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03-09-2015, 08:30 PM
Just wanted to share my experience with the Lovecraft event. I ran the event mostly with my level 10 twink sorcerer. I ran the boss many hundreds of times and looted a ton of chests and a ton of letters. I was able to craft enough tokens to purchase one of every sorcerer vanity item and multiples of a few of them.

I opened a ton of the chests, and managed to loot multiples of every single item except I did not get one single Golden Wings for sorcerer :(

This is the one item I wanted more than all others, and it's a shame that I cannot even trade for one or purchase one from another player. Meanwhile I have 6 or 7 wings for warrior and rogue which are of no use to me because I don't play those classes.

I can understand the logic of making leaderboard vanities non-tradable since that way only those who worked hard for them will have them. However, the last few events have kept the leaderboard vanities tradable, so that logic seems to have been overlooked.

In any case, there is absolutely no reason why vanities which are looted from chests should not be tradable, especially if you are going to make it so that a sorcerer can loot warrior and rogue vanities from those chests. I cannot think another example in my 2+ years of playing Arcane Legends (since the beginning) where a class specific item that was looted from a boss was not tradable.

Anyway, I hope STS will reconsider this in a future update. It would be nice to get my sorcerer golden wings, and I'm sure there are warriors and rogues out there who would love to purchase my warrior and rogue wing vanities. I farmed like crazy this weekend to loot these items and 75% of the ones I looted are absolutely useless to me.

And a couple other (much smaller) complaints:

1) If you are going to make it so that I can loot dragkin teeth with my level 10, then you must allow a way for me to cash them in at the dragkin teeth vendor.

2) What good is looting 1 story token? This happened to me a couple of times after killing the event boss. What can I do with 2 story tokens?

03-09-2015, 09:12 PM
Ik ihow you feel bud, I didn't get any sorcerer golden wings either but I'm not complaining :), I enjoyed the event haha

03-09-2015, 09:41 PM
I get a lot of Sorc Golden Wing on my rogue... But still great event for player, not for merchant :)

03-09-2015, 10:02 PM
Just wanted to share my experience with the Lovecraft event. I ran the event mostly with my level 10 twink sorcerer. I ran the boss many hundreds of times and looted a ton of chests and a ton of letters. I was able to craft enough tokens to purchase one of every sorcerer vanity item and multiples of a few of them.

I opened a ton of the chests, and managed to loot multiples of every single item except I did not get one single Golden Wings for sorcerer :(

This is the one item I wanted more than all others, and it's a shame that I cannot even trade for one or purchase one from another player. Meanwhile I have 6 or 7 wings for warrior and rogue which are of no use to me because I don't play those classes.

I can understand the logic of making leaderboard vanities non-tradable since that way only those who worked hard for them will have them. However, the last few events have kept the leaderboard vanities tradable, so that logic seems to have been overlooked.

In any case, there is absolutely no reason why vanities which are looted from chests should not be tradable, especially if you are going to make it so that a sorcerer can loot warrior and rogue vanities from those chests. I cannot think another example in my 2+ years of playing Arcane Legends (since the beginning) where a class specific item that was looted from a boss was not tradable.

Anyway, I hope STS will reconsider this in a future update. It would be nice to get my sorcerer golden wings, and I'm sure there are warriors and rogues out there who would love to purchase my warrior and rogue wing vanities. I farmed like crazy this weekend to loot these items and 75% of the ones I looted are absolutely useless to me.

And a couple other (much smaller) complaints:

1) If you are going to make it so that I can loot dragkin teeth with my level 10, then you must allow a way for me to cash them in at the dragkin teeth vendor.

2) What good is looting 1 story token? This happened to me a couple of times after killing the event boss. What can I do with 2 story tokens?

Your calm nature is shocking... I gotta start writing down notes haha.

But anyways! Yes! you're totally right. Although this event was super disapointing for many of us, Its time to improve for next time :)

R.I.P - Golden Wing Vanity "You'll get it eventually"

03-09-2015, 10:35 PM
Although this event was super disapointing for many of us, Its time to improve for next time :)

They don't have to wait for next time. They can make those vanities tradable right now. It would not be the first time a vanity that had been untradable was changed to be tradable.

