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05-20-2010, 07:06 PM
I've been thinking about a <x>% gold penalty on death, encouraging you to put your gold in your stash (which would not have a penalty on death, but we would take <y>% to safely store it).

Constructive thoughts?


05-20-2010, 07:07 PM
actually maybe, it would make players more careful about how they play. they won't be rushing in recklessly. just not too high, maybe 3%

05-20-2010, 07:10 PM
Gold needs to have some sort of economical value, other then pots. Or else we are just giving money away. Right now money has no value because it is so easy to obtain and there is nothing worth buying with it. So if you implemented something that would encourage players to spend the money, they would be more apt to not die or save the money in the stash.

05-20-2010, 07:12 PM
This is an interesting idea and i have nothing against implementing it.
Keep in mind though players rarely die, and the classes that die the most are enchantress and archer. Its also worth nothing that gold is relatively meaningless at this stage in the games development (until auction house).

Is a step to lower the amount of currency thats currently in game, or do you guys just want to add a new element to gold procurement?

05-20-2010, 07:13 PM
Ummm. Yea maybe.

But how about it doesn't take effect until after lvl 10?

Those pots are hard enough to buy at the beginning.

05-20-2010, 07:25 PM
How about this idea, we can invest gold in the vendors to make their weapons better or so they can sell unique perks or power ups. Or how about the ability to hire mercenaries companions, kinda like those found in Diablo 2. If you make a bank or go with idea of stashing gold, I'd say a 5% deposit fee is fair. Even having a system where we have to repair our equipment at a blacksmith would make gold more valuable. Also maybe a gambling vendor or system, where we can bet "x" amount of gold, and with a roll of the dice so to say, we could obtain unique items, perks, whatever. These are my ideas, hope you guys like them.

05-20-2010, 07:29 PM
I don't think anyone would support this, unless there was a contrary reward. For example, interest in stash. Something where every week you have 50k in stash you get 5k, and every week you have 100k in stash you get 10k, something like that. If you're just introducing raw penalties, I would be totally against that.

05-20-2010, 07:30 PM
It sounds like the Devs are trying to set up a number of gold sinks, with trade on the way.

Ways to burn gold are a good thing but how about make it fun?

What about a weekly lottery? Where you buy a ticket for 5k or something, and the prize is 100k and the rest of the gold is just burned?

05-20-2010, 09:06 PM
We start off with a about 1/4 health and mana which requires us to use heal spells or potions, then we need to use mana potions to recover mana. Potions cost money, so in a way, we are already losing gold when we die.

If you have a lot of ground to cover to catch back up to where you left off, then you might have time to recover quite a bit of health/mana. In turn, it takes a lot longer to catch up and begin to gather experience, items, and gold, and as they say, "time is money", or "time is gold"... or whatever.

I wouldn't mind a system like this right now, but later, as gold begins to gather more value, it might become an annoyance. Just please, please PLEASE! never even consider exp deduction as a penalty!

05-20-2010, 09:14 PM
Totally against exp penalty. In such a casual friendly game, people aren't going to risk their life to save strangers. Then all sorts of selfish game-play will ensue like healers and tanks running away.

Anyway back to the original idea. How about you get the money back if you get ress'd by a mage? Or maybe half of it back?

05-20-2010, 09:16 PM
I think gold sinks that aren't penalties are a better approach. People have a negative reaction to being penalized.

How about adding two different levels of potions, with the higher levels costing more? Add a cool down for potions (can be short like 1 or 2 seconds) to encourage higher level players to spend more.

Armor dye/hue potions. Make them expensive. Stuff like that...

05-20-2010, 09:18 PM
True. I think the lottery idea would also be a good, yet fun, sink.

05-20-2010, 09:56 PM
If there has to be a penalty, please let the penalty be for gold; in the end, exp > gold.

