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View Full Version : ONE DAY EXCLUSIVE tradeable golden winged vanities?

03-05-2015, 08:00 PM
It's disheartening and unmotivating when we're farming these chests for so long and not getting a single golden wing vanity for our class! Can we have a day of them tradeable? Or make them giveable for a day? I've opened well over 100+ chests and received mages golden wings which I know I won't use. It would be nice if I could swap them with players who have the vanity I need and they don't. Come on STS, organising just one day for them to tradeable wouldn't be that hard. Plus all players would be satisfied then. Some people are lucky, and some people obviously didn't copy and paste that chain mail on 5 different pictures back in 2006 hahahah :p


03-05-2015, 09:15 PM
It's a free event and the boss is insanely easy. Just farm it lol I got my warrior items using my rogue. Just keep farming or buy chests from auc.

03-05-2015, 09:40 PM
Sorry but NOT, the boss is ridicously easy ( around 19 secs for me ) ,also I opened around 150 chest for get my golden wings, It's a FREE event, stop trying to get all easy and work hard for it.

03-05-2015, 10:17 PM
Since the opening of the portal, I've been farming the boss for about 14hours total, and opened all the chests I looted (about 100)

I looted every possible loot from those chests. EVERYTHING but Golden Cupid Wings for sorcerers.... and that's what I am looking for. I looted doubles, triples, quadruples, but not the exact thing I am looking for.

I actually have looted 20 vanities out of 100 chests

03-05-2015, 10:19 PM
If the wings become tradeable they won't be special anymore. This is a free event and looting the wings after many inwanted junk is what makes it special. Imo the looting the wings is like trying to loot recipe in arena albeit rather easier. The recipe is tradeable so you can get back what you spent in ankhs. The vanity isn't because sts wants us to have something to prove our hard work (or luck) unless you bought them chests in the auction then it will be just like popping crates.

03-06-2015, 04:41 AM
Yes, the boss is pretty easy. But when we're farming for hours for vanities we don't even need it's so frustrating! If you read, I'm not suggesting they become permanently tradeable, just for a day. Where maybe on the last day of the event, because as again this morning, I opened another 20+ and got absolutely no golden wing vanity. It's not based on hard work, it's based on luck. A dude I speak to in game got all the golden winged vanity in the first day, for all classes. And since it is based on luck, sts should give us something in return like a tradeable day. Like they did with para gems I think? It would give people the chance the golden vanity they looted they didn't need and swap it with someone's which they needed. Just makes sense to me.

Plus stop insinuating I'm trying to make it an easy event and I'm not working hard for it - trust me, I am. I spent in total 900 love tokens before cupids portal, and I farmed nearly each letter.

03-06-2015, 05:18 AM
make it giftable please, better giving to somebody than liquidate for 0.

03-06-2015, 05:23 AM
I got my golden cupid wing in just 4 lovecraft chest. I guess im pretty lucky.

03-06-2015, 05:24 AM
If the wings become tradeable they won't be special anymore. This is a free event and looting the wings after many inwanted junk is what makes it special. Imo the looting the wings is like trying to loot recipe in arena albeit rather easier. The recipe is tradeable so you can get back what you spent in ankhs. The vanity isn't because sts wants us to have something to prove our hard work (or luck) unless you bought them chests in the auction then it will be just like popping crates.

Its not special anyway, i got full mage gold set from my first 3 chest.

03-06-2015, 02:23 PM
Its so easy when u have won what u wanted already to say we have all weekend to win but put urselves in other ppls shoes who are not winning this was a reward for achieving a goal this is just a chance for a chance at something not everyone can spend 20 hrs a day playing this is not a reward for everyone i understand putting i time but after 3 days with at least 8 hrs a day with nothing im sure most ppl would b upset. The better option would have been to make drops class specific with a lower drop rate this is ludicrous to have 20+ items for a different class i cant waste the next 3 days farming for something that i already earned participating in the event. There r ppl leaching all over now and they wearing there nice new vanities when i just wanna earn my class vanities and as the days go on and ppl who won stop playing it gets fustrating trying to hurry and kill when ppl r standing in corner leeching. I shouldnt have to make a pt to play this is a free mobile game i should b able to pick up play put in some effort and win things. If I wanna win better items then i put serious effort these r just vanities that I cant sell so the rareness of them isnt that much if u cant sell for high profit it doesnt matter that much just says u played event and after its over most people wont wear em n e way.

03-06-2015, 06:06 PM
Its just annoying, opened even more chests today and still no golden wings for my Warrior or rogue. Seriously getting beyond annoying, feel like just rage quitting to be frank. Not being anti - noob because I'm not, but seeing noobs with these vanities because they got them in the first few chests... Well...

03-06-2015, 07:18 PM
Lol, boss is super easy. Just keep at it, besides the wings are as special as platinum is free. I haven't had much luck, only one pair of Hugthulu wings for rogue, but it's still good fun.

03-07-2015, 06:05 PM
I'm not denying it's good fun because it is, STS has worked hard and you clearly see it. I just think having a tradeable DAY would make everybody 100% satisfied.

03-07-2015, 10:36 PM
Lol. Just lol, this boss is easy. Yes, super easy. Getting the same vanities isnt fun. I ran hundreds, just single golden wing for warrior. Golden wing for warrior on rogue acc, great.

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