03-09-2015, 11:47 PM
There is a trick to it lol
dont open the chest on the same class that you are playing

03-10-2015, 12:58 AM
I informed ArpluviL bout the story tokens, and she said she left a note to devs

because we all know that if you have 99 story tokens, we all know that you need 10 more tokens to buy an inventory chest (sarcasm)

For the golden wings, idk if you tried opening the chests on another class character, in order to transfer the golden wings throught stash. It worked for me.

For the Dragkin teeth, I think the game is meant to be played until cap level, then the few dragkin teeth you got are meant to be used when you reach lvl34 :p Too bad you're a little smurfy twinkly twink

03-10-2015, 01:57 AM
I lost all my gold for those wings but all I could loot was hugthulhu. I kinda feel like giving up on AL. I feel too far behind.

03-10-2015, 03:00 AM
I almost rage quit, when i still have no cupid for the 3rd day :banana:

03-10-2015, 05:23 AM
I opened like 35k worth of chests.. And got em all. Can people stop fkkinn whining for once ffs u zzz u lose stop crying. Its annoying

03-10-2015, 06:45 AM
I opened like 35k worth of chests.. And got em all. Can people stop fkkinn whining for once ffs u zzz u lose stop crying. Its annoying
Well congrats to you sir, not everyone can be as lucky as you are. People are just saying that those wings could be tradeable... what's wrong with that? YOU opened this thread. So YOU shouldnt complain.

sent from my nokia 3310 using tapatalk

03-10-2015, 07:27 AM
I opened like 35k worth of chests.. And got em all. Can people stop fkkinn whining for once ffs u zzz u lose stop crying. Its annoying

well i have opened chests for 100k and still didnt get for ROGUE, 3 for mage and 1 warrior tho :( many hats and letters as well

03-10-2015, 07:45 AM
Just wanted to share my experience with the Lovecraft event. I ran the event mostly with my level 10 twink sorcerer. I ran the boss many hundreds of times and looted a ton of chests and a ton of letters. I was able to craft enough tokens to purchase one of every sorcerer vanity item and multiples of a few of them.

I opened a ton of the chests, and managed to loot multiples of every single item except I did not get one single Golden Wings for sorcerer :(

This is the one item I wanted more than all others, and it's a shame that I cannot even trade for one or purchase one from another player. Meanwhile I have 6 or 7 wings for warrior and rogue which are of no use to me because I don't play those classes.

I can understand the logic of making leaderboard vanities non-tradable since that way only those who worked hard for them will have them. However, the last few events have kept the leaderboard vanities tradable, so that logic seems to have been overlooked.

In any case, there is absolutely no reason why vanities which are looted from chests should not be tradable, especially if you are going to make it so that a sorcerer can loot warrior and rogue vanities from those chests. I cannot think another example in my 2+ years of playing Arcane Legends (since the beginning) where a class specific item that was looted from a boss was not tradable.

Anyway, I hope STS will reconsider this in a future update. It would be nice to get my sorcerer golden wings, and I'm sure there are warriors and rogues out there who would love to purchase my warrior and rogue wing vanities. I farmed like crazy this weekend to loot these items and 75% of the ones I looted are absolutely useless to me.

And a couple other (much smaller) complaints:

1) If you are going to make it so that I can loot dragkin teeth with my level 10, then you must allow a way for me to cash them in at the dragkin teeth vendor.

2) What good is looting 1 story token? This happened to me a couple of times after killing the event boss. What can I do with 2 story tokens?

Well, the logic according to Carapace was,

We hear your pleas on this, however given the nature of the free event and being able to farm to your hearts content the boss and potential openings of the boxes at this time we feel that it is an appropriate way to have exclusive/earned vanities for this event! Keep farming and I'm sure you'll get the wings that you are after :)

Thanks for the feedback, we're always listening and keeping these ideas in mind for future events.

But that doesn't mean you can't get your wings, you can still try and get them from Lovecraft chests.

