View Full Version : What I would like to see

03-10-2011, 07:03 PM
Being a long time MMO player, I personally would like to see encounters that require more strategy and not just button smashing. What I mean is instead of having 100 peon monsters and a boss, maybe cut down to about 30-50 monsters which require more than facerolling. I am sure not everyone will agree but an example would be, to have the monsters start getting harder. We are in the 56th level now and should be moving onto "bigger" monsters IE: dragons, hydras.. giant snakes/spiders etc. I will admit that this caters to the more hardcore crowd. Instead of the monsters being "Diablo" like as they currently are have them start becoming more "Everquest 1" like. Not saying to copy the ideas directly but I wasnt sure how to explain it in other words. With this the exp rate could increase to say 100xp per kill, which is still 800 kills to get 56. This would make room for higher XP caps, without it feeling like a second job IMO. Thoughts please?

03-10-2011, 08:49 PM
Pocket legends was intended to be a casual mmo that you pick up and play for a short time when you don't have the time to be on the computer. As much as I would like to see a more challenging and advance combat mechanics for bosses, I do not believe we will see this until the PC client is out.

I understand where your coming from. :). (I like hardcore games too)

03-10-2011, 08:57 PM
Being a long time MMO player, I personally would like to see encounters that require more strategy and not just button smashing. What I mean is instead of having 100 peon monsters and a boss, maybe cut down to about 30-50 monsters which require more than facerolling. I am sure not everyone will agree but an example would be, to have the monsters start getting harder. We are in the 56th level now and should be moving onto "bigger" monsters IE: dragons, hydras.. giant snakes/spiders etc. I will admit that this caters to the more hardcore crowd. Instead of the monsters being "Diablo" like as they currently are have them start becoming more "Everquest 1" like. Not saying to copy the ideas directly but I wasnt sure how to explain it in other words. With this the exp rate could increase to say 100xp per kill, which is still 800 kills to get 56. This would make room for higher XP caps, without it feeling like a second job IMO. Thoughts please?

Give the man a Day Pass to the Shadow Caves heh.