View Full Version : i need help on Rouge pure dex

03-17-2015, 08:23 AM
I started plying rouge and am lv 17 i well pure dex is really good but u die tpp often i also like to spam my health pot when running dungeon solo is dat normal for a pure dex rouge to spam pots when soloing? cuz i feel i am the only one spending 10-20 k a week pn pots and i am only a lv 17 i am rich cuz i was a lv 36 socere and had lepre thats where i got the 10-20k just incase ur wondering how i got money this is my skill loadout

Nox 10%damage and +3sec
Shadow pierecer only health
razor everthing epect the last one
aimed 5/5

and the rest i am going to spent on passive in the future

I also like to solo dungeons and maps i dont rly like playing with others.
Got any tips for me?

03-17-2015, 09:34 AM
When soloing, Nox will be your safest (and least expensive) way to kill mobs. You will want to add all upgrades except for the Serrated Arrowhead upgrade (that's the +15% DMG upgrade, which is bugged and reduces your damage, not increases it).

Generally, to minimize the pots that you consume, fire off a charged Nox, and circle the mobs. You want to circle the mobs, leaving a large pack trailing behind you, so you can keep firing off Aimed and charged Nox to do the killing. Focus on the ranged targets (archers, wizards, etc.) because melee mobs can't attack you unless they are standing right next to you.

I don't see much value with Razor as a solo rogue. Both Shadow Veil and Traps would be more useful. Traps would probably be best, because the one thing Rogues cannot do is crowd control, and traps are probably the only skill we have that can do that for us. Unfortunately, the pull from traps are unreliable, but when they do pull, it gives you all the separation that you need to continue strafing mobs.

Generally, I do not recommend daggers, but they can be very useful, because a charged auto attack can stun up to three mobs at a time, which is very desirable if you are making a run to the boss, or you need to run through the trailing pack of mobs to attack an archer.

I solo A LOT, and even with great strategies, you can never get away from the fact that Rogues are the most expensive class to maintain. They consume large amounts of HP and Mana, and being a single-target focused class, it also means that you are not well equipped to handle very large pulls like a Sorcerer or Warrior.

Separation strategies are a great way to isolate and quickly kill ranged mobs (I go over many different soloing strategies in my Elite Chronicles (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?147373-Elite-Chronicles-Solo-Adventures-in-the-Elite-Maps-of-Arlor) guides), leaving the easy to manage melee mobs behind.

Generally speaking, Rogues are probably at their weakest from levels 17-20, since you don't have the relatively OP damage you had when you were level 15, but you don't have the high HP and armor you need yet either.

03-17-2015, 08:29 PM
@GoodSyntax But that loadout u just told me i have tried but the trap was the least effective i also can afford a bow but i dont want to cuz bows deals less dps

Can u explain a little bit more on how to use the traps effectively?

03-17-2015, 08:30 PM
Are u a pure dex too?

03-17-2015, 08:38 PM
can u explain how to use the traps effeciently?

03-17-2015, 09:34 PM
Yes, pure DEX.

As far as traps, there are two methods you can use. First is to circle and drop traps whenever they cool down, but this is not a very good way to use traps (unless you are making a run to the boss).

The best way to use traps is to put them into corners and other choke points, that way, if traps pull, you have a nice, tight group of mobs to kill. Also, unsprung traps act as a natural barrier, since most mobs won't go through them. Using traps as a barrier, means you can actually kite at almost melee range!

03-18-2015, 09:15 AM
I can remember the frustrating pot spamming when soloing tombs / mines at low level with my rogue.

You know it is totally ok to try other builds as well, I remember allocating some points to STR at some point. It helps.
But - when you level up, you might want to respec to pure DEX. That's what almost everybody does.

03-19-2015, 04:54 AM
@GoodSyntax Can u quickly tell me ur skills build?

03-19-2015, 08:03 AM
@GoodSyntax Can u tell me what to upgrade for shadow veil and traps?

03-19-2015, 02:34 PM
My Current Build:

Shadow Piercer (1/5): Unlock Only
Noxious Bolt (4/5): All upgrades except Serrated Arrowhead
Aimed Shot (5/5): All upgrades
Traps (5/5): All upgrades

DEX, INT, STR, CRIT, Armor: 5/5

NOTE: I discovered that traps bleed and explode seem to have been buffed somewhere, so are doing enough damage to use a skill point on them. Prior to the recent fix to bleed, I would not have recommended the bleed and explode upgrades, but for now, they seem to be doing pretty good.

