View Full Version : Pocket Legends Dictionary

03-09-2011, 05:42 PM
I've been surfing the forum and I see words like "raid" "sewers" "rift" And I'm like.. PLEASE can you tell me what you're saying.. there are people in the game who doesn't understand that and I really want to know what it is. So this is why I'm making this thread!

Put pocket legends words and Define it!
Weapon - A wand, sword, a bow that you need to attack a monster and deal damage to them.

Please participate and write down words and define them to help the people who wants to know and make their life easier!

03-09-2011, 05:43 PM
These are items. Go to the traders market forums. Yanis has a bunch of items listed in those threads!

03-09-2011, 05:52 PM
These are items. Go to the traders market forums. Yanis has a bunch of items listed in those threads!
Actully he doesn't really want the around and stats he wants to know what the words mean.

So I'll participate

Raid: to enter a dungeon or place and fight to earn gold and pinks
Rift: a type of armor found in game farmed most commonly from ol and is commonly found on paladins and bears

03-09-2011, 05:54 PM
Raid Roach- gear for archers!
Twink- a lower level char, meant for pvp, usually funded by richer character or account!
Noob- someone new to the game and has no idea about it!

EDIT: sry had typo lol

03-09-2011, 05:56 PM
Raid-or Raid Roach- gear for archers!

Already gave a definiTion if raid if u want to expand on it please feel free also u could probably do either

03-09-2011, 06:07 PM
Already gave a definiTion if raid if u want to expand on it please feel free also u could probably do either

your defintion was wrong btw, you gave a definition of "farming"

03-09-2011, 06:28 PM
spamming-massive overuse or consistent use of skills(spamming skills) or repeating the same thing over and over say in a town when your selling something
shadow gear-death,hate, and shadows gear looted from the shadow caves
leveling-massive playing for one purpose...to level up quickly
pinks-most rare items in game, what people want
"pot"- either an elixir used to enhance performance purchased from store, or hp or mana potions

hope this helps:)

03-09-2011, 06:39 PM
Raid: Short for raid roach, the level 55 top tier archer gear
Rift: Level 50 top tier str gear
Twink: a character below the level cap (usually a lower level) meant to stay at a specific level usually for pvp or pve purposes
Noob: Someone that should know better/more about the game, sometimes refered to a new player
Newb: A new player
Sewers: The campaign "Balefort Sewers" specified for level 50 to 55/56
Farming: Playing the same campaign/map over and over again at the hopes of looting a specific item, or items
Tank: Often a str bear, a character that is there to take aggro and withstand the heavy damage as the other members of the party deal the damage
Party: A group of people usually refered to in PvE
Mobs: Enemies usually in PvE (for example, zombies in forest haven, aliens in AO2)
AO: Alien Oasis (campaign)
Boss(es): Enemy mobs that are tougher than usual mobs that drop/have a chance at dropping loot
Loot: item(s) you receive from playing the game as a drop off treasure chests, bosses, or mobs
PvE: Player versus enemy(?) The actual game, where you fight mobs and bosses
PvP: Player versus player, where people fight each other

If any are incorrect please correct me, and if any others are needed either click here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?18136-Acronyms-Terms.&highlight=Acronyms) or ask me:)

03-09-2011, 06:41 PM
you just hadda go above and beyond myst....well done, well done sir.

EDIT: i dont wanna ruin this thread sooooooooo heres another word

Trolling-Act of appearing on internet forums and boards with malicious intent. Trolling includes...

-batting people to flame at you
-putting the forum down and encouraging people to leave.
-using several identities on a board to support your own arguments / stage pretend arguments
-generally being a dick on a power trip.
Some trolls claim they actions benefit others. These trolls are also twats

straight from urban dictionary boys;)

03-09-2011, 06:53 PM
Theres already a thread about this, so many threads!