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View Full Version : Sts please tell us how your luck system actually works

03-16-2015, 06:21 PM
This has been bugging me for a while now and people who have played long enough will understand what i am talking about.

I have reason to believe item drop rate is artificially controlled. This might be the reason we see reputable players who claim doing arena 900 times without a single recipe drop. What is even more odd is that they made recipe a separate drop that is not affected at all by lepre or luck elixirs.

The luck system i am talking about applies to all chests, recipe in arena and event bosses.

Everyone who played during the events might have noticed that the most desirable boss comes in batches at the same time for everyone. If someone yelled in guild chat paracelsus boss, everyone who entered the dungeon at the same time like that other guy was pretty much guaranteed to get paracelsus too.

I have noticed something strange during the lovecrafy event too. All the desirable vanities came in batches when you were opening lovecraft chests and if someone was opening chests at the same time as you did he would get the same items as you.

Now for the recipe. Its impossible to have such a stable price for an item for such a long time unless the drop rate is not artificially tempered with. There is not one day where people sell a lot of recipes. If the drop rate was random we would have days where we would have a lot of recipes selling and days where we would have less or none.

All chests have desireable items and fillers. Fillers are items or other types of goods that have low value partly because they drop a lot and partly because they are not very good actually.

I can't tell at the moment how the server gives away the desireable items. Think of arena spitting out a recipe every 10000 completed runs or one recipe / day.

If anyone have any more simillar experiences, please share. I know the human mind is programmed to see patterns even in the most random places but i really don't believe what i am seeing is a random loot system.

I feel bad for the people who ran arena 900 times without any recipe drops but they did't roll for recipe 900 times, instead the server spits out a recipe for the people who are at the right place at the right time.

03-16-2015, 06:32 PM
Anyways I do think arena doesnt need everyone to run a specified number of runs in order to get recipe..Guess its all about how lucky you are to get the recipe looted.The other day one of my friend told me he runs arena less than 70 times and he got recipe.Then I was like,"damn so lucky".

03-16-2015, 06:49 PM
I wanted to ask you if this is doable or not? My mage is on another account and transferring items between him and my rogue is always a pain.
Ty in advance for your replies :)

03-16-2015, 06:56 PM
This has been bugging me for a while now and people who have played long enough will understand what i am talking about.

I have reason to believe item drop rate is artificially controlled. This might be the reason we see reputable players who claim doing arena 900 times without a single recipe drop. What is even more odd is that they made recipe a separate drop that is not affected at all by lepre or luck elixirs.

The luck system i am talking about applies to all chests, recipe in arena and event bosses.

Everyone who played during the events might have noticed that the most desirable boss comes in batches at the same time for everyone. If someone yelled in guild chat paracelsus boss, everyone who entered the dungeon at the same time like that other guy was pretty much guaranteed to get paracelsus too.

I have noticed something strange during the lovecrafy event too. All the desirable vanities came in batches when you were opening lovecraft chests and if someone was opening chests at the same time as you did he would get the same items as you.

Now for the recipe. Its impossible to have such a stable price for an item for such a long time unless the drop rate is not artificially tempered with. There is not one day where people sell a lot of recipes. If the drop rate was random we would have days where we would have a lot of recipes selling and days where we would have less or none.

All chests have desireable items and fillers. Fillers are items or other types of goods that have low value partly because they drop a lot and partly because they are not very good actually.

I can't tell at the moment how the server gives away the desireable items. Think of arena spitting out a recipe every 10000 completed runs or one recipe / day.

If anyone have any more simillar experiences, please share. I know the human mind is programmed to see patterns even in the most random places but i really don't believe what i am seeing is a random loot system.

I feel bad for the people who ran arena 900 times without any recipe drops but they did't roll for recipe 900 times, instead the server spits out a recipe for the people who are at the right place at the right time.

This means that
1- it's time to not give up but quit this thing called farming
2- it's time to not step up but step down if it's your time around which is now
3- it's time to not complain but they need to farm items them selves and explain why no one is getting anything.
4- it's time to not donate but to undonate your time if it's not your money's worth, and most of us should stop feeding into this platinum curse.
5- lets shout and screw to the developer team and hope they'll advance the game's loop holes and trickery majorities, such a conspiracy leads to an unhealthy game.
6- let's all keep calm and hope for a change, I believe repetive art messes with the drop rate. So Gg to all deprived donators and time given players.