And I might be one of the few people who was actually ok with the sets not being trade-able, it gave me something to viciously hunt for knowing that it would be exclusive and fairly rare. Also the fact that the chests were trade-able kept me farming if only to grab a few extra to sell for the people like you who weren't able to able to get the set they wanted. As a farmer through and through, it was a win-win, imo.

I have to agree with you on those last two points, though. I saw no sense in dropping story tokens in single increments, and I think there should be a shared satchel in our stash for those random teeth and story tokens.

03-10-2015, 10:01 AM
I have 3x wings for warr, 3x for mage and 0 for rogue... I hope sts does something about it

03-10-2015, 10:08 AM
open on another character!!!
i got mine after 3 lovecraft chests!

03-10-2015, 11:27 AM
I complained daily showing how unfair and silly it was to have a COMMUNITY event and the reward was a CHANCE at the reward ill never participate in something like that again im going to do like the leeches did not contribute then stand around at the boss and win free loot
*edit if events over get rid of plat purchase valentine vanities but no make make that money sts

03-10-2015, 01:29 PM
Wow... Surprised to hear a complaint like this from energizeric..... Out of all people u know how the system works.... Not all loot is guaranteed..... Get over it or risk ur gold on love chests...

U sounding like a noob right about now.

03-10-2015, 02:51 PM
They don't have to wait for next time. They can make those vanities tradable right now. It would not be the first time a vanity that had been untradable was changed to be tradable.

If they can make it tradeable now. They should do it. That was the worst prize of losing 10m from economy into something that most of us hated. People who thought it was fun and was an amazing event have lower expectations due to the new game settings.

03-10-2015, 04:05 PM
I get 3 golden cupid wings for mage and 5 for warrior, happy? Im a rogue -.-

03-10-2015, 04:38 PM
I get 3 golden cupid wings for mage and 5 for warrior, happy? Im a rogue -.-
Hey,is the cupid saleable?,ill buy it from you,PM in Game Megavordred in Thursday 12:30

03-10-2015, 04:44 PM
I almost died laughing at the story tokens part. I could feel the sarcasm steaming through my computer

03-10-2015, 04:47 PM
Hey,is the cupid saleable?,ill buy it from you,PM in Game Megavordred in Thursday 12:30
Ill be happy to give u 1 for free if they are....Tradeable :3

03-10-2015, 05:44 PM
Wow... Surprised to hear a complaint like this from energizeric..... Out of all people u know how the system works.... Not all loot is guaranteed..... Get over it or risk ur gold on love chests...

U sounding like a noob right about now.

Lmao... Have you ran event? The drop rates were either bugged, or 50% of game population was beyond bad luck. I opened over 200 crates and I got 1 wing, but no red vanity. Atm i got like 15+ for each other class OTHER than mine. I stopped crying or giving 9 damns about the event. it was very poorly done, anyone who says the event was easy and that everyone else crying. Notice A CRAP TON OF PEOPLE are concerned that we got rewarded with whatever the hell this "event" was supposed to be. Fyrce's comment on the wanting to quit about falling behind due to these vanities being impossible to get, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SUPPOSED BE A REWARD, really made me sad. Therefore I will never contribute in these types of events again. I lost most hope.

STS, stop trying to make 'fun' stuff anymore. Do your job and add growth into the game. That event was just disgusting T-T

Anyone who says they loved it, those are the people who luckily looted the vanity in first few crates.

03-11-2015, 12:07 AM
Actually I didn't say that. It was Prynce and yeah, it did make me sad. Hopefully, he recovers. *pat*pat*

03-11-2015, 12:09 AM

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03-11-2015, 01:26 AM
Lmao... Have you ran event? The drop rates were either bugged, or 50% of game population was beyond bad luck. I opened over 200 crates and I got 1 wing, but no red vanity. Atm i got like 15+ for each other class OTHER than mine. I stopped crying or giving 9 damns about the event. it was very poorly done, anyone who says the event was easy and that everyone else crying. Notice A CRAP TON OF PEOPLE are concerned that we got rewarded with whatever the hell this "event" was supposed to be. Fyrce's comment on the wanting to quit about falling behind due to these vanities being impossible to get, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS SUPPOSED BE A REWARD, really made me sad. Therefore I will never contribute in these types of events again. I lost most hope.

