View Full Version : Store Very Slow

03-07-2011, 06:51 AM
Im having a hard time accessing the Store. It takes atleast 10 seconds to appear after I click it. Even when I click on Elixirs it takes another 10 seconds then Experience pot another 10 seconds. Its really annoying when your doing fast runs through sewers and half the monster are dead before I even exit the store after buying my experience pot. Sometimes it is fast though but most of the time its super slow. I know it isn't because of my ping, its usually 200-300. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

03-07-2011, 10:29 AM
Well all I can really recommend is turning everything off....3G, wifi and router, then device, then all back on. If there is still a problem try unistalling it then reinstalling it. Hopefully this will help a bit!