View Full Version : To the LoL Players of PL.

03-04-2015, 08:42 PM

I've been wanting to get into LoL, but quite honestly, I have no idea how. I did some research on some of the roles that are played, and I think Marksman will be the role I play, more specifically, Graves.

Is Graves good? Also, I would like some advice on what exactly a Marksman does, if possible.


03-04-2015, 09:43 PM
Quit LoL and go MLG CoD xD

CAK Vader
03-06-2015, 09:54 PM
Quit LoL and go MLG CoD xD

Pfft cod is fur newbs

03-07-2015, 11:50 AM
Pfft cod is fur newbs

Dis newb could poop on chu

03-07-2015, 02:20 PM
trist is cool caitlyn is safe

03-07-2015, 03:59 PM
Graves is def in top 3 of marksmans in the current meta

03-08-2015, 05:48 PM
Teemo. XD

03-10-2015, 02:57 PM
Teemo. XD

Please don't poison them all. No pun intended. Like really though, don't play teemo, ever...

03-10-2015, 03:03 PM

I've been wanting to get into LoL, but quite honestly, I have no idea how. I did some research on some of the roles that are played, and I think Marksman will be the role I play, more specifically, Graves.

Is Graves good? Also, I would like some advice on what exactly a Marksman does, if possible.

I'm lvl 30 player with many wins Death Farmer look me up I play jungle/top main sometimes ADC. My favorite ADC as of now is kalista but Graves is one of the easiest safer ADC. Kalista has more kite then any other ADC but my warning if ur against a vi don't try to fight run run as fast as u can (unless its a bad vi) or you are fed.

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03-10-2015, 07:01 PM
I'm lvl 30 player with many wins Death Farmer look me up I play jungle/top main sometimes ADC. My favorite ADC as of now is kalista but Graves is one of the easiest safer ADC. Kalista has more kite then any other ADC but my warning if ur against a vi don't try to fight run run as fast as u can (unless its a bad vi) or you are fed.

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What's a vi? :P

03-10-2015, 09:41 PM
What's a vi? :P

Vi presses R and, if her team follows up, you die :)

03-10-2015, 10:17 PM
Vi presses R and, if her team follows up, you die :)

Oh vi is a character.

I recently tried some other Marksmen like Jinx and Varus.

Right now, my selection goes as follows- Graves (due to the getaway dash), varus (very strong to single champions, lacking endgame with bottom team from experience), jinx (lacking in health and range, feels like a constant disadvantage throughout the game. Didn't like it at all. Experience with jinx was about a 3-4/10)

Anyone got any recommendations for a marksman in S5?


03-10-2015, 10:18 PM
Dis newb could poop on chu

My gamebattle days are over lol, now I just pubstomp :P

My AW KDR is 3.72 ;)

03-11-2015, 10:47 AM
Oh vi is a character.

I recently tried some other Marksmen like Jinx and Varus.

Right now, my selection goes as follows- Graves (due to the getaway dash), varus (very strong to single champions, lacking endgame with bottom team from experience), jinx (lacking in health and range, feels like a constant disadvantage throughout the game. Didn't like it at all. Experience with jinx was about a 3-4/10)

Anyone got any recommendations for a marksman in S5?


Jinx has a slow early game but her Q gives her the same range as Caitlyn and annie (the highest base in the game).

03-11-2015, 03:36 PM
Jinx has a slow early game but her Q gives her the same range as Caitlyn and annie (the highest base in the game).

idk i feel like jinx is way too squishy, it feels like i die a lot faster with her than varus.

03-11-2015, 06:52 PM
idk i feel like jinx is way too squishy, it feels like i die a lot faster with her than varus.
It's probably just a feeling. Right now, Varus isn't good cus he has no mobility/dashes/steroids. Jinx is the same thing except she actually does crazy damage with her steroids and rockets, and her passive is not bad. She also is one of the only remaining viable hyper carries in the meta (extremely good late game).

03-12-2015, 11:07 AM
It's probably just a feeling. Right now, Varus isn't good cus he has no mobility/dashes/steroids. Jinx is the same thing except she actually does crazy damage with her steroids and rockets, and her passive is not bad. She also is one of the only remaining viable hyper carries in the meta (extremely good late game).
I say go as kalista she has the most getaway with her passive other then that I just went graves yesterday went 4/4/12 with my support like 15/7 lol he ks it was a teemo

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03-12-2015, 11:17 AM
It's probably just a feeling. Right now, Varus isn't good cus he has no mobility/dashes/steroids. Jinx is the same thing except she actually does crazy damage with her steroids and rockets, and her passive is not bad. She also is one of the only remaining viable hyper carries in the meta (extremely good late game).
As a noob of LoL, what is a viable hyper? :)

03-12-2015, 11:21 AM
My favorite marksman is Ashe, fell in love with her in first look :D To play Ashe you need to be more mobile though, not just a simple 1 clicker like other ADCs you have to cancel animation too, but if you mastered this noone can escape Ashe except some heroes with dashing/blinking skills :) For items get a chain lightning blade then the bow that shoots 2 other missiles (dont remember name) and you can rock any combats, then get the ice axe for hp and damage. The bow when used with lightning blade will charge it very fast because the missiles charge up too :) Then get the blade that gives crit damage, and enjoy melting your opponents :D

03-12-2015, 05:48 PM
It's probably just a feeling. Right now, Varus isn't good cus he has no mobility/dashes/steroids. Jinx is the same thing except she actually does crazy damage with her steroids and rockets, and her passive is not bad. She also is one of the only remaining viable hyper carries in the meta (extremely good late game).
As a noob of LoL, what is a viable hyper? :)
Basically a hyper carry is a champion who scales extremely well, meaning it does insane damage in later parts of the game (35~ minutes in).

