View Full Version : Dear Remiem, your attention please...

02-13-2015, 06:23 PM
Dear Remiem, as community manager, I'd love a definitive answer from you as to what STS actually does with all these /report players it gets? I can tell you that the amount of abuse and scamming that is going in the game is having a real impact especially on new players. Guild chat is full of disheartened newbs some of whom disappear never to be heard from again. Yes, all trades should be checked, and checked again, but to be completely honest putting the onus onto the victims is simply not good enough as STS are condoning this behaviour, through complete inactivity to address the issue. And regarding abuse, to ignore is also a woefully inadequate response.

I note STS has now included a "what to do if you get scammed" thingy on the main page, but my question is, what are YOU (STS) going to do about it? Because I report and ignore every player who tries to scam me or who uses abusive language, and I can tell you I have not once had a reply to any of my reports, nor have I seen a single player banned. I've had players threaten to rape me and my mother, I've been abused in a variety of other ways for no reason other than simply being present in a map. Do you or do you not keep a chatlog? It should be simple enough to go through and see what has been said.

I address these comments to you Remi because you are community manager, and these are community (not gameplay) issues. Please please respond to this, I'm getting pretty fed up, and I know I'm not the only one. Your core "audience" is, I suspect, diminishing, for lots of various reasons not all related to this issue. But if you want to encourage new players to stick around and buy some plat, you need to be seen to be actively combatting threatening, abusive, and scammy conduct. I know you are not personally responsible for this disgraceful lack of action but I see you as our representative to STS, hence my appeal to you.


02-13-2015, 10:02 PM
i made someone with 8m sword + red arlor set + singe got banned lol

02-13-2015, 10:11 PM
You have to keep in mind STS doesn't have a big support squad. I do hate the copy and paste stuff that they do though. Even if it means getting replies a few days or weeks later, I'd rather have satisfying replies. But banning players for language shouldn't be hard. They have a chat log they can look through.

02-13-2015, 10:50 PM
Some support members do try. I'm sorry but in all honesty, the ones who deal with most cases generally don't help.

02-13-2015, 11:33 PM
Please fix the spam bot!!!!

02-14-2015, 12:05 AM
thats how he gets 10 posts to make threads.

02-14-2015, 02:19 AM
Yup i sent report about scammer with full ss to show that this person scam but 1 week later i still see that man scamming and all the people around this person know about it but tired of reporting.This is why more scammer is brave to scam people because they know they will never get ban

02-14-2015, 09:37 AM
i made someone with 8m sword + red arlor set + singe got banned lol


02-16-2015, 01:14 AM
Thanks for your replies people, very disappointed that not ONE mod or dev has commented on this. I don't expect STS to comment on every thread but at least an acknowledgement of this issue would be a start. Sticking your head in the sand is not going to make these bullies and scammers go away, it will just make your fan base go away.

To reiterate, STS, by not addressing these issues you are encouraging them by creating an environment where there are zero consequences to bad behaviour.

02-17-2015, 02:02 PM

I really appreciate you taking the time to write us about this issue. As was mentioned by obee, our support team is limited but they do investigate each report thoroughly. As you can imagine, thorough investigations can take some time which means that there can be a delay between when you send in a report and when it is acted upon. Being that this is a rising concern in the community, though, I'll gather our folks together to have a chat about what ways we can better serve the community on this front. I do apologize for any negative experiences you may have had from players exhibiting behavior like this. I certainly don't want it in our game and I know you don't either. I'll create another thread as I find out more from the team. For now, I'm going to close this up to prevent drama.

Thanks again for your concern and well thought out message. <3
