View Full Version : rename scroll

03-19-2015, 04:44 AM
can we buy rename scroll?

03-19-2015, 04:59 AM
[emoji21] nooooo,,,,,
Scammers would be too many then. Just scam and rename later xD

03-19-2015, 05:45 AM
That's actually not a bad idea, would love to see rename scrolls. Though I think they should limit renames to 1 per month.

So just limit renames to plat users?
As a f2p player, ill take scamming issues seriously sir. Im one of Indonesia player, and there are like so many Indonesia guilds in AL. Lb or non LB ., we have a community fnpage and there is a document we call it blacklist/wanted or whtva,,,per scammer in the list hving more thn 2 even 5 toons or maybe more.
Among indo player we hv a thing called midman, to facilitate the big deal trading. But scammer is a scammer, one way or another, they are breathing as we do, so the scamming system change everyday. Some of us know how to avoid scamming attempt, but there are more player everyday. Just dont wanna see people trying so hard to farm, end up poor of being scammed.

03-19-2015, 05:50 AM
Here's an idea, don't be stupid enough to fall for a scam.