View Full Version : Elites

03-08-2015, 07:56 AM
just a question, what's worth farming in elite mode nowadays? I'm farming eggs like malison,
Wrathjaw etc but they aren't worth much. Any suggestions?

03-08-2015, 08:14 AM
Now I usually go to solo elite maps just for fun (southern seas, rooks nest, palm rock, oltgar keep etc.), any profit is welcomed but not expected :) So my suggestion is just have fun and train your skills there, and what may come may come :) That way you will find pleasure with the game while not stressing too much for profit.

03-08-2015, 09:33 AM
just a question, what's worth farming in elite mode nowadays? I'm farming eggs like malison,
Wrathjaw etc but they aren't worth much. Any suggestions?

Try farming KM3 for ankhs, if u dont have good gears, try your hands on the mythics and an expedition brut. Then farm for ankhs andfarm planar tombs for planar chests. Get a good farming guild too!