View Full Version : 4 suggestions

03-14-2011, 06:22 AM
1) Messages boxes - usually on the login screen where you press enter world there could be a msg box that you can read messages friends have left you while offline. also accessible through options or something like that. increases communication in pl.

2) BETTER WAY TO USE STASH. - i find the stash incredibly hard to use when there is just 1 big list, and you cant insert items. it is also a hassle you cannot organize it because if u organize by color, then if u find a brand new pink item, your ganna have to take everything out under it, put it in, then put it back in order. also add a search box to your stash for easy-access. useful for people who have 80+ stash space.

3) Player cards accessible through friends list.
I can never see what level my friend is at, or any of his stats by looking at him on the friend list, i have to actually go into his game to see this. it is a pain in the neck.

4) Button to disallow friend requests PLEASE?? I hate getting barraged with friend requests from random people, and lets face it - if you walk into forest haven with roach raid or just... something over 10k people will almost attack you with requests.

03-14-2011, 07:34 PM
message box seems awesome.. i have been meaning to email them that idea for awhile.. nice. as for the player cards.. i think that would be a major pain for STS but you can see what level they are and there class already.
lol i totally agree with the 4th one but maybe you can set it so only people of a certain level can "befriend" you. or a certain class (not to be mean or anything) but these are great ideas...

03-14-2011, 07:39 PM
We need mail boxes (for items and letters alot more) a more organized stash and u can tell what lvl friends are (tho not stats)

03-14-2011, 07:42 PM
Thank you for your input. i want this so bad! Stash is my #1 priority. there is no motivation to spend platinum on stash spots when it is just a big list.