So you have these marksmans like Corki or Lucian that get extremely strong when they get their first item, but in later parts of the game their damage isn't so high because of all the stacked armor. Then, you have a hyper carry like Jinx that has so much range, damage and steroids/buffs that can shred right through defenses (therefore "hyper carrying").

A big downfall to most hyper carries is that their mid game (when people get their first items) is pretty poor. So, in champion select, you should make a choice if you want to have a mid game power spike or late game power spike.

03-12-2015, 09:55 PM
Basically a hyper carry is a champion who scales extremely well, meaning it does insane damage in later parts of the game (35~ minutes in).

So you have these marksmans like Corki or Lucian that get extremely strong when they get their first item, but in later parts of the game their damage isn't so high because of all the stacked armor. Then, you have a hyper carry like Jinx that has so much range, damage and steroids/buffs that can shred right through defenses (therefore "hyper carrying").

A big downfall to most hyper carries is that their mid game (when people get their first items) is pretty poor. So, in champion select, you should make a choice if you want to have a mid game power spike or late game power spike.

Ah, ok.

Thanks for all the help you've been giving me!
Would you think Graves would be a good choice? I really like him and he's really fun to play! I really like it because he seems he has good power strike throughout the entire game due to the stacks of damage increase from dash and buckshot combo. And who doesn't love to escape through walls with dash, am i right? :)


Found a really sweet Graves guide. Tell me if this tickles your fancy. ;)


03-13-2015, 04:42 AM
I like to play with Graves, Annie, Ashe
but Tristana is too much fun. Just because rocket jump is so versatile.
You can use it to flee enemies
You can use it to jump into trouble
You can use it to vault over walls
You can use it to feign running away, jump over the enemies, and then use buster shot to known the enemies back towards your own tower, trapping them there
The cooldown resets if you get a kill
Trist is soo much fun because of this one ability

03-13-2015, 05:56 AM
Teemo. XD


03-13-2015, 05:29 PM
Ah, ok.

Thanks for all the help you've been giving me!
Would you think Graves would be a good choice? I really like him and he's really fun to play! I really like it because he seems he has good power strike throughout the entire game due to the stacks of damage increase from dash and buckshot combo. And who doesn't love to escape through walls with dash, am i right? :)


Found a really sweet Graves guide. Tell me if this tickles your fancy. ;)

Right now, Graves is extremely good because Lucian, Corki and Tristana got like 100000000000 nerfs. Basically, Lucian had a mid game power spike and was bursty like Graves. Lucian did everything Graves did but better, so now that he got nerfed to the ground Graves is usually a better pick. Graves' 2-3 item spike is extremely powerful with Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer (especially with the Stattik Shiv nerf and PD buff, since Stattik was considered a PD but better until recent changes) and Bloodthirster (ultra lifesteal)/ Last Whisperer (armor penetration for da tanks). Attack speed is especially crucial to Graves because his dash increases his attack speed by a percentage and lowers the cooldown of the skill on every auto attack This means that the more attack speed, the more steroids and dashes you'll get. He does fall a bit off late game, but still does a significant amount of damage.

Mobafire guides are strictly for getting item build paths. If you want some real lessons, watch an LCS player (professional player) on Twitch or watch some LCS games on Youtube. Or, sign up for http://www.skill-capped.com, but it has a monthly subscription fee. However, nothing beats hands on experience.

03-14-2015, 03:44 PM
Right now, Graves is extremely good because Lucian, Corki and Tristana got like 100000000000 nerfs. Basically, Lucian had a mid game power spike and was bursty like Graves. Lucian did everything Graves did but better, so now that he got nerfed to the ground Graves is usually a better pick. Graves' 2-3 item spike is extremely powerful with Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer (especially with the Stattik Shiv nerf and PD buff, since Stattik was considered a PD but better until recent changes) and Bloodthirster (ultra lifesteal)/ Last Whisperer (armor penetration for da tanks). Attack speed is especially crucial to Graves because his dash increases his attack speed by a percentage and lowers the cooldown of the skill on every auto attack This means that the more attack speed, the more steroids and dashes you'll get. He does fall a bit off late game, but still does a significant amount of damage.

Mobafire guides are strictly for getting item build paths. If you want some real lessons, watch an LCS player (professional player) on Twitch or watch some LCS games on Youtube. Or, sign up for http://www.skill-capped.com, but it has a monthly subscription fee. However, nothing beats hands on experience.

The immense amount of help you have given me is awesome dude, it's very much appreciated.

