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03-12-2011, 01:18 PM
So, several months back, Arterra made a post about being a forum user doesn't mean your the richest or best player. It was his vent for being criticized about his armor by a random player who said he is famous and should have better armor. So.. Point of this thread is I just had a moment like that today.

Today, I was running Hideout, trying to get to level 54. Then as I join the game, this guy PM's me.

Him - Are you the real one?
Me - Real what?
Him - The real Pharcyde
Me - Uhh.. Yeah I guess?
Him - I don't believe you
Me - What don't you believe? My name is Pharcyde, is it not?
Him - Pharcyde is like a legend, your just some noob who stole his name
Me - Well your mistaken then, I am pharcyde
Him - Prove it
Me - *Equips pumpkin helm, then orange and red antennaes*
Him - Wait, if your the real Pharcyde, then why are you like.. a noob?
Me - I am?....
Him - Yeah, I woulda expected you to be a lvl 56
Me - Sorry to bust your chops
Him - Hmm... Your not what I expected you to be, sorry I looked up to you

I ignored him, but yeah... a Arterra moment, I understand what he means now about how people glorify forum users and expect so much more from them.

03-12-2011, 01:21 PM
wow just because your not 56 he thinks your a noob....what a noob lol. Pharcyde you are far from a noob.

03-12-2011, 01:33 PM
LOL. No worries Pharcyde. I guess people think that just because we post on a message board it means we stay locked in a dark room for weeks leveling to 56 and farming the best equipment. It took a lot of game time to get to 56. More time than I probably should have spent playing. I won't be doing it with any of my alts. And despite what people may think, farming good expensive pinks takes a lot of time too. I still had to buy items to complete my raid roach set and I am still trying to farm a sewer leather.

The ignore button is there for a reason. :)

03-12-2011, 03:09 PM
This is hilarious. That is all I have to say.

03-12-2011, 03:59 PM
haha i had that happen to me twice...but still classic

03-12-2011, 03:59 PM
Screen shots or it never happened.

Also arterra is epic.

03-12-2011, 04:01 PM
Lol, same thing has happened to me. Its kinda sad how on forums, just because you're a user, you should have top tier gear in some peoples opinions. Same situation how some people think just because they got a lucky drop, they think they're pro. Iono, guess it's kinda a vent for being unlucky since my very lucky day >_>

03-12-2011, 04:06 PM
Him - Hmm... Your not what I expected you to be, sorry I looked up to you

Lol just because you are 54? Well some people just have no clue that level and gear doesn't matter (as long as its current, don't come saying what about I use level 1 stuff on my 55). You should have SS and posted it here.

Phar I had to use it. It will remind me and make me laugh for a bit form time to time

03-12-2011, 04:09 PM
Lol that's hilarious. Says a lot about the idiot you met.

03-12-2011, 04:37 PM
I actually saw you in game .... and said hi... but you ignored me! I didn't get my feelings hurt, because after all, you are a legend :P Love your stuff btw

03-12-2011, 05:18 PM
I actually saw you in game .... and said hi... but you ignored me! I didn't get my feelings hurt, because after all, you are a legend :P Love your stuff btw

Sorry Duped, I try to say hi to everyone. I get a good 4-5 PM's anytime I step into Balefort, and most of them go unseen because of the massive B/! S/! spam fest that happens at balefort.

Also, I tend to go afk in Balefort a lot. I am actually afk in balefort as we speak. It's been afk there for the last 4 hours :p.

03-12-2011, 05:36 PM
Pharcyde a noob, hahahhahahahahhahaha
what's wrong with his idea of you?

03-12-2011, 05:38 PM
Pharcyde is only a Demi-god...until he turns 56.

03-12-2011, 05:43 PM
Btw, Pharcyde, I think you meant "burst your bubble" -- "bust your chops" is, well, what I'm doing right now ;).