STS, stop trying to make 'fun' stuff anymore. Do your job and add growth into the game. That event was just disgusting T-T

Anyone who says they loved it, those are the people who luckily looted the vanity in first few crates.

did i run the event? yes i did. did i get my golden wings? yes i did. did it take long? sure. it was actually the last vanity i looted after looting some hugthulu wings for all the other classes. but heres the thing....exactly what makes you think you are entitled to the vanity? just because you opened 200 crates?! its players like you who make this game soo miserable with all the crying. players like you who think they should recieve everything just because you ran the event often. if that was the case they should of just given the damn vanity to everyone. the hell would be the use of that? yea sure its a reward, and if you want that reward you keep running it until you get it. if you dont get it, you dont get it. bad luck, thats exactly what it is. but dont ruin everyone elses experience with your crap. as i said NOT EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED IN THE GAME, that was the whole goddamn point. just like locked crates, NOT EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED.

you say its poorly done just because you didnt get the vanity? you say the drop rate was bugged?! you're such a joke, i honestly dont get players like you. think you deserve EVERYTHING.

as for you complaining about sts. listen. maybe this event wasn't just a FARMING OPPORTUNITY but instead to actually get people to PLAY TOGETHER and get some cool stuff.
a) vanities non tradeable: great opportunity for players to pick up some decent looking loot, FOR FREE, but still COLLECTIBLE, without putting focus on gold. shows you were actually playing during this 2015 event. if you weren't playing, then you miss out, simple.
b) L-O-V-E candies: great way to exchange for items, the more you play, the more you accumulate, the more stuff you can get. YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS. you don't play, you dont get loot, simple. and there was more than one way to get these letters, a few ways actually. do i even have to list them??
c) love elixir potions: as you use these potions, not only do you add to the COMMUNITY GOAL, (key word here is COMMUNITY <----), but when you use them you give 2 others around you candy letters, helping others reach their goal to also get some loot from the token vendor.

so i really dont understand your problem. STS did a pretty damn good job getting everyone to play as a community RATHER THAN JUST MAKING IT ABOUT YOURSELF.
this is the first event in a while i can remember where people actually played together, and STS did it in a clever way. so as for you saying you will never contribute in thse types of events, that exactly shows what you are about. this game isnt about you. its about the community playing together, helping each other out, and picking up some cool swag on the way. do us all a favor and go and play another game. the community would probably be a happier place.

as for you saying "Anyone who says they loved it, those are the people who luckily looted the vanity in first few crates", just remember little dude that there were people who actually did play until they got there golden wings, not just within the first few crates. you saying that just shows your character.

i honestly dont understand where your sense of entitlement comes from. its just ridiculous.

(as for me replying to energizeric, im just surprised he would complain knowing that hes been playing this game for a while. as for you, never even seen you before, but really doesnt matter because everything you said in your post is complete garbage)

do yourself a favor and just quit the complaining or stop playing...:stupid:

03-11-2015, 01:39 AM
There is a trick to it lol
dont open the chest on the same class that you are playing

I don't think there is a trick to getting what you wanted its just plain luck I would say. I opened 3 chests on my warrior and got a warrior cupid wing. Same with my rouge but it took me 23 chests.

03-11-2015, 03:56 AM
If they were going to make these items non-tradable, then they should make it so that each player only loots stuff for their own class. I'd rather have a junk item that I can liquidate for 10 gold than have a warrior or rogue vanity item that is useless to me.

03-11-2015, 06:10 AM
did i run the event? yes i did. did i get my golden wings? yes i did. did it take long? sure. it was actually the last vanity i looted after looting some hugthulu wings for all the other classes. but heres the thing....exactly what makes you think you are entitled to the vanity? just because you opened 200 crates?! its players like you who make this game soo miserable with all the crying. players like you who think they should recieve everything just because you ran the event often. if that was the case they should of just given the damn vanity to everyone. the hell would be the use of that? yea sure its a reward, and if you want that reward you keep running it until you get it. if you dont get it, you dont get it. bad luck, thats exactly what it is. but dont ruin everyone elses experience with your crap. as i said NOT EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED IN THE GAME, that was the whole goddamn point. just like locked crates, NOT EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED.

