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02-18-2015, 02:33 PM
Why not let the players make the vanities and possibly even maps? Before you call me a moron, hear me out.

Let forumers of the level of forum adept+ (or senior member+) design vanities and other stuff (not items) for the game? basically forumers could every 2 months, release a vanity item that he/she designed and put it on the forums, they would add the platinum cost of course. It would then be voted on by junior members and up(?) and if the votes on "yes" didn't considerably outweigh the "no's", the idea would be discarded and the player would have to wait another 2 months to release another item for consideration. If, however the forumer's vanity kept continually getting out voted, he/she would lose their privilege of releasing vanities for consideration. This would be so that the section would be far from getting clogged up, and make forumers make sure to work hard on their ideas before release. If the vanity was outweighed by the "yes's", a dev could take that item and release it in game.

Why, you may ask? because, I think this would give reason for players to buy platinum (giving money to STS) and yet it would be the players doing the work. For those who doubt whether this would be a success or not, look at games like TF2, it's free, and the game makers don't do much, besides keeping the servers up and fixing occasionally bugs, and yet they rake in a lot of money because they allow the players to make the stuff.

I honestly think this would keep PL healthy for a long time, STS would get money, while the players would be happy. I understand STS would indeed have to set up another forum section, and possibly even make a type of vanity editor(?)..But I think it'd be worth it, seeing as once you're done, you can rake in the dough and yet be able to work on your other games.

To the players reading this, please let me know if you spotted any mistakes in this idea, and hopefully I'll be able to fix it. Because I know there's gonna be some problem ^ up there


02-18-2015, 03:31 PM
yus here come the void armor vanity

02-18-2015, 05:00 PM
To make this happen, STS would have to release some kind of tool that allowed people to create items in the format used by PL. The amount of effort this would take is something they're clearly not willing to do given that they don't even think it's worthwhile to fix simple bugs.

02-18-2015, 05:08 PM
Why not let the players make the vanities and possibly even maps? Before you call me a moron, hear me out.

Let forumers of the level of forum adept+ (or senior member+) design vanities and other stuff (not items) for the game? basically forumers could every 2 months, release a vanity item that he/she designed and put it on the forums, they would add the platinum cost of course. It would then be voted on by junior members and up(?) and if the votes on "yes" didn't considerably outweigh the "no's", the idea would be discarded and the player would have to wait another 2 months to release another item for consideration. If, however the forumer's vanity kept continually getting out voted, he/she would lose their privilege of releasing vanities for consideration. This would be so that the section would be far from getting clogged up, and make forumers make sure to work hard on their ideas before release. If the vanity was outweighed by the "yes's", a dev could take that item and release it in game.

Why, you may ask? because, I think this would give reason for players to buy platinum (giving money to STS) and yet it would be the players doing the work. For those who doubt whether this would be a success or not, look at games like TF2, it's free, and the game makers don't do much, besides keeping the servers up and fixing occasionally bugs, and yet they rake in a lot of money because they allow the players to make the stuff.

I honestly think this would keep PL healthy for a long time, STS would get money, while the players would be happy. I understand STS would indeed have to set up another forum section, and possibly even make a type of vanity editor(?)..But I think it'd be worth it, seeing as once you're done, you can rake in the dough and yet be able to work on your other games.

To the players reading this, please let me know if you spotted any mistakes in this idea, and hopefully I'll be able to fix it. Because I know there's gonna be some problem ^ up there


I usually dislike a lot of the ideas players have but i have to admit i like this one.

02-18-2015, 06:36 PM
To make this happen, STS would have to release some kind of tool that allowed people to create items in the format used by PL. The amount of effort this would take is something they're clearly not willing to do given that they don't even think it's worthwhile to fix simple bugs.

Yes, I'd think someone would point that out.

I understand that STS doesn't feel like doing hardly anymore work on PL because they think they won't get out as much money as if they had put that work into AL. But I'm trying point out that once it could be finished, they could leave the game alone and get money, while PL would live longer.

