View Full Version : PVP Suggestion - Invisible Names and Guild Titles

03-21-2015, 12:59 AM
This is a suggestion for improving PVP.

Names and Guild Titles of opponents should be hidden so that we can see our own teammates names but cannot see the opponent team's names and only view the enemy team as Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, etc.

This feature will have several advantages -

1. The match will be Red Vs Blue, as it is supposed to be.
2. There will be less guild drama like the current trend of hunting and harassing players just because of their guild tag.
3. Lesser spot blocking.
4. Less free flagging.
5. We see that allied guilds do not fight each other on opposite teams and instead prey and gang on solo players and newbies. Alliances and the prejudiced rule that allies should not be attacked will not work.
6. Pvp is played for fun fighting in a match. It is not hostility or unfriendliness to fight a player in pvp. Guild rules which state that guildmates should not be attacked negates the aim of player vs player. So with guild-names and player-names hidden, anyone can kill anyone in a pvp room. This leads to more active, less boring pvp rooms.

If this is implemented, there should still be a way to do duel matches since we have no dueling arena yet. So I suggest that inviting an opponent to party will show up their name in your party.

No disadvantages come to mind, as of now. But I welcome criticism and opinions on this idea.

03-21-2015, 01:02 AM
How about making sure that the same guild doesnt join the same guildie...And one guild per zone?

03-21-2015, 05:48 AM
Yes I wish something like this would happen. PVP tends to be dominated by the bigger guild in the room with guildmates on both sides on purpose. We would have to disallow chat messages though too otherwise they would just message each other who is who.

03-21-2015, 06:33 AM
Yes I wish something like this would happen. PVP tends to be dominated by the bigger guild in the room with guildmates on both sides on purpose. We would have to disallow chat messages though too otherwise they would just message each other who is who.

agreed, Zynzyn has mentioned it too.

And, PvP gets rekt by the same guild. (Im not saying no guild can defeat this or that guild)

It would be nice to also see 1v1 rooms lol. I prefer nameless players with a disabled chatbox


Gangings of the same guild refrained,

No trash talking or guild invitations to join

just kill or be killed is what i like.

03-21-2015, 09:20 AM
"Names and Guild Titles of opponents should be hidden so that we can see our own teammates names but cannot see the opponent team's names and only view the enemy team as Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, etc."

^^ this is a solid idea! I really like it. The only drawback is currently I see names of op/dirty players and I know when to leave. Like this we would have no idea who/what we are up against rendering PvP more like random instances and guessing whether a semi-geared toon might be facing a thrashing.

03-21-2015, 10:03 AM
Disable name, title and chat is great but We can still knowing each others by vanity and gear and pet, so make a standard vanity inside ctf and tdm. Player automaticly wear it when enter pvp room, maybe just blue and red colour. This vanity doesnt exist outside pvp room.