03-12-2011, 05:44 PM
Btw, Pharcyde, I think you meant "burst your bubble" -- "bust your chops" is, well, what I'm doing right now ;).

xD the saying differs by State ;). Or at least I think it does.

03-12-2011, 05:47 PM
:O Pharcyde lol this guy is just a plain mental moron, ignore him lawl.

03-12-2011, 05:54 PM
I did ;). It's so weird, I don't view myself as a legend or famous PL player, but when I walk into Balefort, it's like Jesus just appeared in a Church. Trippy logic, man...

03-12-2011, 06:02 PM
Lol you better hope you never get a PL shield then.

And I can't find any dictionary that uses your meaning of "bust your chops" ;)

03-12-2011, 06:17 PM
Sorry Duped, I try to say hi to everyone. I get a good 4-5 PM's anytime I step into Balefort, and most of them go unseen because of the massive B/! S/! spam fest that happens at balefort.

Also, I tend to go afk in Balefort a lot. I am actually afk in balefort as we speak. It's been afk there for the last 4 hours :p.

No worries, I figured that's what happened. It might have been in BC, but I'll try my luck next time :).

03-12-2011, 07:59 PM
What a nooob... Jk <3 <3

Nothing like that has happened to me, sometimes people recognize me. Once I was on a roll (call me butter) in a PvP match and just got like 0192840192 kills in a row and didn't die and one guy started following me around telling that I'm a god and that I must be a dev or some sort.

03-12-2011, 08:04 PM
What a nooob... Jk <3 <3

Nothing like that has happened to me, sometimes people recognize me. Once I was on a roll (call me butter) in a PvP match and just got like 0192840192 kills in a row and didn't die and one guy started following me around telling that I'm a god and that I must be a dev or some sort.

My most common acknowledgement is "LOVE YOUR GUIDE!!!!!!". With 14,000 people who have seen it, its hard to not go into balefort and not have someone recognize me.

03-12-2011, 08:06 PM
My most common acknowledgement is "LOVE YOUR GUIDE!!!!!!". With 14,000 people who have seen it, its hard to not go into balefort and not have someone recognize me.

Lmao. People are just like, "Are you the Dawn from forums?" and I just say, "yep :)" and they add me.

03-12-2011, 08:08 PM
Lmao. People are just like, "Are you the Dawn from forums?" and I just say, "yep :)" and they add me.

OMG they do the same thing to me too Loooooool

03-12-2011, 08:08 PM
Lmao. People are just like, "Are you the Dawn from forums?" and I just say, "yep :)" and they add me.

I am to kind to tell them I'm not gonna add them... They send me a friend request then there usually like "Are you gonna accept it?" "Yeah I will" "Okay can you do that now please?" "Sorry, bout to log off" "Okay, I'll wait here til you get back on, Look forward to talking to you in PM!"

Them I'm just like "ugh........"

03-12-2011, 08:11 PM
I get so many random friend requests. Today I had to ignore a player cause he kept messaging and sending friend requests. He even was following me around town. I hate pushy players so I ignored him. I wonder how many requests I would get if players new I was 60 years old. -Timbabird.

03-12-2011, 08:37 PM
anyone know who yvonna is?
i keep getting friend req's on my alts..i think its someone i know

03-12-2011, 09:16 PM
You guys know how I feel about people who think equips and levels are the solution to all their bad game play. The dev thing is classic. Noobs. Ignore away, Phar.

I'm glad my namesake is my 6th or 7th character and not my top three. Was thinking about leveling Fyrce recently, but maybe I'll reconsider.

03-12-2011, 09:21 PM
You guys know how I feel about people who think equips and levels are the solution to all their bad game play. The dev thing is classic. Noobs. Ignore away, Phar.

I'm glad my namesake is my 6th or 7th character and not my top three. Was thinking about leveling Fyrce recently, but maybe I'll reconsider.

