View Full Version : Re:Perfect Solution to a very VERY controversial subject regarding Elite Level 56.

03-07-2011, 02:13 PM
If you have not read what Pharcyde said about lvl 56 elite go read about it ----> http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?20815-Perfect-Solution-to-a-very-VERY-controversial-subject-regarding-Elite-Level-56.

Ok , Done reading? Good.

Now here is my thing about this first off its not called Elite because it is easy to get and every one needs to have it.It is Elite because it is very rare and if not cut off soon will lose its value.If lvl cap goes up and they make it less XP to get from Level 55-56 then there must be a cut off on the Crown :D and also if someone is at 30k XP and need to get to 86k but then you make 55-56 lets say 25k xp that person needs to be Promoted to the next level.You can make it that all they have to do is kill one more mob and they lvl Exp :

I get off night before patch with 25001 xp
next day i get up update PL and now im still lvl 55 with 25001/25000 xp
All i would have to do is kill a monster my lvl and get 25002/25000 xp and i would lvl to 56.
Why? it sounds easyer to do this is just my idea but you best not make me start with like 7k XP cuz i would go out fighting Rofl

So there is one solution for the many probs about 56

another thing FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS A CROWN FOR THE ELITE please do not cry if they take out crown.Sure it would be slap in the face but guess what it wouldnt be that cool if everyone had it!

O and when pharcyde said:

You no longer are able to get the elite helm, and all your work goes to waste.
If you have acquired exp for 56, it will be divided by 10, so many hours of hard work are instantly wasted

First off its not a waste of work it would be a waste of work if they kept it because then every one would have it because 56 wouldnt be that hard to get

And im not the only one that says that Royce makes a good point to

Guys you've got months probably. I really like it better the way it is. This is just confusing and devalues the crown, and the whole point of grinding out 56.

And Moogerfooger said

Not to mention, unless I am reading this wrong or missing something, does not account for the people who did make it to 56 not getting credit for that XP over the new proposed 8600-ish XP for the proposed 56. Am I missing a point somewhere? Would that extra 77K XP we earned be applied to future levels?

Then I totally disagree with this entire post, if that is the case...and so would all the other 56s who spent a lot of time grinding it out. There has got to be some other compromise between the existing 56s and the 55s that are somewhere on the way to 56.

I agree with you 100% that crown is for the 56 grinders who spent time into geting all the way.
55s , you didnt finish the race there is no prize for the last man , not trying to say you did bad but this crown thing was just a race IMO if you didnt win then you are **** out of luck :( (IMO!)

03-07-2011, 02:20 PM


03-07-2011, 02:27 PM
a) you didn't have to start a new topic
b) that is not how xp works

xp is stored as a percentage to next level.
so if you are 50% of the way to level 56 when they raise the level cap, you'll still be 50% of the way when they raise the level cap and decrease the xp required to get to L56

03-07-2011, 02:30 PM
My main thing is that crown needs to be taken out

03-07-2011, 02:30 PM
i have 2 56 not making another so ya lol