05-20-2010, 10:11 PM
5% gold lost with a cap of 5k gold...to not over penalize those who have lots of gold(no stashing required...pita lol)

05-20-2010, 10:54 PM
Definitely, no xp penalty.


05-20-2010, 10:59 PM
Let us remember that there are Less that 1000 people playing this game at one time, and this is a game played by mobile users. If you start to add penalties on death, the player base will shrink, and/get worse. Players will start to get selfish and run away when there is a hint of death. I agree in some sort of penalty should exist but from a business perspective, it will never happen.

05-20-2010, 11:07 PM
The number of death you have...Is a bragging factor i guess... =) Nothin else... It just looks good on ur profile...

05-20-2010, 11:48 PM
I think running back is penaltie is enough, iv been saving up a bunch of gold waiting for trade/auction house, why should I get a % taken out cuz I died. If anything it should be a set amount. Just cuz I farmed is shouldn't get hit harder then some one with no gold.

I also think it would just make people leave group of they think they are going to die.

05-20-2010, 11:51 PM
Yes add a gold penalty. Right now there is no fear of dying, and gold isn't THAT important atm. Gold penalty for dying is a great idea.

05-21-2010, 12:13 AM
Gold will become a lot more valuable when secure trade comes out I think. I don't want to see a gold penalty for dying honestly. I'm not against some kind of penalty, but don't make it gold.

Maybe you could have mobs auto-respawn in the levels after a certain amount of time so that if you keep dying you'll have to fight your way back to where you were before. That would make me less hesitant to fearlessly run into a group of mobs that could get me killed.

05-21-2010, 12:16 AM
I don't see why people want penalty for these things.... = / Why can't everyone just be happy?

05-21-2010, 12:42 AM
I don't see why people want penalty for these things.... = / Why can't everyone just be happy?

The game needs a gold sink.. Without a gold sink prices in game will just rise, rise, rise, and rise with no end in sight.

A death penalty would be a good gold sink.... For now.

King Richie
05-21-2010, 08:57 AM
Assommers dont mind the noobs saying no this is a FANTASTIC idea this makes people worry about death because currently there is no fear of dying this is the update i have been asking for for ages !!

05-21-2010, 09:12 AM
I have a problem with the gold penalty because all it would require for a player to not lose any gold would be a trip to the stash. This only creates aggravation by causing players to make additional trips to their stash.

05-21-2010, 09:17 AM
no penalty please, but put a stash box in the midle of teh town, no one wants to waste time running around dumping stuff. Also sell backpacks with maybe 50 spaces and thats all we can hold on our person. Then we would be forced to use stash

05-21-2010, 09:20 AM
I'm against the gold penalty. I've noticed that death can be pretty random in this game, especially for my archer and enchantress. (Warriors are a lot more durable.) Particularly in a boss fight, Atropos will be minding her own business ... healing, buffing, and zapping ... until WHAM! One-hit kill by Frogmar. (Stupid witch!) Honestly, other than avoiding the combat altogether, I don't know what I can do to avoid that sort of problem.

Right now, death can be very random. But that's okay, because death is also just an annoyance. You have to chug a few potions to restore your HP & Mana, then you walk back to where you were. If you can get a revive, you can even skip the walk. So you don't always have a lot of control over when you die, but you also don't pay a very steep price for dying. That's fair.

If we start getting slapped with more serious death penalties, then we'll need more control over how we die. In other words, dying should only come from a lack of attention, poor tactics, or some other player fault. Right now, dying can come from a one-hit nuke. You can't control that. If you can't control it, then you shouldn't be penalized for it.

05-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Additional stops during the game as well which would break parties up and create a less casual pug friendly environment you have created.

If you wanna see a game that made really cool gold sinks, check out Gemstone 4. It is a text based mud but they created festivals and story lines that had ingame GM involvement. At this stage in the games development, not a lot of this is possible...but lets talk about the events, which could be extremely possible.

