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View Full Version : Leaderboard Questions

03-22-2015, 12:49 AM
Hey everyone I hope your all doing well. I just had some questions in mind I wanted to know the answer to, some of the questions may not have EXACT answer so a guess would do :) anyway these are the questions
1. When do you reckon the next expansions will be released and will season 8 get launched with the new expansion?
2. Apparently sts said they are gonna make some changes to the leaderboard or revamp it or something similar and they declined it for season 7 so will season 8 be a ordinary season or different?
3. So we all know that most seasons got released with a new expansion but season 7 got released the release of planar arena-tombs does this mean that it will happen again to season 8 ending or will season 8 end once the next expansions after rage or rengol is released. Otherwise if it's when the new expansions is out season 8 could be out for more than a year if they don't bring out new content for example like planar tombs and arena.
That's all I wanted to know it may be a bit confusing but if you have no idea a guess will do thanks :)

03-22-2015, 09:24 AM
Expect new expansion in 2-3 mos. from experience this is the safest estimation else we wait 3-7 mos. after announcement.
Mostly Season ends with a new expansion.
When Planar Arena/Tombs was launched STS reckon that it has been a long time since Season 5 so they decided to pushed through a new season (S6).
They did mention that the way they will give banners or they way calculations are made for banners will be different, need more info about this.

03-22-2015, 10:25 AM
1. Just keep on top of the announcements STS makes about the new announcement... that's as much as anyone knows about that.

2. In a lot of players ideal worlds STS would add a seasonal leaderboard alongside the "lifetime" leaderboard. But they haven't made any announcements that I've seen that indicate that this is deffo gonna be implemented.

3. I'm pretty sure that the expansion will be will the start of a new season, and that season will be several months to year long if the past is anything to go by. After that there might be another season change with a "mini content update" like what happened with arena updates and planar tombs.

Basically: Wait and see!

No one knows the answers to these questions except STS so your best bet is just to keep an eye on the forum for updates :)