View Full Version : twink

Zac Taft
03-25-2015, 03:33 PM
Whats lvs are the most on what chars.......gear must be below 1m in total price tho

03-25-2015, 04:25 PM
for 1m nowadays u only can farm death in any lvl braket

03-25-2015, 04:29 PM
u can twink in lv13...i play there
mage gear are the cheapest but they are weak if u dont have op gear
u can try a rogue - druid set, haunted will, blinky, mystic amulet of potency, dev bow
warrior - druid set, dev maul, glowstone brooch of potency, night ocean lv12, prance pet
i am not sure how much mage gear costs

03-25-2015, 04:33 PM
Very true...

03-25-2015, 04:42 PM
if u want to make a positive kdr then -
1. remember the names of the players who are strong n dont enter the opposite team
2. join a neutral guild at first n gather information about the people, guilds, etc
3. if someone gangs you dont say anything back at them...you will only get ganged more
4. be friends with strong players so u can call if need help
5. if you want to big dont hesitate to make yourself small
6. dont gang n block

Fun fact - rogues are easiest class to keep a positive kdr with

trust me you will not farm deaths under 1 mil...you may not be able to beat people with 10 paras but u can beat rogue with 1-2 paras and make a draw with most warriors

03-25-2015, 07:15 PM
Best tips; Pet is everything. Don't go mage in PvP untill the Mage 'buff' is confirmed. Atm mage is yum yum food in twink. You need the best of everything. Or 2nd best of everything. under 1m you'll farm deaths. my suggestion dont twink without a few million gold. You need a REALLY good pet, best of the line wep, all the rest is optional which u wanna go for, but pet and weapon must be top line items. or else you'll end up getting a kdr like 300 kills : 260 deaths. (Which at twink is not good)

that's coming from a long term twink ^

03-25-2015, 10:33 PM
if u want to make a positive kdr then -
1. remember the names of the players who are strong n dont enter the opposite team
2. join a neutral guild at first n gather information about the people, guilds, etc
3. if someone gangs you dont say anything back at them...you will only get ganged more
4. be friends with strong players so u can call if need help
5. if you want to big dont hesitate to make yourself small
6. dont gang n block

Fun fact - rogues are easiest class to keep a positive kdr with

trust me you will not farm deaths under 1 mil...you may not be able to beat people with 10 paras but u can beat rogue with 1-2 paras and make a draw with most warriors

i think tank is the easiest to keep a positive kdr with imo.
i hardly see any tanks with negative kdrs that actually play pvp compared to rogues and mages lol

03-26-2015, 02:45 AM
lvl 14 is awesome :)

Dex Scene
03-26-2015, 03:28 AM
Get in a good guild..problem solved.
There aren't a single guild which don't gang.
If you go solo, you will get ganged in any pvp arena at level 13 brackets.
If you beat someone from an active guild, he/she will call 4-5 ppl to beat you.

Get in a guild and just join your guildies you will have positive kdr. That's what everyone do.

03-28-2015, 12:59 PM
Choose wisely when choosing a guild there enemies and allies will become yours try too choose a good guild and get some decent gear too survive

03-28-2015, 01:52 PM
try to use a nice strategy while fighting....my friend has a rogue..total gear cost is approximately 500k in lv13..pet malison...but he can kill some rogues with glacian, dova, etc...if the rogue has many para then it is not possible for him but with no para he can fight also he can manage if the rogue has only one para