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View Full Version : A+ for trust..

03-18-2011, 07:18 AM
I've seen a lot of posts on here about scams... Trusting of 'friends' who end up doing the dash with your gear... But I've not taken 'total' heed of these posts..
I've lent out a few 'decent' items or those which used to be deemed decent... Yet as opposed to the posts I've seen here to the negative, they've all managed to boomerang back to me in due course...
I know this seems a rather pointless post, but I hope to balance out the negativity a little for newer members to the forum, that not all friends you loan stuff to in PL are out to 'scam' your hard gotten gains out of you....

03-18-2011, 07:21 AM
Yeah dude you're lucky I didn't sell your wraith armor and run away...

03-18-2011, 07:27 AM
Lmao... Yeah I know I'm lucky... Guess I'm just a risk taker... And cheers to you Doap for being one of those to prove that helping a fellow traveller out and trusting ain't dead in this game....

03-18-2011, 08:06 AM
It's a good thread. Thanks for emphasizing the positive. A lot of people lend, and many give gifts to their friends as well as to new players. I love that crazy idea that says the one who performs a charity should thank the one who needs it for giving him a chance to be nice.

There really are a lot of people who are kind to each other in this community. Thanks again for such a positive post.

03-18-2011, 08:12 AM
We have too many new player who whine- it sickens me. A+ for bringing positive treads to the forums.

03-18-2011, 08:17 AM
".. But I've not taken 'total' heed of these posts..
I know this seems a rather pointless post, but I hope to balance out the negativity a little for newer members to the forum, that not all friends you loan stuff to in PL are out to 'scam' your hard gotten gains out of you.... "

Yes good job, so when you do get scammed please don't post on forums.

03-18-2011, 08:30 AM
I always get back all the items i loaned out too. Well i think you just got to play long enough with them to know if they are trustworthy.

03-18-2011, 08:40 AM
Those who've given out items and lost them probably need to learn to read people better. There are plenty of trustworthy people in the game (especially on the forums), who I would lend stuff to (and who have loaned to me). But if you just hand out your stuff to anyone and everyone, you're asking for trouble.

03-18-2011, 08:56 AM
So....... who wants to "lend" me 2.5 million in unmarked, unconsecutive, untraceable gold? Lol

I kid, I kid :D

03-18-2011, 09:02 AM
So....... who wants to "lend" me 2.5 million in unmarked, unconsecutive, untraceable gold? Lol

I kid, I kid :D

Hmmm you seem like a trust worthy guy, nothing strange, i guess i will. lol

03-18-2011, 09:03 AM
yah i agree ive been scammed. a person decided to ask me for the pink drop i just got so i gave it to him and he promises he will give it back. he never has! im not too mad but i checked the items price and i was 70k than i was bummed out :(

03-18-2011, 09:24 AM
Hmmm you seem like a trust worthy guy, nothing strange, i guess i will. lol

(emphasis added) You have obviously never played with Skavengr. (I'm kidding! No fair Stomping my target and pulling me into a fire grate.)

03-18-2011, 09:25 AM
Whenever you give someone a gift, you take the risk that they might not deserve it. But the worst thing is to stop being nice altogether to avoid the risk. If you help 10 people and one of turns out to be a leech/scammer, bottom line is you still helped 9 people who needed it.

As for lending, when I lend for the first time I ask myself: "if this person whom I trusted is actually a scammer, how much I pay to find that out?" If it's more than the cost of the item, I'll lend it. If they do decide to keep it - which never happened to me so far btw - it would have been worth it, to find that out about a 'friend' sooner rather than later.

I have friends in the game who are so close I'd lend them anything. I've lent full sets of gear before and have been trusted with gear worth millions. But it takes months of playing together to make such close friends. I wouldn't recommend lending gear to people one doesn't know well.

03-18-2011, 10:51 AM
(emphasis added) You have obviously never played with Skavengr. (I'm kidding! No fair Stomping my target and pulling me into a fire grate.)

Lol can't say I remember doing that. I usually try to group mobs away from fire traps :D

Not doubting you of course, ive been playing so much and saying "screw sleep! Who needs it!" lately trying to hit 56 that I probably wouldn't have realized lol. Isn't sleep deprivation great! :D

03-18-2011, 10:55 AM
awhile back, trueplayer sold me wraith for 350k
i put up the money, and he put up the wraith
we both accepted, and my money was gone, but with no wraith

Luckily, he gave the wraith to me (phew)
i found out later he scammed someone out of the wraith

03-18-2011, 11:36 AM
It's one thing to help a friend and lend some gear to, but random scammers are a totally different thing.

03-18-2011, 11:37 AM
It's one thing to help a friend and lend some gear to, but random scammers are a totally different thing.

yellowishblue...dang ive had so much fun messung with that scammer

he would say: on the count of 3, accept...1...2...3..! and he would take the money away and persuade me to accept lol

03-18-2011, 11:40 AM
yellowishblue...dang ive had so much fun messung with that scammer

he would say: on the count of 3, accept...1...2...3..! and he would take the money away and persuade me to accept lol

hey ive seen him too! i automatically ignored and reported him!

03-18-2011, 11:43 AM
hey ive seen him too! i automatically ignored and reported him!

Nah i'd waste his time XD then report him.

03-18-2011, 12:21 PM
I lent some guy I had not seen in maybe a month a full shadow set, on the condition that when I reached 55 (never lol) he could return it. He gave it back the next day saying he disliked borrowing things lol. Reminds me of when I refused a rift set...

03-18-2011, 12:44 PM
If you were here before secure trade- you would know that people would get scammed often.