03-19-2015, 08:32 PM
@GoodSyntax no shadow veil?Above u metioned about shadow veil why no shadow veil?

03-19-2015, 08:37 PM
Why sadow piercer instead of shadow veil?

03-19-2015, 08:40 PM
Why sadow piercer instead of shadow veil?

There are times when a charged pierce can get you out of windup zones. Plus, Pierce is a must for timed runs!

03-19-2015, 08:42 PM
Whats the point of shadow piercer if u only unlock bcuz it use alot of mana and only deal damage to 1~2 enemys

03-22-2015, 05:57 AM
sorry i need make 10post to post one

03-22-2015, 11:23 AM
Whats the point of shadow piercer if u only unlock bcuz it use alot of mana and only deal damage to 1~2 enemys

Because Rogues are single target killers. An Aimed, Nox, Pierce combo is extremely high damage and can be repeated every 2 seconds. Good Rogues focus on the highest threat targets and kills them first, allowing the tanks/sorcs to manage everything else while you do your work.

So, because Pierce has a global cooldown, it syncs perfectly with the cooldown of Aimed, and being the second highest DMG skill it allows you to do what you do best....kill stuff fast.

03-22-2015, 04:51 PM
Just wanted to add to Kalizzaa's very thorough answers, that in my experience whether the rogues use a aimed, nox, piercer combo (without charging the skills) or not makes out a very significant difference in the effective damage output. To the extend that in a party with 3 rogues and one other class the run in t3 might be 3-4 minutes faster with the same group of people in planar tombs 3 (as compared to the same people not using piercer and maybe charging their skills).

This will however make you use more mana pots and potentially more ankhs, as you will be in melee range with the mobs after piercing. Many aoid this play style. I personally like it most as it is very fast paced and aggressive. If you are a new player and are playing on a tight budget though I recommend using this only in elite and only to kill high priority targets such as the healers/shamans in elite tindirin or the necromacers/spiked wolves in planar tombs. Whether you use it in arena depends on the boss and the currently active environment.

03-22-2015, 05:31 PM
NOTE: I discovered that traps bleed and explode seem to have been buffed somewhere, so are doing enough damage to use a skill point on them. Prior to the recent fix to bleed, I would not have recommended the bleed and explode upgrades, but for now, they seem to be doing pretty good.
You sure about the explode upgrade? How about veil explode?

03-22-2015, 06:36 PM
You sure about the explode upgrade? How about veil explode?
Bleed and explode are very effective now. Bleed his for about 120-175 DMG per tick and stacks!

Explode is extremely peaky. I have seen crits at 1.7k and also as low as 350.

03-22-2015, 06:37 PM
Does bleed still draw aggro?

03-22-2015, 06:58 PM
Does bleed still draw aggro?
Yes. But it doesn't seen to be that magnet it used to be. Perhaps its because I am generally under geared in a pro group, but for the most part, with mobs slowed via bleed, I can usually maneuver my way out of trouble.

Its only when I go Rambo that I die a lot.

03-22-2015, 07:22 PM
Its only when I go Rambo that I die a lot.

Is this like Leroy Jenkins? :p

For soloing, I think you will want a bow, if only to have the choice to kite from afar vs melee.

I actually have both trap and veil. Sometimes one is more useful than the other.

03-23-2015, 06:14 AM
Yes. But it doesn't seen to be that magnet it used to be. Perhaps its because I am generally under geared in a pro group, but for the most part, with mobs slowed via bleed, I can usually maneuver my way out of trouble.

Its only when I go Rambo that I die a lot.
What do u mean by agro

03-23-2015, 08:29 AM
What do u mean by agro

Aggro is short for Aggression or Hate.

Aggro is part of the game mechanics that determines with which player will become the focus of mob attacks. Typically, when there is a Warrior in party, these tanks receive the bulk of the aggro, which is the reason why they have the highest armor and HP. But, with many parties running tankless, aggro control is an important part for survival while also keeping runs fast.

Against bosses, if you find that you are receiving the most aggro, then it makes more sense to move into a kiting/defensive position, and slow down your attacks (this may mean you skip an aimed shot, or use two or three auto attacks instead of a skill rotation). But when someone steals aggro from you, you can move into a max damage position (which puts you into melee range). Balancing aggro distribution is what makes bosses spend most of the match turning in circles as the aggro target is constantly changing. Aggro control is subtle and requires a lot of experience to read and manage properly.

02-27-2016, 04:45 PM
Post 2/10 -_-"