View Full Version : High quality is as smooth as no HQ?

03-13-2011, 05:57 AM
I noticed trying to switch it on in BS - Catacombs to see the difference.

Without it, I lag when those slimes pack up and all do AoE attacks.

When I ticked it on, more than having a hazy and smoky environment, I noticed that the game seemed more fluid and a tad smoother.

Noticed these both on iPhone 4 and iPad 1.

What does HQ actually do? I had the impression that no HQ = better performance due to lower quality, and with HQ would mean lower performance. Am I mistaken?

03-13-2011, 06:22 AM
I play high quality with no lag O.O I wonder how the ipad2s will run since they said it's a "HUGE" upgrade with graphics and stuff

03-13-2011, 06:27 AM
I play high quality with no lag O.O I wonder how the ipad2s will run since they said it's a "HUGE" upgrade with graphics and stuff

iPad too bro?

Idk either, one review I've read saying the upgrade isn't THAT much, on another review I read saying the upgrade is all that. Lol

03-13-2011, 01:10 PM
Ive been wondering this myself. I've also been questioning whether its for HQ audio or HQ video, because I honestly cannot see any difference with it on or off.

03-13-2011, 01:13 PM
Ive been wondering this myself. I've also been questioning whether its for HQ audio or HQ video, because I honestly cannot see any difference with it on or off.

Really? I see a big difference when I turn mine on and off.
It looks cheaper when you turn it off plus it gives me a better performance

03-13-2011, 01:14 PM
I noticed that without HQ theres no haze, smoke, or shading. You know when you look at the next room through a doorway, there's a shadow that prevents you from seeing within a certain radius.

03-13-2011, 01:22 PM
I noticed trying to switch it on in BS - Catacombs to see the difference.

Without it, I lag when those slimes pack up and all do AoE attacks.

When I ticked it on, more than having a hazy and smoky environment, I noticed that the game seemed more fluid and a tad smoother.

Noticed these both on iPhone 4 and iPad 1.

What does HQ actually do? I had the impression that no HQ = better performance due to lower quality, and with HQ would mean lower performance. Am I mistaken?

The reason why you are seeing this? Sewers contains mist, which masks the mobs. Giving a cleaner experience. While it does involve more shading and whatnot, it also means that the GPU does not have to work harder to show the mobs ahead of you, due to the shading covering it.

In other dungeons like A03 crush the keeper. You will notice HQ makes it worse, due to heavy black and dark shading, then processing combos and mobs.

It just depends on where you are at.

Me personally? I play on HQ in BS but for everything else, normal quality on ipad. If I'm using iphone 4? HQ everywhere.

03-13-2011, 01:53 PM
I play on HQ in BS but for everything else, normal quality on ipad. If I'm using iphone 4? HQ everywhere.

You actually have to go into your options and manually switch that? Usability fail. :(

03-13-2011, 06:02 PM
I see, thanks guys.

Seems to be working better for me, all maps in BS and a few pvp maps. Balefort seems okay too. Hopefully I can keep it on, win-win for me :D

03-13-2011, 06:29 PM
The devs will have to step in and comment, but my guess is, at every step of "additional quality, there's an enhancement added.
For example, vertex-lighting, anti-aliasing, 32bit vs 16bit textures, etc...