Your going to hate that I say this, equips are currently the solution to my gameplay ;). BUT with good reason!!! So I have been running hideout with the keeper set, and keeper set is 74 armor. So that means that wells one shot me, gold fever one shots me AND his spec one shots me. Then birds blast shot spec one shots me and their arrows take me 1/2 hp. So meaning if I take aggro from more then one bird at a time, I die.

So to fix this, I upgraded to lvl 53 Mega Mage, expensive, but at least my stats are no longer being wrecked ;). I no longer get one shotted by anything and can take on 2+ birds at a time in the hideout map.

03-12-2011, 10:29 PM
Well if your armor is really low you could be underdog and still die. I think equipment can hurt or help depending on play style. What most are saying here is equipment wont compensate for bad play. If a player sucks good equipment wont help.

03-12-2011, 10:34 PM
I am to kind to tell them I'm not gonna add them... They send me a friend request then there usually like "Are you gonna accept it?" "Yeah I will" "Okay can you do that now please?" "Sorry, bout to log off" "Okay, I'll wait here til you get back on, Look forward to talking to you in PM!"

Them I'm just like "ugh........"

Wow... Just wow. These people better learn not to be so needy, bc if that happens in real life, they won't get such a kind response.

03-12-2011, 10:38 PM
I am to kind to tell them I'm not gonna add them... They send me a friend request then there usually like "Are you gonna accept it?" "Yeah I will" "Okay can you do that now please?" "Sorry, bout to log off" "Okay, I'll wait here til you get back on, Look forward to talking to you in PM!"

Them I'm just like "ugh........"

Haha, I have to admit that I feel the same way at times.. but I'm too nice not to ignore them. Occasionally I get asked to do a price check or help in a dungeon, which I don't mind. :) Though once a person starts spamming me too much begging for help or money, I'm guilty of asking them to stop or deleting them. :/

03-12-2011, 10:40 PM
I am just so glad that they added the confirm button to friend request list. I have a good thousand requests pending right now.

03-12-2011, 10:41 PM
I am just so glad that they added the confirm button to friend request list. I have a good thousand requests pending right now.

My face managed to hit the accept all button twice, and then CONFIRM it, while I fell asleep playing PL. .... Not pretty

03-12-2011, 10:42 PM
I am just so glad that they added the confirm button to friend request list. I have a good thousand requests pending right now.

Oh, I know right. I always go through my requests though. :)

03-12-2011, 10:42 PM
My face managed to hit the accept all button twice, and then CONFIRM it, while I fell asleep playing PL. .... Not pretty

Lol that's rotten luck. Too bad you didn't loot some rare pinks in your sleep!

03-12-2011, 10:43 PM
My face managed to hit the accept all button twice, and then CONFIRM it, while I fell asleep playing PL. .... Not pretty

I somehow went from a game, to my options, to the main menu, to character selection, to delete character one time while falling asleep playing PL. THANK GOD I didn't confirm the delete..

03-12-2011, 10:43 PM
Lol that's rotten luck. Too bad you didn't loot some rare pinks in your sleep!

I have actually :p, an overlord helmet of rift.

03-12-2011, 10:44 PM
Just remember some of them are just little kids and it IS a big deal to them. They don't realize that you are just super obsessive players, normal people, but super obsessive. I'm kidding about the obsessive. When you know a lot about something, it puts you in a category above casual. They see many of you as the Michael Jordans of PL. Kinda the same way people obsess over college and pro athletes. I was a D1 college ball player and to this day see all college athletes (and many professional athletes) as just regular kids with a lot of talent at something. You have to be one to see it as normal. Does this make sense?

03-12-2011, 10:44 PM
I somehow went from a game, to my options, to the main menu, to character selection, to delete character one time while falling asleep playing PL. THANK GOD I didn't confirm the delete..

If you had managed to do all that AND type out "delete" in your sleep, I think you'd have an awesome skill.