you say its poorly done just because you didnt get the vanity? you say the drop rate was bugged?! you're such a joke, i honestly dont get players like you. think you deserve EVERYTHING.

as for you complaining about sts. listen. maybe this event wasn't just a FARMING OPPORTUNITY but instead to actually get people to PLAY TOGETHER and get some cool stuff.
a) vanities non tradeable: great opportunity for players to pick up some decent looking loot, FOR FREE, but still COLLECTIBLE, without putting focus on gold. shows you were actually playing during this 2015 event. if you weren't playing, then you miss out, simple.
b) L-O-V-E candies: great way to exchange for items, the more you play, the more you accumulate, the more stuff you can get. YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS. you don't play, you dont get loot, simple. and there was more than one way to get these letters, a few ways actually. do i even have to list them??
c) love elixir potions: as you use these potions, not only do you add to the COMMUNITY GOAL, (key word here is COMMUNITY <----), but when you use them you give 2 others around you candy letters, helping others reach their goal to also get some loot from the token vendor.

so i really dont understand your problem. STS did a pretty damn good job getting everyone to play as a community RATHER THAN JUST MAKING IT ABOUT YOURSELF.
this is the first event in a while i can remember where people actually played together, and STS did it in a clever way. so as for you saying you will never contribute in thse types of events, that exactly shows what you are about. this game isnt about you. its about the community playing together, helping each other out, and picking up some cool swag on the way. do us all a favor and go and play another game. the community would probably be a happier place.

as for you saying "Anyone who says they loved it, those are the people who luckily looted the vanity in first few crates", just remember little dude that there were people who actually did play until they got there golden wings, not just within the first few crates. you saying that just shows your character.

i honestly dont understand where your sense of entitlement comes from. its just ridiculous.

(as for me replying to energizeric, im just surprised he would complain knowing that hes been playing this game for a while. as for you, never even seen you before, but really doesnt matter because everything you said in your post is complete garbage)

do yourself a favor and just quit the complaining or stop playing...:stupid:
People are complaining the non-tradeable vanity that might be very useful for other classes bud, here i got 5 golden for war and 2 for mage that i would really happy to give it for free as i cant wear it in my toon, liquidate for 0 is just a waste. Someone out there wanna hv mine, im pretty sure...

03-11-2015, 06:45 AM
If this is implemented it is also unfair to people who looted the golden wings in the first place, who also open hundreds of love chest. We should also think both sides and not just one sided of the story.

People also be dissapointed (the one who already have gold wings) that it will be tradable. Because they also used gold to buy chest, and farm numerous times in the event. But its up to sts. Just saying.

You can stash the vanity and create a twink to a same account so you can still manage to use is.
And seven is right the trick is dont open your looted chest , open it with a diff charecter of your design to obtain the vanity..

Just a friendly constructive comment here. But again its up to sts. Good tread.

03-11-2015, 09:14 AM
I looted the 3 cupid classes on my rogue +-20 chests. (I opened lovecraft chests the first day)

I know 4 friends who didn't loot the class vanity they want. but they looted like 10+ other cupids that are useless for them. And they opened WAY more chests 150+
After i heard they opened more then 150+ chests, i gave my farmed chests for free to them. I farmed over 500 chests and gave 300+ chests away to 4 people. ONLY 1 player from the 4 players looted his cupid class vanity.

I tryd my best to help my friends and it didn't worked out for 3 of them. unfair :(

03-11-2015, 09:20 AM

The event ended, they won't change anything. They decided to make it untradeable, We must all deal with it. Many people opened over 100 Lovecraft Chests and didn't loot the Golden Cupid Wings of their respective class. We suggested opening the chests in a different character, we can't help you more then this. Cmon guys, go over it. Focus on next event.

03-11-2015, 09:26 AM
I also wanted the vanity tradeable and made the first thread about it. After Cara answered I just accepted the answer and farmed and opened chests until I got what I wanted. I still have a ton of other class vanities that I can not use and don't really have the heart to liquidate them.

