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View Full Version : Games like Arcane Legends

02-13-2015, 06:09 PM
Hello. I'm looking for an mmorpg as good as AL. Idm if it's on phone or pc. May I burrow some knowledge from the AL community? Thx.

02-13-2015, 06:40 PM
Diablo 3 and Path of Exile are both action rpgs just like Arcane Legends. I reccomend Diablo over POE because POE(Path Of Exile) has a very complicated passive skill tree. And i mean very complicated lol. But Path of Exile is free. Diablo 3 is $60 i believe, correct me if im wrong

02-13-2015, 07:09 PM
All STS's games :D

02-13-2015, 08:01 PM
Talisma online nice fun game also give it try check youtube for detail

02-13-2015, 08:03 PM
All STS's games :D

no... just no... A.L is doing 'meh', all others are 'bleh' its over, al is only one actually worth mentioning :P

02-13-2015, 08:08 PM
Dragon Nest & Eden Eternal. I play both and retired already.

02-14-2015, 11:42 AM
Yeah I have tried a LOT of other mobile MMO's and I will say hands down AL still has the lock on this. Lots of people did quit here and go to OnC,but eh TBH I can't get behind the confusion of that game. I love the simplicity of AL , the controls, the social aspect. It just still reigns the best mobile MMO.

Pull up a chair and stay awhile!!!!

The ONLY other game once released might give them a run for the money is Albion. It's pretty freaking legit, I have played the ALPHA testing. But it's not out yet full scale, so for now... AL is win.

02-14-2015, 12:05 PM
Yeah over the years I've played al, any other mobile game I've tried to get into just doesn't last very long. They all become pay to play eventually or just end. This is the only one I continue to play even during slow parts of the season.

02-14-2015, 12:38 PM
Only good MMO's and MOBA's out there are ; League Of Legends , World Of Warcraft , Starcraft II , Rift , Dota II , And the mobile Zenonia Series (Zenonia is a single player, but it has PvP multiplayer).

A.L Doesnt have much on these games unless!! 3 reasons.

1. you dont like those games.
2. You dont want to spend countless dollars (Cash for game , cash for monthly playability , Cash for in game stuff)
3. Too confusing, League of Legends, Dota, and Starcraft II are VERY confusing games. Starcraft and league you will get a hang of after a few months, but dota is just confusing af.

02-14-2015, 10:51 PM
DotA II >>> LoL,WoW,SC

02-14-2015, 11:30 PM
IMO, AQWorlds ftw.

02-14-2015, 11:31 PM
I have been through a lot of MMORPG's, I'm sorry if this isn't answering your question but TBH I've always seem to turn back to AL. There have been good suggestions already and I guess you should try Runescape too ^_^ I've played it but only to the free extent, other content is P2P so there's a change.

One thing about AL that I feel is just well, not even there compared to the rest of the other games is story line. I never read it these days, it's not engaging nor is it necessary. Ideally larger more complex quests should be developed as well as more engaging NPC's so a strong storyline gets made. But meh, that's just MO.

02-14-2015, 11:38 PM
The game I hear most people say compares to AL the most is Order & Chaos. I know quite a few players who switched from AL to O&C or from O&C to AL. Some have even gone back and forth.

02-14-2015, 11:41 PM
try albion online...it isn't fully released yet, alpha is still going on atm and it will cost you to take part. I have an alpha pack but i don't have a lot of time on my hands to get very far into in it. Its a bit more grown up of a game compared to AL. You can over over to their forums which is pretty active if you need more info.

02-15-2015, 12:52 AM
Only good MMO's and MOBA's out there are ; League Of Legends , World Of Warcraft , Starcraft II , Rift , Dota II , And the mobile Zenonia Series (Zenonia is a single player, but it has PvP multiplayer).

A.L Doesnt have much on these games unless!! 3 reasons.

1. you dont like those games.
2. You dont want to spend countless dollars (Cash for game , cash for monthly playability , Cash for in game stuff)
3. Too confusing, League of Legends, Dota, and Starcraft II are VERY confusing games. Starcraft and league you will get a hang of after a few months, but dota is just confusing af.

League of legends looks very confusing. Click on a person and u hit them. Try a moba that requires some amount of skill to hit stuff

02-15-2015, 12:58 AM
try albion online...it isn't fully released yet, alpha is still going on atm and it will cost you to take part. I have an alpha pack but i don't have a lot of time on my hands to get very far into in it. Its a bit more grown up of a game compared to AL. You can over over to their forums which is pretty active if you need more info.