03-12-2011, 10:45 PM
I have had them request friendship during a fight and continue to nag me in pm the entire level. When I am doing a level I hate pm's, trades, and all the other annoying crap people want while trying to stay alive.

03-12-2011, 10:45 PM
I have actually :p, an overlord helmet of rift.

Jeez. I think we need to open up discussion about PLA meetings again ;)

03-12-2011, 10:46 PM
If you had managed to do all that AND type out "delete" in your sleep, I think you'd have an awesome skill.

OMG, I think that would be the birth of dream grinding.. Kinda like inception - a exp run within a exp run.

03-12-2011, 10:46 PM
Jeez. I think we need to open up discussion about PLA meetings again ;)

PLA? Forgot what that meant. Forgive me, a bit blonde atm coming back from vegas.

03-12-2011, 10:48 PM
PLA? Forgot what that meant. Forgive me, a bit blonde atm coming back from vegas.

PL Anonymous. Like AA meetings!

03-12-2011, 10:51 PM
PL Anonymous. Like AA meetings!

Oh!!!.... Btw, new video coming up! For where do you play PL. Should be A LOT better.

03-12-2011, 10:52 PM
I didn't even know about the contest till today. I have a epic idea in mind, but I wont be able to complete it by the 15th. So I'll make a crappy vid on my phone in my room for antennae's -.-. This idea could get me the PL Shield just because how creative it is.

03-12-2011, 10:56 PM
Oh!!!.... Btw, new video coming up! For where do you play PL. Should be A LOT better.

Is it going to be of you sleep-playing?

Did you ever make the treadmill video?

03-12-2011, 11:01 PM
Is it going to be of you sleep-playing?

Did you ever make the treadmill video?
Rofl, please make the treadmill video parth. I get on the forums sometimes when I'm on the elliptical :D I just look dumb though cause I'm like scrolling and stuff on my phone at the gym.

03-12-2011, 11:06 PM
Rofl, please make the treadmill video parth. I get on the forums sometimes when I'm on the elliptical :D I just look dumb though cause I'm like scrolling and stuff on my phone at the gym.

I mess with my phone while walking outside -- I don't recommend it lol.

03-12-2011, 11:07 PM
I ran into a pine tree once while playing pocket legends.

03-12-2011, 11:09 PM
I ran into a pine tree once while playing pocket legends.

My one and only attempt at playing PL while walking, led to some elderly couple reprimanding me because a car was trying to back up and I was in the way, unaware (I think I may have had headphones on as well oy.).

03-12-2011, 11:11 PM
I say once because I am a good at texting/playing pl while walking ;). One time out of the 5 years I have been busily staring at a electronic device in a busy/crowded environment.

03-12-2011, 11:16 PM
I say once because I am a good at texting/playing pl while walking ;). One time out of the 5 years I have been busily staring at a electronic device in a busy/crowded environment.

Texting/reading/emailing I can do, but playing a game, I learned, does not work. Especially ones that can't be paused -- requires constant attention. Does not work on busy Manhattan streets!
I used to read a book while walking in Queens, but there are hardly any people around there, so it's easy.

03-12-2011, 11:17 PM
Rofl, please make the treadmill video parth. I get on the forums sometimes when I'm on the elliptical :D I just look dumb though cause I'm like scrolling and stuff on my phone at the gym.

:( I'll get kicked out of the gym if I do. But I got some good Las Vegas clips I'm going to incorporate in my video.

03-12-2011, 11:17 PM
Ugh I hate that it can't be paused! I am the unluckiest person when it comes to this. I could be sitting in forest haven farming zombies on my mage for hours without interruption. But the second I get to gold fever and start taking aggro, THEN my mom has a urgent task or some sort of emergency that needs to be dealt with immediately. Of course..

03-13-2011, 12:34 AM
I could've sworn you said you quit...

03-13-2011, 12:37 AM
I could've sworn you said you quit...

Well, being grounded from everything but PL and the computer for the rest of the year wasn't part of the plan :p.