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View Full Version : Share of a Warrior build

02-24-2015, 04:10 AM
These days I see many Warriors with incredible damage. When we think of the word 'Warrior' we think of a tanky, bulk, big person. A lot of people use Warriors as like a half damage and half tank role. Now, we look at items like the mythic Pavise. I believe they were created for Warriors for pure tankiness. With hardly any damage whatsoever. There are a lot of threads on armor and what they actually do. Well obviously they absorb damage and allow characters to have more survivability. So I came up with another form of the Warrior. As a tank role, Warriors should have MAXIMUM armor and health. I believe that if a person rich enough to make a Warrior with gears that maximizes the health and the armor, the Warrior would be un-killable. And therefore, I believe STS created pavises for that purpose. I'm not sure if I state things correctly. I was quite confused on how to explain this. But in the future I hope to see almost un-killable tank Warriors in the future fulfilling its role of its name. Hope I got my point through.