I do not think that Cara should go back on his first answer. That's one of 2014's biggest issues, the Devs saying one thing then changing it to another and another. These vanities should remain as is and we should be giving feedback to the devs about future items like these chests/vanities and options on how to handle them.

Mine are:

1. You can only loot your own class.
2. Add a liquidation price to vanities say 5k
3. Make chests non-tradeabe, while the items in the chests are tradeable.

I'd prefer to have option 3.

I do think the way it was done this time around was a big flop that left many players disappointed/frustrated. So hopefully, STS has taken the feedback and will adjust for the next event.

03-11-2015, 10:49 AM
I thought id add my 2 cents. I got mage and rogue wings fast (on a mage). since I collect one vanity for each class..OMG I spent so much money, time and effort for my warrior wings. It would make any players head spin, and I only got 1 warrior wings. I would have loved to get more..but yes I do believe the drops are screwy. I never had something free and obtainable to be locked to the account. I get not flooding the market as usually something like this would do. But having the drop rates be astonishingly bad and no one could trade made things worse. I have so many demon wings I could make my own army. (can't even liquidate..it was 0 gold)

If the things desirable in the game cant be sold or traded....then add them to the token vendor so we could really EARN the vanity. By the end of the event I was angry and upset on how much time and effort I gave only to have 1 set of red wings for my warrior. I have posted on the chat before the weekend to Remi (hoping for some change), and somehow there was a loss in translation because NO DEV besides carapace posted the intentions of sts.

I hear all the complaints and all the people who did get their wings...So what is the middle ground?!?!
make everything earn-able (meaning event wise)..some goal for people to shoot for just like the energy events. ATM its based on luck and how much gold/plat/time you have.

03-11-2015, 12:48 PM
If this is implemented it is also unfair to people who looted the golden wings in the first place, who also open hundreds of love chest. We should also think both sides and not just one sided of the story.

People also be dissapointed (the one who already have gold wings) that it will be tradable. Because they also used gold to buy chest, and farm numerous times in the event. But its up to sts. Just saying.

I doubt anyone will be upset if it becomes tradable as they will then have value on the market and anyone who looted one will have the option to sell it. Given the odds were so low to loot these, I suspect they will have decent value.

03-11-2015, 01:26 PM
Y no1 understands that it was a reward for acheving 100k and the reward for most was NOTHING and there were plenty ppl who didny participate who got the reward y reward the effort with items u cannot use or trade what is so wrong with complaining about that.

03-11-2015, 01:42 PM
I opened +50 chests on my rogue and I got 8 golden cupid wings for warrior and 10 for mage.
The day before the event ended I opened 10 chests on my endgame warrior (both players are on same account) and boom I got 3 golden cupid wings for rogue. I stashed them ofc so now I have golden cupid wing vanities for each class ;) . Long story short I think you had a better chance to loot the vanity for other classes than yours.

03-11-2015, 06:41 PM
Honestly anyone who thought the gold Cupid wing vanity was hard to get should have tried to get breezaga from tarlok crates a couple years ago. You got one crate per day per character and chances of looting were about the same. Plus crates weren't stashable or sellable.

At least you had unlimited crates to open per day and they were tradeable during this event. It wasn't as bad as breezaga was at all.

Twinks also help a lot with portal bosses. Took about 20-30 seconds per boss with mine.

03-11-2015, 08:58 PM
Y no1 understands that it was a reward for acheving 100k and the reward for most was NOTHING and there were plenty ppl who didny participate who got the reward y reward the effort with items u cannot use or trade what is so wrong with complaining about that.

I disagree. It may have been a reward for reaching 100k, but it was not the only reward for reaching 100k. Sure, it was the most wanted of the vanity rewards. However, saying that for many the reward was nothing is kind of inconsiderate. Despite not getting the cupid vanity, the wings and helms should not be discounted. They still managed to put together an event that you at least got something for if you put in a little effort. Yes, it is unfortunate that many of the items cannot be used or traded. However, they did not restrict the chests to class only so it was kind of expected. I feel like I'd be more upset by my luck than the devs. Yes, perhaps they could have gone about it differently. However, it does not seem right to say that you did not get anything from the event when there were many other rewards to be had. You may not have received what you wanted, but you still received something.