They have an event called Ebon Gate that happens mid-late Oct. Each year you pay for a ticket to enter (this could be done with gold) and inside there are unique vendors and GM's that will customize items for your character for fees. Again, the coding for that could be a little challenging, but I'm guessing you guys could pull it off.

There are also mini-games inside Ebon Gate. One of the big ones is where people buy shovels and spend time digging in the hopes of finding a mega legendary item that are better looking, generally have amazing properties and set them apart from other players regular legendary items. You could create a specific part of the zone where you purchase keys and run about unlocking chests to see if there was anything in there...sometimes more gold, sometimes junk items and sometimes items worth a great deal on the AH or for the player. For these amazing items there would be no need to make it a different color (as in better than pink), but everyone would know if you had the "Gargantuan Sword of Just's Cause" because it was a big friggin sword with golden flames. These amazing items could be made no drop (like hammers currently, or bind on equip so once you use it, you keep it making both the item and the process associated with greater value). Feel free to make it funny or a play on Mod's names (I used Justg for my example).

Finally, there were two nights of auctions that included an additional fee to attend and then once inside, characters were allowed to bid on a number of items with their own special properties, looks, etc. One of the things that could be auctioned off could be a different look for your base character, like making them a different color or have different markings, etc.

I'm sure you guys can take that as a base and run with it!

05-21-2010, 09:42 AM
I think a death penalty is a good idea, as this game progresses in development. I don't like the percentage of gold on hand penalty though. If this was the case, I would just stash after every run. Which would be a pain in the butt, and time sink. If it HAD to be a gold penalty, I'd much rather it be a straight formula such as 100 gold times current level, at least then I would not feel the need to stash everytime.

I'd much rather prefer a xp penalty, but that has already been shot down. No one likes to lose levels, so this is a much bigger penalty than gold, and would make us all re-consider how we group/play. Gold has no value to me at the moment, other than looking at the number and smirking. I understand there will be other things introduced to the game, that we can buy, such as pets, housing, and the auction house etc...

Another idea, stolen from other MMORPG games is armor deterioration. Maybe we could have 100% armor when we start, and with each death, the armor will lose 10%, until it reaches 0% and falls off. In that case, we'd have to put on backup armor or go to towne and repair it at a cost of X amount of gold based on level of item.

As a side note, I'd like to better understand at times, why I am dying. I know currently the game can handle only so much, but at times, I am hit hard or one shotted by some mob, and I cannot scroll back to see what he hit me with or how much damage was it, all I know is I got wtfpwn'd. Is there someway to have a log of battle information? So that we can see what it was, whether an AE, debuffed armor, critial hit, or some skill the mob used such as Blast Shot, etc. This information would be nice, if we are to try and avoid a death penalty. :)


05-21-2010, 01:08 PM
Gold penalty is cool if we get interest in bank.

ed anger
05-21-2010, 03:16 PM
I have a problem with the gold penalty because all it would require for a player to not lose any gold would be a trip to the stash. This only creates aggravation by causing players to make additional trips to their stash.

this. if you want a penalty make it a flat one per level. running to the stash is a pain in the ***.

05-21-2010, 03:21 PM
Don't care, just no Gear deterioration. I will quit end of story

05-21-2010, 03:28 PM
Don't care, just no Gear deterioration. I will quit end of story
I don't like the gear deterioration idea either.

05-21-2010, 03:54 PM
I don't like the gear deterioration idea either.

star wars galaxies had this, i mean it worked in that game, it was called decay and you would go to armoursmiths to buy new armour, buy things that stopped decay

but in all honesty, this game is to basic to have this, i would disagree with it, this isnt a full fledged MMO and theres alot more things that should be added first, i like the gold decay though, just for the simple fact that this will make people go to townes more often. the towne should be used more and more so i like that idea

05-21-2010, 03:54 PM
I don't like the gear deterioration idea either.

Same. Its just a hassle. In no way does it add value to gameplay