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View Full Version : A bit obsessed with Mythic quest....

03-20-2015, 07:52 AM
Hello folks,

So i have been doing the mythic helmet upgrade quest for nearly a WEEK of farming Harbor - Palm rock island - grog beach. I literally spend 6hrs of gameplay (as i am on vacation from school :banana:)

I mean, what has happened to the drop rates? I only have 4/16...literally the squareroot of the number. I farm those zones constantly, time to time, switch maps in different manners...Yet i dont get those frags after breakin several barrels and crates...

Also on a side note: I do solo the whole time, and i always stay close to those barrels. just for more info.



03-20-2015, 07:56 AM
Just kraken map,,,
I spent 2 hours run like monkey chasing for bananas back when taking the quest. Skip boss and use ghost party

03-20-2015, 08:00 AM
Just kraken map,,,
I spent 2 hours run like monkey chasing for bananas back when taking the quest. Skip boss and use ghost party

Yeah, IK its only kraken isles maps. I am using ghost party, and i skip the bosses...but yet after countless hours of farming i could only recieve 4 fragments. I rather feel i am looting 3 hammerjaws from 1 locked!

03-20-2015, 08:06 AM
Yeah, IK its only kraken isles maps. I am using ghost party, and i skip the bosses...but yet after countless hours of farming i could only recieve 4 fragments. I rather feel i am looting 3 hammerjaws from 1 locked!
Try only the first map and skull cove. Switch those maps only (my personal methods xD). Try to praise himingleva statue in kraken too, u might get a better luck xD. GL bud

03-20-2015, 08:20 AM
Took me 4-5 hours to gather all fragments and it was 4-5 both times I did it for Mage and rogue

03-20-2015, 08:33 AM
Took me 4-5 hours to gather all fragments and it was 4-5 both times I did it for Mage and rogue


03-20-2015, 04:09 PM
it is tedious, as code red said I just alternated between Windmoore Harbour and Skull Cove, back and forth, back and forth... you'll get there!!

03-20-2015, 04:10 PM
actually though, from memory you have to visit a town or something in between as the barrels and crates don't respawn if you go straight from one map to another, though I could be wrong.

03-20-2015, 04:32 PM
Hello folks,

So i have been doing the mythic helmet upgrade quest for nearly a WEEK of farming Harbor - Palm rock island - grog beach. I literally spend 6hrs of gameplay (as i am on vacation from school :banana:)

I mean, what has happened to the drop rates? I only have 4/16...literally the squareroot of the number. I farm those zones constantly, time to time, switch maps in different manners...Yet i dont get those frags after breakin several barrels and crates...

Also on a side note: Do these pieces drop in the frigid ice path (bard quest)



Make sure you go SOLO. If you go with other people, their pets will break the boxes and barrels and you get nothing. You have to do this one on /partyinv aaa or it will take forever. Windmoore harbor is also excellent for this.

03-20-2015, 07:33 PM
Make sure you go SOLO. If you go with other people, their pets will break the boxes and barrels and you get nothing. You have to do this one on /partyinv aaa or it will take forever. Windmoore harbor is also excellent for this.

I've been Solo'ing the whole time, switching between maps and towns for a few seconds break. Heck, i have been struggling with a quest which has been very easy for the other players!

03-20-2015, 07:36 PM
You have to stand close-ish to the boxes, btw.

And of course, just run by, break it and move on.

03-22-2015, 09:13 PM
If you're a rogue and using a bow, it might sound weird but try switching to daggers.

A lot of rogues I know have said they had more success when farming the helm fragments with daggers.

03-23-2015, 03:36 PM
Because if you are too far, it doesn't count. You are much closer w/ daggers. For mages, be careful to be close-ish.

03-23-2015, 05:15 PM
Took me only about 2 hours. Very easy quest, Just run with a speedy pet at Harbor and Grog, just attack crates and switch back and forth. Don't do boss.

(at grog, there's 2 chests on the bottom right side of the boss)

03-23-2015, 06:16 PM
I just loot 2 then log off for the day, do this every day, get it in 8 days.

Kyle Holmes
03-23-2015, 08:17 PM
How do i get this quest?

03-23-2015, 09:45 PM
How do i get this quest?

Go see the hermit in the second(?) map of Shuyal once you get a lvl 26 mythic helm AND lvl 31 mythic armor.

To the OP, use daggers and skip the enemies/ boss. If you do it correctly it shouldn't take more than 6 hours. I got mine in about 4 hours total.

03-24-2015, 05:40 AM
Use daggers instead of bow, you need to be close to box to get fragment. It took me around an hour or two to get mine for my rogue