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View Full Version : Skills and other things. List of suggestions.

03-05-2015, 10:19 PM
So, last year, I remember Carapace talking about how STS is going to change the skill system. This will be interesting for me, but I have a few points to bring up. Also, there are more things I want to talk about.

Will there be paths when it comes to skills? If you guys play other MMOs, you probably know the classic skill tree. Here is a picture. 127866 This is a pretty simple one compared to some others I've seen. I think this would be a good idea for STS use. PVP would be much more interesting considering all the builds you could make, and PVE could get more interesting as well.
Pet Passives? I know pets already have Passives, but what if you could add a little passive skill tree to your pet. It would go by level of course, and this would make the game even more interesting.
More pet animations. So, I lot of times when I'm playing, pets do basically two animations. They do their passive attack, and they do their arcane ability. I think STS should improvise more on the Passives attack, but it really isn't a big deal.
Fix the deer animals? They are spazzing a ton.
Also, when will the pet movement speed bug be fixed? A lot of times in elite, the pet lags behind a lot, and I end up doing the arcane ability when the pet is behind me.
About the guild hall button you guys are planning to implement. I think it should be put on the map, instead of the one of the buttons you see on the "menu" interface.
Add a PVP tutorial. I think this would be great for new capped players that are trying to enter a PVP. The tutorial can teach characters the basics of CTF and TDM.
Make a bigger PVP map. I think a bigger PVP map would be awesome, especially for TDM. Also, I don't know about you guys, but the camera angle is unfair if you are on the top in TDM. You can't see who is down below you. Expanding the players to 10 a side would be great for a big map.
This one is for the players. Let's start a Capture The Flag tournament. CTF is really fun, but it's never really played the right way in AL. I think starting a tournament would be fun for those who are interested in playing actual CTF.
Add a botting detector. Lots of games have it. Also, after the detector is added, STS needs to ban all those who have hacked previously, just like it was with platinum farming. Depending on the severity, I think it should be between resetting the KDR, and banning them.
For the love event, add a high liquidation price for the vanities. Lots of people are getting vanities that they can't use, since they are a different class. If you aren't going to make it tradable, at least give us a reward.

I hope you guys like it, and add feedback.
Obee, the fun-loving mage.

03-05-2015, 10:30 PM

- clown, tankiness

03-05-2015, 10:32 PM
Botting detector, this is the hardest thing to detect, especially for a game like STS Legends. A bot is an auto-clicker. Bots are detected because of their behaviour: they are not human. The most easy way to detect them is to PM it when it's are active: if they don't reply and totally ignores you, means that it's a bot. Well, you'l do this test with someone you know he would reply. In order to detect bots, you must know the program they are using. I think the STS team must study a bit more on those few botters you guys accuse. The key to spotting botters, is a botting/macroing report... and it always work. #Runescaper