View Full Version : Some questions

03-11-2011, 08:34 AM
Ok so first of all let me start by mentioning that I'm writing this on my phone so forgive any typos. Ok so what I would like to know is; presuming I buy all of the maps to get to the level cap (56)? how much playability is there in this game? As in, is this is a big game, will it keep my interest? What is there to do once the level cap has been reached? Is there a good social aspect to this game? I don't want to get to the cap and realise there's nothing left to do. Thanks in advance for any replies.

03-11-2011, 05:24 PM
The most important aspect is the social one.
Ingame, in the forums. If you want to play "by yourself", you will quickly find it repetitive and boring (quests as well).
Make good friends, and play with them. Make it about playing and having fun, not achieving some target like the lvl cap.
You will gain it eventually, but it's the ppl who make the fun, not the game itself.

03-11-2011, 06:06 PM
ya, there's like only a couple people I like playing with. Adwinp is one, MrWallace is another.....and it gets sorta sketchy after that. I think I'm just using this game as a direction for my creativity to produce. I got the "leave" twitch a couple of days ago after a couple of lame in-game situations with childish players. I imagine there's no way to avoid immaturity in a game that can be accessible at any time for someone who can get a hold of a smart device for a very low-cost buy-in.

well, I'll try and get a couple drawings up and a couple stories written before I bail.

03-11-2011, 06:47 PM
Ah ok. I have spoken to a few people in game whilst doing the dungeon things in the first town. In your opibions is it worth buying platinum to unlock the later maps?

03-12-2011, 11:02 AM
I was quite reluctant to do that in the beginning, but I don't regret it.
Higher level players rarely hang out in the lower level areas, unless they have a twink, and you would lose the opportunity to make some good friends you could play with.
Not mentioning the fact, that each map is unique, and if you take the $9.99 plat bundle (75 plats), this would get you all the maps. Just be dure to buy them by the bundle, not separately.

03-12-2011, 02:28 PM
Ah ok. I have spoken to a few people in game whilst doing the dungeon things in the first town. In your opibions is it worth buying platinum to unlock the later maps?

It's worth every cent. I am a long time PL player, I still remember when Forest Haven had a Castle and there was no such thing as trade in this game. I still find enjoyment in this game and still continue to make platinum purchases.

03-13-2011, 01:35 AM
Hey Trovian, you shouldn't worry about long time motivation. I remember when we all were stuck at level 50, i spent the same amount of time in game, just did other things. Search for that one rare item you want, farm until you're rich or chat with the friends you made while playing.

When you've been around for a while, you'll have some people you like to play or just hang out with, then level caps shouldn't matter anymore.

03-13-2011, 06:32 AM
Ah ok thanks for the info everyone. Is there any sort of endgame in this? And if there is just the one server in this game then add me if you run into me. My bill is due in like a week so gonna buy it after my next bill cos i'm a bit tight for cash at the moment. Does the payment get added to your bill or is it pay by card? Either way is fine just wondering :]

03-17-2011, 07:24 AM
I started playing PL a few months ago and it only took me a couple of days to decide on buying platinum. I paid for it with a Credit Card. I don't think you can pay via your phone bill.

I was very surprised when after buying all the Map Packs etc. I quickly ran out of things to spend my Platinum on and it was burning a hole in my pocket. I found this refreshing, STS wasn't trying to fleece me :) All the best items in the game are drops or rewards from quests and the only thing I spend my platinum on now are holiday items. To be honest since I started playing this game STS have impressed me more and more. They listen to the users of the game, they have excellent customer service and always chat to users on the forums here. They are constantly working on the game to improve it and adding new stuff. There are content updates all the time.

In my opinion this is the best game for Android at the moment (Blackstar is coming) and it's the only game I play now. I used to play WoW and EvE, but they suck too much out of your life. STS have created the perfect MMORPG for mobiles ... you can spend hours playing it if your not busy, but as soon as you need to do something in RL you can just switch off. None of the maps I've played (all except the Shadow Caves) take longer than 10 minutes to complete.

I bought all the map packs and I was really enjoying the game until I got to levels 35-40. The game seemed to be missing a large chunk of something there and I was getting called a leach etc more and more for entering dungeons that were above my level. But there were no quests to do and I was at a loose end. I found myself just repeatedly doing the "Frozen Nightmares" maps for the elite quests. When I'd finished those and every other quest up to that level the only thing left to do was try and complete every map to unlock the next. I quickly made my way through all of them until I hit Ao3. A lot of people get offended if you enter these maps below level 40. I learned this very quickly ;)

Then just when I thought I'd have to do a few hundred Ao2 runs to get to the mid forties, STS brought out the new Alien Oasis city with a bucket load of new quests. It was like they read my mind and quickly made me the missing part of the game ... exactly when I needed it. I spent a few days questing and and everything seamlessly blended from Ao2 to Ao3 and then Balefort Sewers.

I'm level 51 now and going through the Balefort Sewers quests. Just like the other guys have said ... I'm not even trying to reach the level cap anymore, I'm just chilling and enjoying the content :)

03-17-2011, 07:46 AM
Placid, you live up to the name.
Same here, unless by peer pressure where everyone buys a exp pot I dont even bother with that. when stuck on the lv50 cap, let me make new characters and try content I had passed over before, or simply didn't exist. like the goblin area, Or later level swamps, shadow caves (actually scratch last one. After item nerf, there was no point unless you like torture lol)

03-17-2011, 08:11 AM
I like torture hehe