I was also thinking they could make it as a completely different app and options for AL and PL. I honestly think the idea of Forumers making some of the vanities could work for both AL and PL. (This way they could feel like they're doing it for their new games as well)

This thread is not primarily to get specifically what I asked for ^ above, but to make STS seriously consider letting the community be able to do what they want to the game without having to constantly bother the Company.

03-22-2015, 07:14 AM
I cant start a post unless make 10 posts. I had 9. Carry on.

03-22-2015, 02:46 PM
Yes, I'd think someone would point that out.

I understand that STS doesn't feel like doing hardly anymore work on PL because they think they won't get out as much money as if they had put that work into AL. But I'm trying point out that once it could be finished, they could leave the game alone and get money, while PL would live longer.

I was also thinking they could make it as a completely different app and options for AL and PL. I honestly think the idea of Forumers making some of the vanities could work for both AL and PL. (This way they could feel like they're doing it for their new games as well)

This thread is not primarily to get specifically what I asked for ^ above, but to make STS seriously consider letting the community be able to do what they want to the game without having to constantly bother the Company.

Also, by formatting the app in the PL code will allow hackers to be able to crack said code.

03-22-2015, 05:36 PM
I just want new content, just about anything sounds great right about now...

03-23-2015, 10:26 PM
I just want new content, just about anything sounds great right about now...

true dat

04-14-2015, 05:35 AM
yr idea is good. I hope they can see yr idea

04-16-2015, 10:22 AM
At first when I read your idea, I thought it was fantastic and you weren't a moron at all. Then I read on to the part where it says you have to be forum adept or senior member to do this, and then I thought you were a moron. No offense lol. But just because someone isn't a high rank on the forums doesn't mean he's not creative in real life. You should let all players participate in this.

04-16-2015, 04:50 PM
The legends games run on different engines, I suppose? Only wondering because what if this envisioned "Vanity Editor" wasn't just for PL, but could be a fundamental idea for all of their games... but that might not be possible since different types of editors would have to be implemented in order for each community to do as they please. I would be pretty upset is something like this only went for AL and not PL... but it's definitely a smart move on STS' part.

04-30-2015, 08:18 PM
At first when I read your idea, I thought it was fantastic and you weren't a moron at all. Then I read on to the part where it says you have to be forum adept or senior member to do this, and then I thought you were a moron. No offense lol. But just because someone isn't a high rank on the forums doesn't mean he's not creative in real life. You should let all players participate in this.

I agree, but this would allow trolls and inexperienced players to clogg the threads, maybe we could ease it to 100 posts or so.

05-02-2015, 01:19 PM
I agree, but this would allow trolls and inexperienced players to clogg the threads, maybe we could ease it to 100 posts or so.

Not that hard to get 100 posts but maybe have a voting system on people who would be good candidates to do this but only problem is it will turn into a popularity contest

05-06-2015, 03:34 PM
Not that hard to get 100 posts but maybe have a voting system on people who would be good candidates to do this but only problem is it will turn into a popularity contest

hi max how are you doing :) I need 10 characters more

05-08-2015, 07:29 PM
someone alrdy suggested this awhile ago
basically besides allowing access to the server and copyright issues this will never happen

05-15-2015, 09:52 AM
To make this happen, STS would have to release some kind of tool that allowed people to create items in the format used by PL. The amount of effort this would take is something they're clearly not willing to do given that they don't even think it's worthwhile to fix simple bugs.
Cracks me up everytime I see your sig

05-15-2015, 09:58 AM
+ I think, anyone should be allowed to post, however a system like: posts would stay on for a designated amount of time, however a certain thread would be bumped or stickied (or something) everytime it was liked maybe 50x for a sticky 100x for confirmation. To prevent trolls from trolling sts should appoint lets say 5-10 ppl "Master Editors" who are chosen based on their merit in relation to art - sigs, pics or maybe even a competition.
At the end of the day though guys. This ain't gonna happen.
t'would be a dream come true in my eyes, as I'm sure it would be for a lot of you. But the reality is, they don't care. - it seems that way anyways.

~> Harvey/Invert

05-15-2015, 10:08 AM
i think that forum members with a certain amout of posts for example >1000 should receive some type of in game prize in pl