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View Full Version : What the? Pet hate....

03-18-2011, 06:33 AM
I logged into a Playsma Pyramid game with my 39 Mage.. There was a 51 lvl hosting.. Who had the Donate or I'll boot attitude... So I said'Bye and left... For a test I logged in my 55 bird and joined same game... He once again asked for donation or boot... To which I laughed and started my own ( which I helped mid 30's folk through )
I know money takes time in this game... But surely 50+ people can farm without the lameness of asking 2k for people to join them... I know this ain't rare... As I saw it a lot when my bird was in 40's...
I guess I'm just wondering if there is a more pathetic way for people to accrue cash than to be so selfish in a game that I thought encouraged teamwork and selflessness... He'll I do runs in Plasma where a 10 lvl joins and my friends say not to worry cause I don't boot as long as u make an attempt to help....
Just can't understand the mentality it takes when a 50+ can farm solo, so why not help others....

03-18-2011, 06:38 AM
Welcome to unofficial mercenaries. Always gonna be a person trying to get anyone to cough up as much gold as possible.

03-18-2011, 06:38 AM
Same sorta thing happened to me a while back. Joined a keeper game and the host said that I had to give him all my drops or he'll boot. I just left and found a better group... I don't think it matters much because they're are plenty of other games to join and nicer people to play with... These kinds of players probably end up playing by themselves anyways.

03-18-2011, 06:43 AM
Lol Doap.. You only say that cause u found a nice peson to lend you their wraith for 5 levels *cough*.. Spolit *cough*

It's just a letdown I guess cause I help so many lower levels when I have the time to see other higher levels behaving like the cower levels owe them something because they're 50+...... lame...

03-18-2011, 06:47 AM
Well Alien Oasis is for level 35 to 50. Any higher level player who boots a player that is allowed there, should be reported with screenshots and banned for a week. Any host who asks for gold or he or she would boot you (bribe), should be reported with screenshots and banned for life.

Just my two cents.

03-18-2011, 06:52 AM
Fair enough... But I ain't exactly the reporting type... I really don't think anyone should really be banned for it.. As it's just that person self-serving... I'm sure they end up on enough ignore lists as to make them either a) solo the stage anyways or b) give up on asking for money and just learn to be nice... But I'd be betting on c) give up and go back to being nice to other high levels and pretending they ain't such a douche...

03-18-2011, 06:56 AM
Well not all high levels are as nice as you Xen...
I speak from experience.

03-18-2011, 07:01 AM
Well gee thnx Doap... I guess the general idea behind being nice is that I hope my benefactors understand the 'community'. Aspect of the game and don't end up being the kind of lecherous individuals I mentional earlier...

By the way... If u get any more pinks or beat me to 56 I will hunt u down and *ahem* make you less of a bird... :p

03-18-2011, 07:08 AM
By the way... If u get any more pinks or beat me to 56 I will hunt u down and *ahem* make you less of a bird... :p
Haha what can I say? I'm just a lucky guy... and I've sorta given up on getting to 56 :P I'm not patient enough

03-18-2011, 07:24 AM
It seems to me 56 is as much about 'how much you wish to spend on exp pots' as it is about dedication to the game.... But I guess they advertised it as an elite level for a reason...
I'm hoping to get there before level cap is raised again, but because of my reluctance to buy exp pots I probably won't...
Oh well.... Here's to the 'Hope for a Pink' grind..... May it bear fruit...hehe

03-18-2011, 07:25 AM
I'm so poor I can't afford exp pots lol... Wanna hunt some pinks?

03-18-2011, 08:18 AM
I think the cash for XP games are borderline legal. If one high level player is selling his time to power level four low levels, and another high level joins, well the second high level player is taking up a spot that the power leveler is selling and he'll get booted. I think it should be a bannable offense, too, but it in the gray zone apparently.

But I want to say that I don't power level people because I think it does them and the game a disservice. Power leveling makes lousy players. It creates boredom and dissatisfaction, too, because by skipping places like Lost Expedition and Swamps they end up only seeing one environment for weeks, and then get bored and leave.

I wish I had more time to explain, but please consider not giving people fish when what they really need is to learn how to fish for themselves.

03-18-2011, 08:48 AM
Well Alien Oasis is for level 35 to 50. Any higher level player who boots a player that is allowed there, should be reported with screenshots and banned for a week.

That's a bit extreme in my opinion. Hosts have the right to run their games as they see fit. Some of them want to run a high level farm in a low level dungeon. I'm not a fan of people who boot players who are in an appropriate dungeon - but I think they should have that power as host even if I disagree with them. If you don't want anyone to have boot power, that's what public games are for. If you join a hosted game, you take the risk that the host will have a different idea from you about what the game should be. If you don't like it, find another host.

03-18-2011, 08:52 AM
I agree with kalielle, it is the hosts game, they have every right to boot anyone they want. It sucks, but that how it is. There's countless games being run at any given point of time, find another game or host your own.

03-18-2011, 09:05 AM
lol he wanted money een when you swapped to a higher level?! lol

03-18-2011, 09:20 AM
Geez, I'd never run into that. That's just pathetic.

03-18-2011, 09:21 AM
Well Alien Oasis is for level 35 to 50. Any higher level player who boots a player that is allowed there, should be reported with screenshots and banned for a week. Any host who asks for gold or he or she would boot you (bribe), should be reported with screenshots and banned for life.

Just my two cents.

I disagree. Players should be allowed to boot for any reason, and they're free to ask for a "fee" to stay in their game.

And other players are free to tell them where to stuff it.

Don't like it (and I don't), then don't play with them (and I don't). It'd be a different story if they were the only ones allowed to create an instance, but they're not, and you are perfectly free to create or join other games.

03-18-2011, 12:13 PM
... and they're free to ask for a "fee" to stay in their game.

I don't know about that. I think it's in the gray zone and might be considered a scam.

And I repeat, power leveling noobs is bad for the game. It makes unskilled players, it increases player boredom, it deprives the devs of pay by encouraging ppl not to buy all the maps. There are so many reasons why power leveling is bad. Above all, getting xp by leeching is cheating, and that just relaxes the whole concept of sportsmanship, which defrays the overall quality of the community.

But some people just don't care about these things, I guess.

03-18-2011, 12:49 PM
I don't see how it's a scam to charge for power leveling, so long as the player doesn't just take your money and run.

Agreed that power leveling new players doesn't do much for the game. But I don't see anything wrong with charging to power level someone's alt, for instance. I've always had friends help me level my twinks and did the same for them for free, but if my friends were busy and I had to ask a stranger to help me, I would be willing to pay for it - it seems only fair.

03-18-2011, 12:58 PM
I logged into a Playsma Pyramid game with my 39 Mage.. There was a 51 lvl hosting.. Who had the Donate or I'll boot attitude... So I said'Bye and left... For a test I logged in my 55 bird and joined same game... He once again asked for donation or boot... To which I laughed and started my own ( which I helped mid 30's folk through )
I know money takes time in this game... But surely 50+ people can farm without the lameness of asking 2k for people to join them... I know this ain't rare... As I saw it a lot when my bird was in 40's...
I guess I'm just wondering if there is a more pathetic way for people to accrue cash than to be so selfish in a game that I thought encouraged teamwork and selflessness... He'll I do runs in Plasma where a 10 lvl joins and my friends say not to worry cause I don't boot as long as u make an attempt to help....
Just can't understand the mentality it takes when a 50+ can farm solo, so why not help others....

ur right about every single piece of the money issues but dont make lvl 30s go to 55 with 3k kills... Thats ridiculous and doesn help em at all as they have no experience with their spec and things....