I think that is the one that's been "not fully released yet" for the last 6 years.

02-15-2015, 02:05 AM
I've been though the MMO rabbit hole, and only Al sticks. Growing up I loved the arcade teenage mutant ninja turtles both in the simplicity and and the fact that you can play with 3 others on screen. AL is just like that but it continues.

02-15-2015, 09:37 AM
I tried a lot of MMORPG and I still find myself going back to AL, because u will miss playing this game even though its not fun now like the glory days of it, when AL is still in the top 10 of playstore and appstore. I meet a lot of friends here, saw them quitted, come back and some of them was lost forever in my friend list. I really enjoyed the lvl 26 cap, cquse AL is really famous that time and still when i scroll down my friend list, i found myself teary eye with the names of lvl 26 players and 21 because its really fun, making adventure throughout arlor with those good people. I even met a psychiatrist here and she really helped me get over of my school and family problems.

For me, AL is not a only a game,its a life beyond our imaginations, sometimes when i have a lot of problems IRL, i always log in and scroll down my friend list because it flashback the old memories i enjoyed. For me, this is an extended community, an extension of your life, and lastly an extension of challenges you will experience in real life and in game and learn from it.

Getting emo here but its the truth. Sorry bad english, im never been good with grammar but i think i explain my concept tho.

02-15-2015, 03:19 PM
Ôrder and Chaos like WoW^^

02-16-2015, 01:03 AM
Thank you everyone so much for sharing your knowledge and experiences. I appreciate it so much. I am still struggling to find a good MMORPG close to the level of AL. I am not quitting AL. I am not stopping to play AL because it's boring. I just want to try new games. So please, if you guys have any more knowledge or suggestions please comment and help me.

02-16-2015, 01:08 PM
I suggest you try Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. It's for PC, PS3, and PS4 (Cross platform) It does have a monthly subscription but nothing to expensive (Probably spend more on AL).

02-16-2015, 02:11 PM
Order and chaos: wanna be pro? Just buy runes (plat of oac)
Arcane legends: pretty fun tbh, but still is a game where paying makes anyone "pro"
The best game ever made is pocket legends. The founder of your game, Arcane legends. Its a game that cant be compared to others. Its just too good. Now that al took pl's place and just killed it, i came to al. So just stick to al till another sts game comes out ( that will be in ages ) :)

02-17-2015, 04:24 AM
Anyone have any more suggestions?

02-17-2015, 09:31 PM
Hmmm, never tried O&C before...is it also playable on pc or its only on handheld devices?

02-18-2015, 04:23 AM
This is downright advertisement of other games, show some respect this is the AL forum go post in the very populated off-topic section.

02-18-2015, 11:32 AM
some people need to "chill out" ^

02-19-2015, 02:08 AM
This is downright advertisement of other games, show some respect this is the AL forum go post in the very populated off-topic section.

I love AL. And I'm sure all of you guys do too. If you love AL then you must like MMORPG. Therefore you guys would have many experiences of different MMORPGs. I am looking for different games but this does not mean I am quitting AL. I just want to play multiple of them. I have even tried O&C which many people recommended but it was still horrible. AL is still the best. I believe I'm not doing anything harmful to AL. I'm just burrowing some knowledge off you guys. Not like all the people reading this thread is planning to move on to another game anyway.

02-19-2015, 05:25 AM
I suck at AL, im poor, i only have 838 gold in hand, and ive been lookin for better games for months and tried many but idk why, even that they has better graphics, better skills and complexity, and easier to earn gold, i always find myself redownloading AL. Sitting next to router for 2hrs downloading order n chaos isnt worth it. U need a very powerful device to play that game. So imo al is best mmo, 2nd best maybe try iruna or elemental knights. The not-so-like AL games that are good are clash of clans (u guys know this) and pixel gun 3d and blitz brigade lol

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02-24-2015, 01:42 AM
Any more suggestions?

02-24-2015, 02:21 AM
May be u guys don't know..but brave trials is the second best game after arcane legends , the best thing is u can have 4 pets at once.. I m already level 35 ,max cap is 60 .. Pets are categorised in 4 parts ..it's awesome.. Do try it ,,

02-24-2015, 03:57 AM
Brave Trials do look pretty good. Thanks for the suggestion. Is it on mobile or PC?

02-24-2015, 10:19 AM
Brave trials on mobbile

02-24-2015, 04:13 PM
Nobody mentioned Vain Glory?

02-24-2015, 04:32 PM
Nobody mentioned Vain Glory?