03-14-2015, 04:47 PM
The immense amount of help you have given me is awesome dude, it's very much appreciated.
Nah, it's just basic knowledge I pick up from other people's analysis :')

03-14-2015, 06:18 PM
League is a intensely fun game I am from season 1 and I do try in normals I give up with rank cause I keep getting all these darn noons and since when does a 8/2 preliminary to rank season get b5? The riot system is broken I got over 3k games under my belt in league I have played all characters but the newest support which I'm going to buy when I have enough IP. The most strongest ADC out there currently are kalista and graves. I suggest to watch the LCS players and to play with really good friends if you want I can teach you more in game about different characters if you add me at Death Farmer just got to catch me at right time I have been playing with my other friends from Atlantica Online as they noticed I'm actually good if I'm trying lol

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03-14-2015, 07:04 PM
Nah, it's just basic knowledge I pick up from other people's analysis :')

Well, thank you either way, I've done some searching with the info you've given and I can tell I'm getting better at LoL just cus of the basic knowledge you've given me. It really is much appreciated.

League is a intensely fun game I am from season 1 and I do try in normals I give up with rank cause I keep getting all these darn noons and since when does a 8/2 preliminary to rank season get b5? The riot system is broken I got over 3k games under my belt in league I have played all characters but the newest support which I'm going to buy when I have enough IP. The most strongest ADC out there currently are kalista and graves. I suggest to watch the LCS players and to play with really good friends if you want I can teach you more in game about different characters if you add me at Death Farmer just got to catch me at right time I have been playing with my other friends from Atlantica Online as they noticed I'm actually good if I'm trying lol

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Alright, I will send you a friend request, my LoL name is "Mxstic".
By looking at your profile, I can definitely see what you mean. You seem really good! The fact you're in B1 is astonishing. I would definitely like some extra help if at all possible for "Graves", he's definitely my #1 guy right now!



Is it hard to get 16 champions? The only one I have bought was Graves. I was just wondering, since if I get into ranked by level 30, I'd like to get into it right away and not get other champions after hitting 30.

03-14-2015, 11:58 PM
Well, thank you either way, I've done some searching with the info you've given and I can tell I'm getting better at LoL just cus of the basic knowledge you've given me. It really is much appreciated.

Alright, I will send you a friend request, my LoL name is "Mxstic".
By looking at your profile, I can definitely see what you mean. You seem really good! The fact you're in B1 is astonishing. I would definitely like some extra help if at all possible for "Graves", he's definitely my #1 guy right now!



Is it hard to get 16 champions? The only one I have bought was Graves. I was just wondering, since if I get into ranked by level 30, I'd like to get into it right away and not get other champions after hitting 30.
I would not suggest going into ranked immediately like I did in season 1 it was a bad mistake look at NY season 1 scoring was horrible. I used to be gold tell I had to afk from computer for a year dropped to s5 then went 8/2 pre got b5 last season got to b1 can't go silver I went into the thing I'm forgetting name sorry been out all night tired but I went there about 7 times this season all ruined by adc's going 0/12 6/19 things like that. Also I may been on later tonight if you want to play. I suggest doing normals to 400 wins before the ranked starts. I can give you pointers and more. I also have played against plat players and beat them in 1v1 I suggest as ADC focus on farming. Anyway I will give you more tips in game.

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03-15-2015, 12:19 AM
I would not suggest going into ranked immediately like I did in season 1 it was a bad mistake look at NY season 1 scoring was horrible. I used to be gold tell I had to afk from computer for a year dropped to s5 then went 8/2 pre got b5 last season got to b1 can't go silver I went into the thing I'm forgetting name sorry been out all night tired but I went there about 7 times this season all ruined by adc's going 0/12 6/19 things like that. Also I may been on later tonight if you want to play. I suggest doing normals to 400 wins before the ranked starts. I can give you pointers and more. I also have played against plat players and beat them in 1v1 I suggest as ADC focus on farming. Anyway I will give you more tips in game.

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Alright man, thanks!

03-15-2015, 06:22 PM
Alright man, thanks!
I'm on now invite me to a game.

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03-17-2015, 10:09 AM
I'm on now invite me to a game.

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I'm gonna play today a little, been doing some bot games, maybe I'll be ready and not do crappy lol. I did alright vs intermediate bots, like 12-3.
Probably will play 2-3 games if your'e down.

03-17-2015, 10:10 AM
I'm gonna play today a little, been doing some bot games, maybe I'll be ready and not do crappy lol. I did alright vs intermediate bots, like 12-3.
Probably will play 2-3 games if your'e down.
Alright later when I'm on in 8-9 hours

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Endkey 2.0
03-18-2015, 03:27 AM
which server do you guys play on?

03-18-2015, 07:54 AM
which server do you guys play on?

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03-18-2015, 10:03 AM

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Sorry dude, couldn't hop on. Internet was pretty bad last night.
Will try again tonight to play a couple games around 8-9PM EST, if you're available.

03-18-2015, 10:48 AM
Sorry dude, couldn't hop on. Internet was pretty bad last night.
Will try again tonight to play a couple games around 8-9PM EST, if you're available.
Alright I may or may not depending if I have to go to the store

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