03-16-2015, 07:00 PM
Sadly no

03-16-2015, 07:08 PM
I wanted to ask you if this is doable or not? My mage is on another account and transferring items between him and my rogue is always a pain.
Ty in advance for your replies :)
1- that's why there was a button to create more characters on one account.
2- that's why there was always a extra slot option.
Why did you create another toon on a separate email.

03-16-2015, 07:18 PM
1- that's why there was a button to create more characters on one account.
2- that's why there was always a extra slot option.
Why did you create another toon on a separate email.

Well it was back in the day when I was still trying the game out and wanted to see which class I liked more , if any at all. My mistake I know.

Anyway no need to be snide.

03-16-2015, 07:27 PM
Well it was back in the day when I was still trying the game out and wanted to see which class I liked more , if any at all. My mistake I know.

Anyway no need to be snide.
Just like my case. But sadly it cant be merged anyway.

sent by a nab using tapasucks

03-16-2015, 09:12 PM

03-16-2015, 09:18 PM
And some people say sorcerer is somehow hv more chance to loot mythic/arcanr better then the other two...lol that rumour.

03-16-2015, 09:52 PM
And some people say sorcerer is somehow hv more chance to loot mythic/arcanr better then the other two...lol that rumour.
Mabey people mite just need a war in their pt for better drop rate for recipes O.o

03-16-2015, 09:58 PM
Your S.O.L my brother *shakes head shamefully* mabey in a different game this could work.

03-16-2015, 10:13 PM
Actually, we don't know **** about how exactly a ton of things work in this game. People say some players are very skilled, because they know game mechanics. They don't know, they can only test and guess. No-one knows, because STS won't share any details. I doubt they will share about luck either. :)

03-17-2015, 03:38 AM
Quote by sts, sorry can't find the original post:

" It is one of our major interest making sure the supply of new items don't overflow the market by constantly monitoring the consignment shop."

Come on, really? Why would someone who doesn't mess with the drop rates would have to monitor the cs?

03-17-2015, 09:37 AM
One of my post has been deleted for no reason so ill just say this again:

Sts talks alot about drop rates but not about drop chances.

A drop rate is far worse than a drop chance because drop rate is the frequency of an item being spitted out by a map or a chest while drop chance is more like 1/100 or 1/1000 chance to loot the desired item. You can never loot an item if the server doesn't decide is time for one to be looted.

Seems some kind of drop rate is implemented for super gems too, we see posts about people like famousfame gemming items and not getting any grands. He is just not gemming at the time where the server is giving super gems away.

Rolling 800 times for a small thing like a super gem is insane and not getting any is more insane but not so insane when we think we are at the mercy of the server.

03-17-2015, 09:41 AM
What exactly are you asking? When we add items to the game there's a drop chance for that item. It's random chance but that doesn't stop our brains from identifying patterns. For example, you could roll a die five times and get a six each time, and then roll it 20 more times and not get a single six. It's not likely, but also not impossible. Now imagine rolling that die millions of times. You might come across many such peculiar sequences. I can't tell you why you might see people looting a particular item in waves. Bear in mind there are peak times in the game. For example it would make sense that on weekends when we have the most players online playing we'll see more items looted simply because more players are playing.

03-17-2015, 10:20 AM
Well sts is true,luck is like a die...Cant argue about it tho..

03-17-2015, 10:26 AM
rekt by a dev

03-17-2015, 10:29 AM
What exactly are you asking? When we add items to the game there's a drop chance for that item. It's random chance but that doesn't stop our brains from identifying patterns. For example, you could roll a die five times and get a six each time, and then roll it 20 more times and not get a single six. It's not likely, but also not impossible. Now imagine rolling that die millions of times. You might come across many such peculiar sequences. I can't tell you why you might see people looting a particular item in waves. Bear in mind there are peak times in the game. For example it would make sense that on weekends when we have the most players online playing we'll see more items looted simply because more players are playing.
Then finding an elusive boss is random too? When elusive bosses were announced sts said they can spawn inside any of the respective mobs in all the maps that contain those mobs.

Then why do elusive bosses spawn in the same mob all the time? Why don't we ever see two elusive bosses spawning at the same time if it is so random.

I can give you the exact place where the elusive bosses spawn so if you run the maps i tell you and the boss spawns in the place indicated by me does it mean the spawn is random?

I have already stated that i know how we are prone to seeing patterns in the most random events but i have learned to get over this bias and i know how to avoid this bias.

03-17-2015, 10:40 AM
I don't know off the top of my head about bosses. I'll look into that for you.