VAinglory is awesome, the mobile LoL. I wish they'd let us chat in solo queue, a lot of the time you and your teammates are on different pages.

02-25-2015, 06:00 AM
Brave trials on mobbile

That game seems to be interesting IMO........

02-25-2015, 07:08 AM
Brave trials on mobbile

Is it for android, Cause I can't find it

02-25-2015, 02:14 PM

Don't know if anyone noticed they posted this

02-25-2015, 07:31 PM
Is it for android, Cause I can't find it

Yea it is for android

I need help...i downloaded the game but it says to update and the store says it isnt available for my country...

02-26-2015, 01:08 AM

Don't know if anyone noticed they posted this

I'm looking for MMORPG not MOBA. As I am already playing LoL which is also a MOBA. Thanks for the suggestion though.

02-26-2015, 04:38 AM
I'm looking for MMORPG not MOBA. As I am already playing LoL which is also a MOBA. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Try this brave trials, a somewhat dup of AL...


02-27-2015, 12:39 PM
i played AL and PL only because
1= cross server ( my main reason)
2= easy to skills gameplay. Not much detail ( i dont like much detailed mobile games )
3= Dont need Years and Much USD for a awarage char+gears.
4= Dont need expensive phone for the play.

i played sts games only for this 4 reason.

if you like that type games, PL and AL is only good game in store.

but if you want detailed mmorpg, i can tell you a Most Great detailed never ending game...
Conquer Online

i played it more than 5 year on pc, and i think its best online game ever... i maxed my char than quited for some reason.
now its on Mobile with many news but mobile wersion a little easy skill ( touch screen make it easy to correct hits )

My played friends mostly used 20-30 k usd for same statue gears-lvls like i had... Right now its have so many news and i think you need waste years for become stronger char ( or 20-30 k usd )

Strong players Mostly 25-45 age. i never see a top player under 20 yo.

Just Warning, if you have school or something like that... Do Not Take a look to.. dont even watch videos of it to :) Just saying a lil detail of it

1= weekly clan wars winners geting wery big rewards
2= per week 2 time a gate opening like a dungeon but its so funy and bloody
3= every 30 min horse races in a map ( characters riding lol )
4= every week guild wars ( 1 guild and allies trying take castle, after take caste they trying protect, than others trying take. its takes 2 day. its like a chaos. think about it, just 1 map 1 castle and every guild members there )
5= class pk tournaments every week. rewards good
6= all the time arena duels ( rewards ok)
7= some bosses per 30 min..
8= weekly team pk tourneys ( awesome rewards )
9= in 1 dungeon 100000 player can play, or they can kill other players anywhere ( pk mode)
10= you can reborn char 3 time. its mixing characters skills and adding some new skills for every different combine ( example mage-warior-archer... Or warior mage archer all different skills )

And many more. Also up there i talked about rewards.. rewards mostly like Money ( for example you can earn plat in so many place but you have to be strong for it, or helpfull )

idk if its legal or illegal to type other game names like that. i just writed that because i didnt see any warning from mods in this topic... if its illegal just delete my post pls :) and i just type that details because really i never see a game like that

NOT: i am not playing Conquer online because i think a mobile game shouldnt detailed like that... i like easy games and in that case PL and AL is best choice for me ( i like pl gameplay more than AL hehe )

Have a nice day.

02-27-2015, 12:57 PM
Order of chaos is not across server... its a good game like every gameloft games but i ll tell you megatives of it why i dont like gameloft games

1= they are not care if games bug. so many player losing characters ( saves files) by comminity Mistakes And they are just ignoring you...

2= they are updateing games, and most player cant log game anymore and they are not replying...

3= not across platform ( idk if they changed it or not )

4= games mostly hackable ( not funy when 1 hacked char kill you ) And yes offcourse OoC was hackable to. idk if they fix it or not but before it was easy to hack it...

Bad community but good games ( i am not alone who say that )

For Me Gameloft =
- great games if you play solo - offline
- Fail conpany if you play online

03-02-2015, 01:05 AM

03-02-2015, 05:04 AM
Order and chaos online! (it's free now, for ios is all i know)
It's just like WoW but simpler :!)!)!)!322342342wsfd

03-02-2015, 05:08 AM
I played most of them and non match AL game mechanics, addictiveness and platiness. AL still beats them all!

03-02-2015, 05:44 AM
Darkness Reborn (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamevil.darknessreborn2.android.goo gle.global.normal&hl=en) is way cheaper, has better graphics and game mechanics than AL. While it lacks the social and economic aspects that AL has, I must say that it's very nice for a change.