it right. Sadly it is not going well. They are trying to avoid doing another rebalance, because birds and mages are fine, they don't want to cause too much of a public stir again. Hopefully they get it right soon...

03-06-2011, 08:21 PM
I can tell, and honestly, I just think they just need more aggro weapons to have. Taunt wasn't good enough.
If if it is a PVP discussion, I won't talk, because I don't know much.

03-06-2011, 08:29 PM
hi welcome to pocket legend see you around need money join my event win up to 55 k :)

03-06-2011, 08:40 PM
I can tell, and honestly, I just think they just need more aggro weapons to have. Taunt wasn't good enough.
If if it is a PVP discussion, I won't talk, because I don't know much.

You just hit the key points :)

Higher attack (Better weapons).
Taunt is in desperate need of a tune up.

03-06-2011, 09:21 PM
Bears are currently under a long-term maintenance. A couple months back, bears were way too strong. So the developers made a stat rebalance in order to balance all the classes so there was no dominate class. But they took way too much power from bears, and they are slowly adjusting bears stats with new gears trying to get it right. Sadly it is not going well. They are trying to avoid doing another rebalance, because birds and mages are fine, they don't want to cause too much of a public stir again. Hopefully they get it right soon...

Heres how to fix it. though this wont help pvp.

1. make it so dodge holds agro for the amount of time the buff is on (and make a cool down for it thats longer than 0 sec, like make it 4-8 cooldown, and hold agro from 15-30 sec (goes up 2.5 sec with each level up along with the cool down time goes up .5 sec or something). each time you level taunt it holds agro for longer before it cools down. this would give bears power over the mob/bosses.

2. Make the dungeons harder so that tanks are actually needed. Some of the bosses dont need to be made harder, but at least the mobs.

BOOOM problemo solved. anyone have thoughts bout this idea?

03-06-2011, 09:23 PM
Not too much to outdamage Archers/Mages. Like, low damage with more aggro. In my experiences, I kept spamming lvl 6 Taunt and lvl 14 Mage still being aggro'd. Blah. For like half of the boss' health.

And to Bib, I read your event, and I won't waste my effort due to the fact that you may hide in higher dungeons, or in difficult dungeons that I will waste my potions, then boom, you're not there.

03-06-2011, 09:24 PM
As a player of all 3 classes, I believe the problem is not the difficulty of the mobs. WHEN there is a tank present, I STILL get slaughtered. As a bird, I get nearly crushed every time I take aggro. As a mage, I pretty much get crushed like Godzilla stepped on a ant...

So the problem is
1.) Bears who don't do their job, which is pretty much MOST of them.
2.) Bears who do their job need better abilities to hold aggro. Even the best bears sometimes can't stop a mage from gathering all the aggro.

03-06-2011, 09:26 PM
As a player of all 3 classes, I believe the problem is not the difficulty of the mobs. WHEN there is a tank present, I STILL get slaughtered. As a bird, I get nearly crushed every time I take aggro. As a mage, I pretty much get crushed like Godzilla stepped on a ant...

So the problem is
1.) Bears who don't do their job, which is pretty much MOST of them.
2.) Bears who do their job need better abilities to hold aggro. Even the best bears sometimes can't stop a mage from gathering all the aggro.

this is why i went dexbear. even though i consider myself to be a very expirienced tank, and can hold my own getting agro. i just cant compete with archers and mages for holding agro. is jsut not fun when i cant do my job.

03-06-2011, 09:29 PM
Exactly why I don't like playing my bear. there seems to be three rules of aggro -
1.) Who is dealing the most damage
2.) Who was there first
3.) Distance to target

The order is consending in which one is most important, and currently #1 seems most important. They should move it to 2nd, so bears can do their jobs. Maybe even 3rd, since bears can beckon.

03-06-2011, 09:37 PM
Then the newbie archer or mage went in the room of the mobs, and run out, now we tanks can't take aggro and we wiped out. Not good situation, huh?

03-07-2011, 12:09 AM
I think they *can* hold aggro, they just....don't. Case in point: went into CTK with a friend who was leveling his (at that point) dex bear. He was level 38 or 39. I was running my level 50 bird with Sunblessed. I got bounced once by Keeper--my friend held aggro the rest of the time. He used a tank pot before going in, was chugging health pots like crazy, and taunted every time it was available, but the point is--he held aggro. Compared to a level 53 bear and my 48 bird. He taunted *once* at the beginning. The rest of the fight, I was the one chugging health pots as I got slammed around the room. But, hey, I'm all in favor of boosting Taunt! :)

03-07-2011, 12:12 AM
Back to my point of MOST bears don't do their job. But bears who DO their job still struggle to hold aggro. So that small percentage of the skilled and pro have shown that they still have trouble holding onto aggro with a mage in the party. Which is a tell tale sign that they are in desperate need of a tune up.

03-07-2011, 12:23 AM
CanonicalKoi, add my tank Persistant, Echelong seems to like my tanking ;)

03-07-2011, 02:25 AM
I do find taunt very confusing. I would say most times my bear can hold aggro, especially if my bear taunts before anyone else gets aggro. However, I've switched aggro to my bear before w/o damage pots, from high level birds and mages.

I wonder how much of it is taunt being dodged. Yesterday, I was tanking a miniboss (I think Stench) with a low level mage. I was right next to the mob, taunted multiple times and it took like 3 taunts before I saw the mob right next to me switch aggro to me. The mob dodged taunt repeatedly. It made me wonder how often what seems like a bear not doing its job or mobs aggroing on damage is really mobs dodging taunt.

As I've said before, I watch the hp of my party to see who's getting hit and most times when my bear taunts, particularly if he taunts first and gets aggro first, no one else in the party gets aggro stuck on them. If a party member gets aggro, the bear can almost always get it switched to him, but he has to constantly taunt.

03-07-2011, 04:46 PM
Will Devs explain the mechanics of aggro, or it is up for us to find out?

03-08-2011, 08:40 PM
CanonicalKoi, add my tank Persistant, Echelong seems to like my tanking ;)

I will happily do that....done! Added you on both Rauen and Diffie.