View Full Version : Timers for Elite Planar Tombs Are NOT Displaying on Leaderboard

03-05-2015, 01:39 PM
Hello Developers,

The recently reinstated timers for elite planar tombs are not displaying on leaderboard even if one holds the fastest time. Please, reinstate them. Thank you!

03-05-2015, 07:14 PM

If maps are going to have a timer on them, then at least have a leaderboard for it

Other wise it makes the timer irrelevant if you cant see how long it took other people.

03-05-2015, 09:31 PM
Last I saw, there were no leaderboards back for Elite Tindirin either, and the timers are on there too.

Timers are not yet back on arena and they should be, along with that LB too. People need something to motivate them to play, and we are currently missing 16 of the top elite boards plus 50 spots offered by the arena (counting both pure and enhanced).

Depriving end-game players from opportunity to work for 66 achievements (yes, timed leaderboard spots are the only achievements a lot of people have left to work for) is totally bogus. I refuse to run like a rat in a maze for 10K flags, as do a lot of other honest players who don't believe in free flagging, wasting time, or outright cheating for that ap. While getting a timed spot may not be AP, at least it's a goal to work for and a reason to log in. Lately there just doesn't feel like there is anything worth logging in for.

One can only run baby elites so many times before you've done it as fast as you can and it gets boring. As shown by Kalizza's challenge, people WANT to run elites. Give us some motivation. Please.