View Full Version : How to add more classes RIGHT NOW - no major coding or new races needed!!

05-20-2010, 03:46 PM
I am biased here because all my chars are hybrids. that said, the most fun i have in this game is customizing characters and trying to find new tricks possible through the right skill combinations. i have easily spent most of my platinum on respecs! Here is a way i think you could give us a lot more options fairly easily and in a balanced way. The best part of this is you will be giving us a way to give you a LOT of platinum without effecting the in game economy. We would be spending a lot more on character customization and get what we want. to be special.

Plain and simple = more skills, active and passive. We received no new skills from 30-35 which is perfect! there is room RIGHT NOW to do this. it also will force people to get to at least lvl 30 before they can really start to branch out. Here are just some rough ideas for new skills that could create major customization.

CROSS CLASS PASSIVE SKILLS = this would require at least 3-5 skill points. making activating them a major decision with major benefits and draw backs. some people wont use passive skills at all. Classic warriors who need to focus on defense/agro skills, archers focusing on all their debuffs and selfbuffs, and wizards who need as many spells as possible.

A. Dual Wield = available to ALL CLASSES. this should be 5 skill points. there would be MAJOR dps increase obviously but that can be very dangerous for the character if they are not careful. across the board this will help push a character down a certain path. Best for the below classes (shadowknight, rogue, necromancer) The point is this passive skill pushes you along the path of high damage output with low survivability.

B. Attribute Mastery = available to ALL CLASSES. this should could be a sliding scale like current skills with a bonus for 5 points. this is tricky math but im talking 5-20% modifier increase on all basic attributes. dex, strength and int. best for the below classes (Paladin, ranger, healer). This makes sure you have the stats to back your class decision and would mostly give archers more dodge/crit with a small dps increase, healers more mana and mana regen, warriors even more armor and str.

CLASS SPECIFIC NEW SKILLS = these are the new skills that when combined with variations of the previous skills already available can truly focus your character down a certain path. I will list just one per idea as you should only add 3 new skills for 30-35 and im sure u can think of better ones.


A. Heavy Tank (classic warrior)
Massive STR buff = Huge self buff, 120 seconds, gigantic STR and armor increase

B. Paladin
2/3's enchantress group heal + regen = For the warrior who equips more mana regen and uses more skills but also doesnt want to spam potions or rely on a mage

C. Shadowknight
Rage 2!!! = or something like that. short massive dps burst that pushes like 100 dex or something. this will not only increase dps but also crit and weapon proc.


A. Monk/Master
15 second invulnerability + regen = lets face it, dodge doesnt cut it against crits, this could even have a 120 second cool down, but it would allow for them to get right up in a bosses face or help kite extra mobs.

B. Ranger
Courage/Bravery = Major STR buff, like major. we are talking 100+ here. This would also be a short buff long cooldown. This is an archers 1 short chance to stand up against the odds while tank is being rezzed, off tank, etc.

C. Rogue/Ninja
Whirlwind = This could be coded like an aoe but instead of fire graphic make a buncha shadow/silhouette versions dance around, even 2d. I dont know exactly how it would be coded but the point would be 3-5 seconds of your current DPS to all mobs in a 6 meter radius.


A. Wizard/Mage
Massive aoe + stun = maybe even a SMALL knockback like 2 meters. either way we are talking 150+ damage and 2-4 second stun. when combined right with freeze, lightning and fire this could take a group of mobs in swamps down to half health.

B. Healer/Druid
Major group buff = this is what we all crave and will allow us to take on bad *** mobs. 5 health regen, 15str, 15dex and 15int, maybe even 15 armor. 120 second buff, 120 second cool down. it will be integral that they keep this buff up and cast it when whole group is in range.

C. Necromancer
Mana drain = 50 dmg + 50 mana single target or 25 dmg 25 mana aoe drain. combined with manashield and health drain this could keep a necro alive even in the worst of conditions. This will also be very helpful against mobs like frogmar and future caster bosses

So thats it, let me know what you think!

05-20-2010, 04:09 PM
Major group buff = this is what we all crave and will allow us to take on bad *** mobs. 5 health regen, 15str, 15dex and 15int, maybe even 15 armor. 120 second buff, 120 second cool down. it will be integral that they keep this buff up and cast it when whole group is in range.

120 sec buff and 120 sec cooldown?
u could cast it all the time then
sounds good otherwise
but this sounds like major coding

05-20-2010, 04:41 PM
Yeah it's alot harder than u would think to keep a group buffed. U have to watch for skill repop and wait for everyone to be back in range. The point would be this would be the major benefit of being a pure healer. Yeah u can heal, but the point is keeping your group alive. This is done by planning well, not spamming a single skill.

As far as the coding goes maybe I'm totally wrong but these all seem to be very similar to how the current skills are coded. The cross class stat increase and archer whirlwind are the only ones I know for sure might be more difficult.

Eitherr way I would love to see more of what we already have. Non linear development! Picking a rogue as a class is nowhere near as fun as developing yourself into a custom rogue.

05-20-2010, 04:48 PM
Great suggestions, kinda sounds like WoW :D, that would be cool additions, im liking mana drain best, cause i was a mana drain spamming priest in pvp :D

Heres my input, lets keep the duel wielding until a rogue comes out..
Rogues: have fast, duel wielding daggers that are able to put stuns or poisons on your daggers.
Priests: can only have 2h staffs, but can Hp bubble spam and high M/S and mana. Great aoe heals and Hp shields
Paladins: use a shield and a 1h wand to tank/heal
rangers: use bows, they shouldn't be able to duel wield.
druids= more HoTs and stronger heals, but mostly single target. these have more armor then priests, close to ranger armor

05-20-2010, 05:04 PM
I have noticed the post have become more creative since waiting for 1.2. Just that

05-20-2010, 05:19 PM
branching classes would be pretty cool. sorta like maplestory, with tests in between and new skills
that way, if you add new skills with new levels, the skills will come in after passing a special test
even though that would be pretty hard to code
probably not gonna happen

05-20-2010, 05:22 PM
I guess I missed a step in explaining, I apologize. I have no desire to see all these class names we are talking about. Far from that, I just used examples to be descriptive and give some reference. What i like the most about this concept is it could be truly out of the box class evolution without some major rebuild of the system for now. Your race determines what major branches your character can take, and your attributes determine what equipment you have access to like it already is, however...

With new major, powerful skills available RIGHT NOW you would have to respec and disibute your skill points, which would make u lose certain current skills. People will find combinations there we can't even think of. We will all have achilles heels thug if u know where to find them. I can't wait to charge up against a dual ice staff wielding bear who does almost no damage but with freeze staff proc and stomp, beckon and new heal/regen skill, he will make it impossible for me to take him down in a traditional way.


When I get killed I wanna say, OH SNAP not UGH!